SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Engage in open deliberate dialogue about inclusion to turn intention into action. (Objective: Increase awareness of inclusion of all populations in a project area by traffic safety agencies and partners.)
Include comprehensive demographic questions in surveys. (Objective: Increase data collection of population demographics.)
Understand project focus areas and develop ways to ensure traffic safety countermeasures reach everyone in those communities. (Objective: Increase the inclusion of all populations in all projects.)
Provide training opportunities for traffic safety agencies and partners on cultural competence, multicultural engagement, and multicultural communications. (Objective: Increase awareness of inclusion of all populations in a project area by traffic safety agencies and partners.)
Transcreate traffic safety educational materials. (Objective: Increase the quality of traffic safety educational materials and the quantity of languages it is available in.)
Identify and recruit ambassadors who represent their communities and can assist with language/cultural barriers. (Objective: Increase the inclusion of all populations in all projects.)
Ensure grantees and project managers have knowledge of the populations in the project area they serve and solutions to include them. (Objective: Increase the inclusion of all populations in all projects.)
Examine the relationship between traffic safety outcomes and sociodemographic characteristics, such as income. (Objective: Increase data collection of population demographics.)
Explore methods for measuring equity, such as comparing transportation systems in lower-income communities and communities of color to those systems in adjacent neighborhoods or to regional averages. Identify areas of vulnerability for targeting traffic safety resources. . (Objective: Increase data collection of population demographics.)
Implement traffic safety projects in tribal and rural areas. (Objective: Increase the inclusion of all populations in all projects.)
Conduct research on how to better identify older drivers most at risk for a fatal or serious injury crash, and develop strategies for early intervention with at-risk senior drivers.
Promote safe mobility options for seniors by providing guidance and assistance on identifying safe transportation options within the community, and incentivizing transportation options.
Improve the roadway to better accommodate the special needs of older drivers. This could include providing advance warning and guide signs, improving pavement markings, improving the readability of roadway signs, providing more protected left-turn signals and offset left-turn lanes at intersections, reducing speed limits, and improving the lighting at intersections and in curves.
Seek legislation to allow for financial assistance to underserved populations for some portion of the driver training curriculum.
Invest in and construct separated pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and multi-use paths), especially in urban areas and adjacent to schools, bus stops, and school walk areas.
Invest in and construct more buffered bike lanes, protected separated bicycle lanes, and separated bicycle facilities or shared-use paths, especially in urban areas and adjacent to schools, bus stops, and school walk areas.
Increase infrastructure investments in underserved areas.
Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school (including all sub-strategies).
Implement pedestrian and bicyclist safety zones, targeting geographic locations and audiences with pedestrian/bicyclist crash concerns.
Strengthen the vulnerable user law.
Expand the use of high visibility crosswalk enforcement of motorists who fail to yield to pedestrians combined with culturally appropriate campaigns designed to take into account equity issues in underserved high-need communities with high crash rates. (Objective:
Improve training on pedestrian and bicyclist laws for law enforcement officers at state, tribal, and local levels, including training on equity issues for enforcement.
Conduct demographic analysis to identify communities of concern.
Increase investment in infrastructure in historically underserved areas where crash rates and severity are disproportionate to local and regional rates.
Support and report on development of city and county road safety plans based in principles of systematic safety.
Seek legislation to allow for financial assistance to underserved populations for some portion of the driver training curriculum.
Develop and implement a Local Road Safety Plan. (Objective: Analyze lane departure data to prioritize safety investments.)
Locate and inventory fixed objects inside the clear zone to support development of programs and projects to reduce the severity of lane departure crashes. (Objective: Analyze lane departure data to prioritize safety investments.)
Install centerline rumble strips. (Objective: Reduce opposite direction crashes.)
Install raised medians or median barriers. (Objective: Reduce opposite direction crashes.)
Install raised pavement markers or profiled center lines. (Objective: Reduce opposite direction crashes.)
Install chevron signs, curve warning signs, and/or sequential flashing beacons in curves. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Improve pavement friction using high friction surface treatments. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install center and/or bicycle-friendly edge line rumble strips. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install lighting. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install edge lines, especially on curves, where adequate shoulders exist. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install wider edge lines. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install delineation on fixed objects that cannot be removed from the clear zone, such as guardrails and other roadway hardware. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install edge line rumble stripes and profiled center and bicycle-friendly edge lines. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Install dynamic curve warning signs. (Objective: Reduce the number of vehicles leaving the roadway.)
Increase distance to roadside features on high-speed roadways by removing/relocating fixed objects, such as trees and utility poles, in the clear zone. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Flatten side slopes to reduce the potential for rollover crashes. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Install roadside safety hardware such as guardrail, cable barrier, or concrete barrier. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Install safety edge treatment to reduce edge drop-off crashes. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Implement roadway design to be consistent with the surrounding context. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Remove or replace existing barrier that is damaged or non-functional. (Objective: Minimize the consequences of leaving the roadway.)
Inventory horizontal curves and gather data to support development of programs and projects to reduce the severity of lane departure crashes. (Objective: Analyze lane departure data to prioritize safety investments.)
Conduct statewide distracted driving High Visibility Enforcement. (Objective: Increase awareness of the risks of distracted driving while implementing multicultural engagement.)
Conduct statewide education campaigns focused on the dangers of driving distracted in work zones. (Objective: Increase awareness of the risks of distracted driving while implementing multicultural engagement.)
Develop educational tools for law enforcement on how to identify drivers violating Washington’s distracted driving laws. Make these materials available for patrol briefings prior to distracted driving HVE campaigns. (Objective: Increase awareness of the risks of distracted driving while implementing multicultural engagement.)
Conduct statewide road education campaigns focused on the dangers of driving distracted. The campaigns should address the diversity of the project/enforcement area in the appropriate cultural context. (Objective: Increase awareness of the risks of distracted driving while implementing multicultural engagement.)
Implement community level projects that promote culture change. (Objective: Increase awareness of the risks of distracted driving while implementing multicultural engagement.)
Educate emergency responders, such as EMS and police, about the dangers of distracted driving. (Objective: Encourage employers to adopt anti-distracted driving policies and programs.)
Educate commercial vehicle and fleet drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. (Objective: Encourage employers to adopt anti-distracted driving policies and programs.)
Encourage the implementation of employer-based programs that prevent distracted driving, especially among employers with fleets. (Objective: Encourage employers to adopt anti-distracted driving policies and programs.)
Implement programs to educate school aged children that are not of driving age about the dangers of distracted driving and empower them to do bystander interventions with whomever they are riding with. (Objective: Increase programs targeted at school-aged children focused on preventing distracted driving.)
Support programs for children of driving age based on evidence-based behavior change frameworks, such as Positive Community Norms and the Social Ecological Model School. School-based programs should be peer led and involve parents. (Objective: Increase programs targeted at school-aged children focused on preventing distracted driving.)
Collect better statewide crash data involving distraction to support distracted driving projects and educational campaigns. (Objective: Improve data collection.)
Encourage employers and other agencies to adopt anti-distracted driving policies that are more restrictive than the law, such as also banning the use of hands-free devices while driving. (Objective: Encourage employers to adopt anti-distracted driving policies and programs.)
Engage and collaborate with all levels of law enforcement to effectively carry out high visibility communications, outreach, and enforcement of seat belt use, such as the Click It or Ticket campaign. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Identify population groups with lower than average restraint use rates and implement communications, outreach, and enforcement campaigns directed at groups/areas where restraint use is lowest, particularly rural areas. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Conduct nighttime patrols during Click it or Ticket statewide seat belt mobilizations. Combine short-term, high visibility seat belt use enforcement with nighttime enforcement programs. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Host car seat awareness and instruction classes, especially in diverse community locations with populations that have lower than average proper car seat use. Target child transport agencies, hospitals, childcare centers, schools, etc. Collaborate with Target Zero Manager, SafeKids Coalition, or local Child Passenger Safety Team. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Promote use of currently available online continuing education instruction for current law enforcement officers to train them about what to look for in enforcing child passenger safety law and work with Washington’s Criminal Justice Training Commission and the WA State Patrol Academy to conduct trainings for new law enforcement officers and seasoned officers on Washington’s child restraint law. Promote child car seat distribution programs. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Promote child car seat distribution program. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Ensure educational materials follow the most recent recommendations issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics. (Objective: Promote Washington’s restraint use laws through education and development of accurate and culturally-appropriate educational materials.)
Ensure that education about proper child restraint use is provided to people who transport foster children and Medicaid participants. (Objective: Promote Washington’s restraint use laws through education and development of accurate and culturally-appropriate educational materials.)
Ensure that people who provide medical and other transport receive education about not allowing unrestrained humans in the back of moving pickup trucks. (Objective: Promote Washington’s restraint use laws through education and development of accurate and culturally-appropriate educational materials.)
Provide education to city and county governments about the science involved with using photo enforcement to increase seat belt compliance. (Objective: Promote Washington’s restraint use laws through education and development of accurate and culturally-appropriate educational materials.)
Support opportunities for child car seat inspection events, CPS Technician certification courses, and recertification of technicians. Work collectively with Washington’s Target Zero managers, SafeKids Coalitions, and local child passenger safety teams. (Objective: Maintain and support the statewide network of child passenger safety technicians.)
Provide access to appropriate information, materials, and guidelines for implementing media and programs to increase proper child restraint use. (Objective: Increase visibility of child passenger safety issues in Washington.)
Develop and implement media campaigns targeting major misuse issues in Washington State, which are currently booster age children and riding in the front seat. (Objective: Increase visibility of child passenger safety issues in Washington.)
Utilize Safest Rides protocols to offer positive reinforcement to parents/guardians correctly transporting children. (Objective: Increase visibility of child passenger safety issues in Washington.)
Implement Click It or Ticket-style child car seat short-term, high visibility education and enforcement campaigns. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Encourage law enforcement and other emergency responders to adopt seat belt use policies for their employees. (Objective: Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.)
Develop a briefing paper regarding the effects of adding a $25 administrative fee for violators to fund child passenger safety efforts. (Objective: Promote Washington’s restraint use laws through education and development of accurate and culturally-appropriate educational materials.)
Convene a group of CPS stakeholders from different disciplines and areas of the state, including existing network of Washington’s Target Zero managers, SafeKids Coalitions, and other local child passenger safety teams, to participate in product review, media efforts, trainings, and local project implementation. (Objective: Maintain and support the statewide network of child passenger safety technicians.)
Explore options for gaining a measure of statewide child restraint use. (Objective: Maintain and support the statewide network of child passenger safety technicians.)
Continuously monitor fatality and serious injury crash data involving unrestrained or improperly restrained child passengers to help direct geographic/demographic areas of focus. (Objective: Maintain and support the statewide network of child passenger safety technicians.)
Establish a database to collect all of Washington’s car seat inspection data. Analyze information received to determine major misuse issues; share with statewide CPS network; incorporate findings into media campaigns. (Objective: Maintain and support the statewide network of child passenger safety technicians.)
Develop and implement a Local Road Safety Plan. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Install or convert intersections to roundabouts. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Convert four-lane roadways to three-lane roadways with center turn lane (road diet). (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Convert permitted left turns to protected left turns at signals. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Install left turn lanes. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Install intersection conflict warning systems (real time warning) to warn drivers on mainline or side streets of conflicting vehicle traffic at rural intersections. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Increase pavement friction using high friction surface treatments. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Remove unwarranted signals. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Modify signal phasing to implement a leading pedestrian interval. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Install lighting. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Coordinate arterial signals. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Convert to flashing yellow arrows at signals. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Optimize traffic signal clearance intervals. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Restrict or eliminate turning maneuvers at intersections. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Implement restricted access to properties/driveways adjacent to intersections using closures or turn restrictions. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Implement systemic signing, marking, and visibility improvements at intersections. (Objective: Reduce crashes at intersections.)
Add retroreflective borders to signal back plates. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Install transverse rumble strips on rural stop-controlled approaches. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Provide advanced dilemma zone detection (real time warning) for high speed approaches at rural signalized intersections. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Increase sight distance (visibility) of intersections on approaches. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Increase visibility of signals and signs at intersections. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Install red light cameras (automated enforcement) at locations with angle crashes. (Objective: Improve driver compliance at intersections.)
Implement automated speed enforcement cameras for approach speeds. (Objective: Improve driver compliance at intersections.)
Provide targeted stop sign/signal enforcement at intersections and intersection approaches. (Objective: Improve driver compliance at intersections.)
Implement automated enforcement for “block the box” violations. (Objective: Improve driver compliance at intersections.)
Provide targeted public information and education about crash-contributing factors found at specific intersections. (Objective: Improve driver awareness of intersections.)
Encourage parents to talk with their children about the risks of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Continue mandatory alcohol server training and explore expanding responsible beverage service policies for alcohol retailers. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Continue and expand use of brief intervention and screening. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Support transportation services such as transit (especially at night), designated driver programs, and other ride programs to help eliminate need for impaired individuals to drive. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Support mandatory cannabis salesperson (budtender) training. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Continue statewide media campaigns to prevent underage use of alcohol and/or cannabis, prevent youth from riding with impaired drivers, and reduce overall misuse/abuse by adult consumers. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Continue statewide High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) and media campaigns to reduce impaired driving. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Enhance law enforcement DUI training with Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) training and refresher training. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Enhance law enforcement DUI training with Advance Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) training. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Encourage attendance at DUI Victim's Panels. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Conduct well-publicized compliance checks of alcohol retailers to reduce sales to underage persons. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Conduct well-publicized enforcement aimed at underage drinking parties. (Objective: Prevent excessive drinking, underage drinking, and impaired driving.)
Enforce and publicize zero tolerance laws for drivers under age 21. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Expand the use of Drug Recognition and Classification Program. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Support law enforcement phlebotomy programs. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Support strategies for simplifying and streamlining the DUI arrest process, such as electronic DUI case filing and electronic warrants. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Utilize the Mobile Impaired Driving Unit (MIDU) or additional testing stations for processing to support DUI enforcement. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Support local integrated and dedicated DUI enforcement. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Support the enhancement of the Liquor and Cannabis Board’s enforcement ability to meet the needs of addressing impaired drivers during compliance checks. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Expand use of ignition interlocks. Improve exchange of information between agencies regarding compliance. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Support the Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Conduct alcohol/drug assessments on all DUI offenders and enhance treatment and probation when warranted. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Match treatment and rehabilitation to the diagnosis. Emphasize screening for co-occurring conditions contributing to DUI behavior. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Require stronger penalties for BAC test refusal than test failure. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Expand 24/7 sobriety program statewide. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Support local dedicated DUI prosecutors. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Monitor DUI offenders closely to reduce recidivism. (Objective: Control high-BAC and repeat DUI offenders.)
Conduct publicized sobriety checkpoints. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Conduct enforcement in locations where data suggests a high rate of impaired driving. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Monitor reports from ignition interlock vendors and conduct compliance checks. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Prevent ignition interlock circumvention attempts. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Discourage expansion of access to alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. (Objective: Enforce and publicize DUI laws.)
Place limits on plea agreements. (Objective: Prosecute, sanction, and treat DUI offenders.)
Support and establish DUI Courts. (Objective: Control high-BAC and repeat DUI offenders.)
Build effective partnerships designed to reduce impaired driving. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Encourage laws that use any money collected from DUI fines to support impaired driving reduction efforts. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Lower the per se BAC limit from .08 to .05. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Support the Judicial Outreach Liaison program. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Promote zero tolerance laws for drug-impaired driving. (Objective: Foster leadership to facilitate impaired driving system improvements.)
Increase use of automated speed enforcement. (Objective: Reduce motorist speed through enforcement activities.)
Conduct High Visibility Enforcement efforts at locations where speeding-related crashes are more prevalent. (Objective: Reduce motorist speed through enforcement activities.)
Equip law enforcement officers with appropriate equipment for speeding enforcement. (Objective: Reduce motorist speed through enforcement activities.)
Increase use of aerial speed enforcement. (Objective: Reduce motorist speed through enforcement activities.)
Implement neighborhood speed watch/traffic management programs in low speed areas. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Increase penalties for repeat and excessive speeding offenders. (Objective: Reduce motorist speed through enforcement activities.)
Work with Washington Trucking Association and WSP’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division to encourage company policies which, when backed with speed monitors or speed regulators, can reduce speeding in commercial vehicles. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Set speed limits which account for roadway design, traffic, and environment. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Implement traffic calming strategies at road sections and intersections along the types of streets for which they are intended, primarily low-volume residential and, occasionally, collector and arterial streets. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Place speed limit signs so they are visible and installed at appropriate intervals. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Use electronic variable speed limit signs that change according to conditions such as weather and congestion. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Support the limited use of speed feedback signs to warn motorists that they are exceeding the speed limit; continue to research the most effective locations for these signs. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Implement timed and coordinated traffic signals to improve traffic flow, reduce red-light running, and manage speeds. (Objective: Use engineering measures to lower motorist speed.)
Educate the public about the dangers of excessive speed and speeding too fast for conditions, and its role in traffic fatalities. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Educate prosecutors and judges to ensure speeding violations are treated seriously and fairly. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Educate about the effects of roadway conditions on appropriate motorist speed, such as weather, congestion, daytime/nighttime, and roadway user mix. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Increase data sharing between local officers, tribal police, and engineering agencies to identify and develop solutions for areas where speeding is a problem. (Objective: Build partnerships to increase support for motorist speed-reduction strategies.)
Increase and strengthen commercial vehicle safety and performance inspections, including focus on heavy truck and commercial vehicle drivers. Promote industry safety initiatives by performing safety consultations with carrier safety management. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Establish commercial vehicle emphasis patrols in areas identified as high risk for crashes involving heavy trucks and commercial vehicles. . (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Increase commercial vehicle enforcement contacts targeting the top five crash-causing moving violations. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Increase enforcement personnel use of FMCSA’s PORTAL for identifying high risk carriers. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Promote industry safety initiatives by performing safety consultations with carrier safety management. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Provide ongoing education and outreach utilizing ‘“Share the Road” information. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Provide Commercial Motor Vehicle Training (CMV) training to enforcement officers at the state, county, and local levels. (Objective: Increase safety and reduce crashes through quality driver and vehicle inspections and enforcement.)
Identify and promote opportunities to prevent fatigued driving by increasing the availability of commercial truck parking. (Objective: Improve heavy truck driver skills and safe behaviors.)
Partner with CDL Driver Training schools to improve safety and hazard awareness training to increase entry-level driver skills. (Objective: Improve heavy truck driver skills and safe behaviors.)
Conduct CDL examiner education and audits. (Objective: Improve heavy truck driver skills and safe behaviors.)
Increase education efforts and training curriculum for all drivers focused on how to safely operate around heavy trucks. (Objective: Improve heavy truck driver skills and safe behaviors.)
Install interactive truck rollover and curve warning signage. (Objective: Improve roadway infrastructure to reduce heavy truck/commercial vehicle crashes.)
Collaborate with dealers and manufacturers to promote motorcycle training and endorsement. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Increase number of riders participating in safety training. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Provide incentives for riders’ completion of training. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Conduct targeted safety/endorsement media outreach and education. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Conduct outreach to registered owners of motorcycles who are not endorsed. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Increase opportunities for motorcyclist field training. (Objective: Increase the percentage of riders who are trained and endorsed.)
Increase motorcyclist awareness of the risks of impaired motorcycle operation. Promote self-policing within the motorcycle community by expanding existing prevention programs, including at specific motorcycle events. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Require novice rider training (including knowledge and skills testing) to obtain permit. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Implement mandatory on-street training and testing. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Increase the number of riders seeking on-going training throughout their riding lives. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Identify and promote rider visibility-enhancement methods and technology. (Objective: Increase rider safety awareness.)
Educate all motorists about the vulnerability of motorcyclists. (Objective: Increase rider safety awareness.)
Increase outreach to high risk motorcyclists to inform them of the inherent dangers of riding and how to minimize their risks. (Objective: Increase rider safety awareness.)
Support specialized law enforcement training in motorcycle DUI detection and motorcycle crash investigation. (Objective: Increase Law Enforcement Motorcycle Awareness.)
Create and implement specialized training to educate law enforcement on motorcycle specific laws. (Objective: Increase Law Enforcement Motorcycle Awareness.)
Re-establish a tiered endorsement program with specific endorsements based on motorcycle engine size or power-to-weight ratio. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Implement re-testing for endorsement every five years. (Objective: Reduce numbers of impaired, unskilled, and unsafe riders.)
Maintain resistance to proposals to law changes that work to repeal motorcycle helmet safety standards. (Objective: Increase Law Enforcement Motorcycle Awareness.)
Implement Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators for screening and evaluating older drivers’ physical and cognitive abilities and skills. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Provide training to law enforcement, medical professionals, licensing representatives, and community members for recognizing physical and cognitive deficiencies affecting safe driving in older drivers, including submitting reevaluation referrals to DOL. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Develop and distribute educational materials that provide information and resources for older driver safety, including self-assessment tools, driving evaluation programs, effects of medications and health conditions on driving, resources for car comfort and safety and adaptive equipment for vehicles, tips for family conversations about driving cessation, and additional transportation options. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Increase driver education opportunities for older drivers. (Objective: Improve older driver competency.)
Develop classes and partner with vehicle dealerships to better educate older drivers on how to use the technology in their newly purchased vehicles to operate the vehicle more safely. . (Objective: Improve older driver competency.)
Increase seat belt use by older drivers and passengers. (Objective: Reduce risk of serious injury and fatalities.)
Promote safe mobility options for seniors by providing guidance and assistance on identifying safe transportation options within the community, and incentivizing transportation options. (Objective: Reduce risk of serious injury and fatalities.)
Involve caregivers and family members of older drivers in discussions and education about aging and driving and provide techniques they can use to help the older driver assess safe driving, and, when necessary, transition from driving. (Objective: Reduce risk of serious injury and fatalities.)
Establish a State Medical Advisory Board to develop guidelines to determine medical conditions, regardless of age, when driver license restrictions or revocations might be needed. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Continue to require drivers age 70+ to renew their license in person (not online or by mail) and complete a vision test for each renewal at a licensing office. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Conduct research on how to better identify older drivers most at risk for a fatal or serious injury crash, and develop strategies for early intervention with at-risk senior drivers. (Objective: Identify older drivers who are at an elevated crash risk.)
Issue restricted licenses to older drivers that pose excessive risks only in certain situations. Common types of restrictions could include daylight driving only, limit driving to a specific geographical area, or limit driving only to low-speed roads. (Objective: Reduce risk of serious injury and fatalities.)
Improve the roadway to better accommodate the special needs of older drivers. This could include providing advance warning and guide signs, improving pavement markings, improving the readability of roadway signs, providing more protected left-turn signals and offset left-turn lanes at intersections, reducing speed limits, and improving the lighting at intersections and in curves. (Objective: Reduce risk of serious injury and fatalities.)
Increase public awareness of the significance of speed on pedestrian and bicyclist injury severity. (Objective: Reduce the effect of motorist speeds where pedestrians or bicyclists are expected.)
Distribute and encourage the use of “School Walk and Bike Routes: A Guide for Planning and Improving Walk and Bike to School Options for Students” to assist in creating school walk route maps. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Implement pedestrian and bicycle safety training curriculum in schools. Develop and implement an additional module focused on teachers, parents, volunteers, and other school personnel. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Implement education, enforcement, and engineering elements of the Safe Routes to School program, including campaigns such as Walking School Buses and Bike Trains. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Provide bicyclist and pedestrian safety awareness as part of driver education programs. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Develop a pedestrian/bicyclist safety education module for use by state agencies; phase in a requirement for completion of this module for utilization of a state vehicle. Make the module available to other jurisdictions, Commute Trip Reduction, and the private sector. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Conduct education and outreach regarding the risks of using active transportation modes while impaired or distracted. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Encourage bicycle helmet use for children and adults. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Implement pedestrian and bicyclist safety zones, targeting geographic locations and audiences with pedestrian/bicyclist crash concerns. (Objective; improve education and enforcement of laws pertaining to motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.)
Improve training on pedestrian and bicyclist laws for law enforcement officers at state, tribal, and local levels, including training on equity issues for enforcement. (Objective; improve education and enforcement of laws pertaining to motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.)
Invest in and construct roadway reconfigurations, roundabouts and other recommended FHWA safety countermeasures specific to pedestrian and bicyclist safety. (Objective: Reduce the effect of motorist speeds where pedestrians or bicyclists are expected.)
Revise design practices to emphasize context and target speed to reflect the needs of people walking and biking. (Objective: Reduce the effect of motorist speeds where pedestrians or bicyclists are expected.)
Reduce crash exposure safety at pedestrian and bicyclist crossings by investing in and installing refuge islands and raised crossings, and shortening crossing distances with bicycle friendly curb extensions where these crosswalk enhancements are needed. (Objective: Expand and improve pedestrian and bicyclist crossing opportunities.)
Invest in and increase the use of rectangular rapid flashing beacons and pedestrian hybrid beacons where these crosswalk enhancements are needed. (Objective: Expand and improve pedestrian and bicyclist crossing opportunities.)
Increase sight distance and visibility at pedestrian and bicyclist crossings by clearing vegetation, extending crossing times, adding pedestrian and bicyclist leading intervals and/or adding pedestrian scale illumination. At mid-block locations, provide adequate distance between stop bars and the crossing. (Objective: Expand and improve pedestrian and bicyclist crossing opportunities.)
Invest in and construct separated pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and multi-use paths), especially in urban areas and adjacent to schools, bus stops, and school walk areas. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
Create neighborhood greenways with pedestrian and bicyclist priority on low volume, low speed streets. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
Invest in and construct more buffered bike lanes, protected separated bicycle lanes, and separated bicycle facilities or shared-use paths, especially in urban areas and adjacent to schools, bus stops, and school walk areas. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
Increase infrastructure investments in underserved areas. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
At traffic signals, use bicycle signal heads. At intersections install colored bicycle boxes. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
Remove permissive left turn signals that conflict with pedestrian/bicyclist movements and eliminate right turn on red at signals. (Objective: Complete a network of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.)
Apply consistent signing and other pedestrian crossing features in school zones as appropriate (based on the number of lanes, speeds, age of pedestrians, etc.). (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Invest in and implement the Safe Routes to School Program to construct pedestrian and bicyclist facilities near schools. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Expand automated speed enforcement cameras to locations outside of school zones that are included in safe routes to school plans. (P, CTW) (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Expand high visibility speed enforcement in school zones. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Expand the use of high visibility crosswalk enforcement of motorists who fail to yield to pedestrians combined with culturally appropriate campaigns designed to take into account equity issues in underserved high-need communities with high crash rates(Objective; improve education and enforcement of laws pertaining to motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.)
Provide liability protections to school districts who develop school walk route maps. (Objective: Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.)
Support passing a state law requiring bicycle helmet use for children. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Support local jurisdiction ordinances requiring bike helmets. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Strengthen the vulnerable user law. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Revise lane restrictions for passing that would require motorists to change lanes (including when there is a double yellow line) when passing people riding bicycles when there are no oncoming roadway users and travel lanes do not have sufficient width to provide a minimum of three feet of separation. (Objective: Improve traveler behavior.)
Develop performance measures to evaluate completeness and quality of pedestrian and bicyclist networks, including levels of traffic stress, infrastructure inventory, and other appropriate metrics. (Objective: Improve data and performance measures.)
Expand the bicyclist and pedestrian count program to collect miles walked/biked data (similar to collecting VMT), where people walk/bike, and walk/bike demand. (Objective: Improve data and performance measures.)
Initiate a statewide household travel survey to collect walk and bike data. (Objective: Improve data and performance measures.)
Continue to conduct the Washington State Student Travel Survey. (Objective: Improve data and performance measures.)
Encourage tribes to pass GDL laws. (Objective: Foster compliance with Washington State’s GDL laws.)
Adjust nighttime restrictions to begin at 9 p.m. (Objective: Strengthen GDL restrictions.)
Lengthen permit holding period beyond six months. (Objective: Strengthen GDL restrictions.)
Extend passenger restriction to one full year after licensed. (Objective: Strengthen GDL restrictions.)
Strengthen requirements for parents around the documentation and certification of the 50-hour behind-the-wheel time young drivers are to complete before licensure. (Objective: Strengthen GDL restrictions.)
Strengthen restrictions so penalties kick in with the first ticket GDL driver gets. (Objective: Strengthen GDL restrictions.)
Support expanding driver restrictions and driver education requirements to new drivers of all ages. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Support implementation of licensing standards used in countries with superior driving statistics such as the United Kingdom. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Seek legislation to allow for financial assistance to underserved populations for some portion of the driver training curriculum. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Implement an electronic delivery method for the knowledge exam for the licensing service office and all contracted testing locations. (Objective: Strengthen licensure exams for all novice drivers.)
Improve the scoring of the skills exam to accurately account for high risk danger potentials. (Objective: Strengthen licensure exams for all novice drivers.)
Review and revise the skills exam to incorporate standards used in countries with superior driving statistics such as the United Kingdom. (U) (Objective: Strengthen licensure exams for all novice drivers.)
Implement traffic safety citizenship – an innovative approach that strategically shifts our focus to the engagement of the larger majority of safe road users to influence the behaviors of the smaller group engaging in risky behaviors. (Objective: Make traffic safety culture change.)
Provide resources to the Young Driver Action Council to improve awareness — especially for parents and teens — and compliance with the GDL law. Highlight high risk situations where clear parental limit-setting will be most effective. (Objective: Foster compliance with Washington State’s GDL laws.)
Provide local Target Zero Task Forces with information and materials about GDL for teens, parents, law enforcement, and driver education programs. (Objective: Foster compliance with Washington State’s GDL laws.)
Facilitate parental supervision and management of learners and intermediate drivers. (Objective: Foster compliance with Washington State’s GDL laws.)
Review and revise the Driver Guide, testing process, curriculum guidelines, and training standards to construct an overall driver training package focused more on hazard identification and less on skill training. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Support the development of traffic safety instructors through an improved training program, required regular instructor evaluations, required 3-year recertification, promoting continuing education that is meaningful and criteria-based, and developing a website containing both content and delivery resources. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Support novice driver mentorship by developing and promoting a full range of practical resources for parents and other mentors. (R, DOL) (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Promote teen/parent safe driving contract. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Facilitate parental supervision and management of learners and intermediate drivers. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Update model traffic safety education curriculum to match NHTSA standards. (Objective: Improve young driver education and intervention.)
Promote increased enforcement of GDL by passing legislation requiring a sticker program to identify vehicles used by GDL license holders. (Objective: Foster compliance with Washington State’s GDL laws.)
Complete infrastructure connectivity for pedestrians and bicyclists and make progress toward providing separation where needed based on crash exposure, crash history, and characteristics of the roadway and adjacent land use associated with higher levels of use. (Objective: Apply the Safe Systems approach to prioritize proven countermeasures.)
Increase investment in infrastructure in historically underserved areas where crash rates and severity are disproportionate to local and regional rates. . (Objective: Address equity.)
Develop and implement speed management policy, guidelines, and professional training focused on injury minimization. (Objective: Apply the Safe Systems approach to prioritize proven countermeasures.)
Conduct demographic analysis to identify communities of concern. (Objective: Address equity.)
Develop and disseminate systematic safety data analyses by jurisdiction to provide context for crash rates, severity, contributing factors, and proven countermeasures. (Objective: Improve data and analysis.)
Support and report on development of city and county road safety plans based in principles of systematic safety. (Objective: Address equity.)
Coordinate programs to educate owners and operators of Level 1-3 vehicles regarding the capabilities and limitations of the vehicles they drive and their responsibilities when operating those vehicles. (R, NHTSA) (Objective: Educate the public and external partners to increase awareness and understanding of AVs.)
Educate the public on how and where Level 4 and 5 AVs will be deployed, how they operate, and what to expect from AVs. (R, USDOT) (Objective: Educate the public and external partners to increase awareness and understanding of AVs.)
Engage with citizens. (R, USDOT) (Objective: Educate the public and external partners to increase awareness and understanding of AVs.)
Ensure driver education instructors are fully informed about ADAS/AV features and include this in their lesson plans. (U) (Objective: Educate the public and external partners to increase awareness and understanding of AVs.)
Assess how agency staff, law enforcement, and other third parties should engage with AVs, including how to identify and communicate with an AV on the road. Increase patrol officer awareness of best practices or procedural recommendations. (Objective: Prepare agency staff and law enforcement to support the safe operations of AV.)
Assess, align, and build the organizational capacity to prepare for AVs within existing organizational structures.
Encourage purchasing of vehicles with ADAS features for state and local fleets and provide employee training for safe and effective operation. (Objective: Educate the public and external partners to increase awareness and understanding of AVs.)
Evaluate licensing and registration requirements in place in other states to assess the intended outcomes and whether these policies are achieving or expected to achieve those outcomes. (Objective: Evaluate the benefits and impacts of AV policies nationwide while encouraging AV data sharing partnerships.)
Identify and address existing regulatory barriers to the safe and effective operation of mobility on demand service that include AVs. (Objective: Update laws and regulations.)
Evaluate AV-related laws and regulations in other states and assess the intended outcomes and whether these laws/regulations are achieving or expected to achieve those outcomes. (Objective: Update laws and regulations.)
Determine whether traffic law changes or exemptions are needed to enable the safe commercial deployment of AVs. (Objective: Update laws and regulations.)
Incorporate AV information into traffic violation and crash reports, including level, Operational Design Domain (ODD), and if the vehicle was under driver or vehicle control. (Objective: Evaluate the benefits and impacts of AV policies nationwide while encouraging AV data sharing partnerships.)
Identify data needs and opportunities to exchange data. (Objective: Evaluate the benefits and impacts of AV policies nationwide while encouraging AV data sharing partnerships.)
In the event of a crash, assess how law enforcement, insurers, AVs and other third parties can share data and how that data could be beneficial for crash investigation and assigning responsibility. (Objective: Evaluate the benefits and impacts of AV policies nationwide while encouraging AV data sharing partnerships.)
Assess infrastructure elements, such as signing and striping and the potential need for roadside communication equipment, so that they are conducive to enabling and supporting the operation of AVs. (Objective: Provide an environment for safe operation of AV.)
Incident Management/EMS
Promote adequate distribution of Designated Trauma Centers across the state to ensure appropriate access to trauma care. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Promote that all major trauma patients are transported to the highest appropriate level of designated trauma center within a 30-minute transport. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Promote improvements in EMS on-scene arrival responses that are within state requirements. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Encourage EMS access in engineering development plans. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Support seamless communications capabilities among EMS, law enforcement, and fire services agencies through interoperability. (Objective: Improve communication and data capacity.)
Support the Washington State EMS and Trauma Care System with a statewide robust pre-hospital database with standard definitions and EMS agencies reporting data. (Objective: Improve communication and data capacity.)
Increase reporting to WEMSIS. (Objective: Improve communication and data capacity.)
Promote injury prevention programs that reduce traffic related injuries and death. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Promote increasing enforcement and public understanding of the "move-over" law. (Objective: Reduce injury deaths and hospitalizations through EMS response and access to trauma care.)
Explore the use of WEMSIS data for inclusion with the integrated traffic records program. (Objective: Improve communication and data capacity.)
Promote Public Health Data Interoperability (PHDI) initiative to integrate and link data from all Department of Health data systems. (Objective: Improve communication and data capacity.)
Utilize the HSM Predictive Method as part of project development and operation of infrastructure projects. (Objective: Implement the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) recommended safety analysis methods.)
Provide training in use of the HSM safety analysis methods. (Objective: Implement the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) recommended safety analysis methods.)
Integrate results of HSM Predictive method analysis into criteria for project selection and prioritization. (Objective: Assess performance across emphasis areas as part of the decision- making process.)
Integrate requirements of safety analysis as part of standard workflow, work products, and deliverables as part of documentation requirements. (Objective: Implement the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) recommended safety analysis methods.)
Establish and use existing data analyst expertise to support data-driven business decisions and conduct evaluation of safety efforts. (Objective: Implement evaluation of all safety-specific investments as part of general business practice.)
Support workforce development to advance the skills of safety data analysts, statisticians, epidemiologists, and GIS analysts that support programs, projects, and activities aimed at reducing fatalities and serious injuries. (Objective: Implement evaluation of all safety-specific investments as part of general business practice.)
Hire and train highly capable data analysts, statisticians, epidemiologists, GIS analysts, and other data professionals. (Objective: Assess performance across emphasis areas as part of the decision- making process.)
Modernize mainframe systems and implement a statewide linear referencing system framework for the public roadway network that can be used by all public agencies in the state. (Objective: Collect and manage spatial and temporal characteristics of roadway, traffic volume, and crash data.)
Develop and institutionalize data management practices that meet industry standards and enables data integration across all public roadway related data sets. (Objective: Collect and manage spatial and temporal characteristics of roadway, traffic volume, and crash data.)
Implement and institutionalize sustainable data collection processes such as mobile LIDAR that allows data to be collected once and used many times across agencies for diverse needs. (Objective: Collect and manage spatial and temporal characteristics of roadway, traffic volume, and crash data.)
Increase electronic reporting of crashes and traffic violation tickets. (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Find ways to address and eradicate the data nuances identified in Target Zero. (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Revise the Police Traffic Collision Report to improve crash data quality and completeness. (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Develop performance measures for all core traffic data systems for each of the six system attributes (accuracy, completeness, uniformity, timeliness, accessibility, and integration). (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Implement Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) model in local law enforcements agencies statewide. (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Create a central repository for integrated, linked data records including crash records, health (EMS, Trauma, CHARS) records, court records, licensing records, and state toxicology records. (Objective: Remove barriers to data sharing and integration.)
Derive a clinical classification of injury severity based on medical records to augment the investigating officer’s assessment of injury severity. (Objective: Remove barriers to data sharing and integration.)
Create connections for systems with similar or duplicate data to eliminate duplicate entry and data redundancies. (Objective: Remove barriers to data sharing and integration.)
Provide more frequent and enhanced traffic safety trend reporting. Present data/trends in a manner that is easy to understand and is actionable. (Objective: Sustain high levels of collaboration and acquired knowledge within the TRC.)
Provide officers with roadside access to driver and vehicle history information from the Department of Licensing. (Objective: Provide quality data, analysis, and tools to customers.)
Support training opportunities to enhance traffic safety data analysis and research skills. (Objective: Sustain high levels of collaboration and acquired knowledge within the TRC.)
Create a maintenance and support model for electronic crash and ticket reporting that further improves operations, speeds change request implementation and enhances user support. (Objective: Identify and secure targeted investments to sustain TRC initiatives.)