SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Incident Management/EMS
Improve quality and timeliness of police reported crash data through improvements to the overall crash database.
Improve the diversity and completeness of highway data, including collection of all Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) Fundamental Data Elements (FDEs) by 2026.
Investigate emerging datasets and resources for applicability for safety analysis.
Use Vermont Statewide Incident Reporting Network (SIREN) data to supplement crash data with injury information, patient demographics, restraint-use, medical interventions applied.
Use VALCOUR/Judicial Bureau system to access traffic citation data and better understand risks to road users and behavioral trends.
Improve crash data analysis to support data-driven decision making (e.g., hot spot, systemic, and predictive methods), as well as support before/after evaluations.
Communicate safety data, risks, and other analysis to stakeholders and the public via dashboards or other mechanisms.
Explore ways to incorporate qualitative and observational data (e.g., road safety audits and intersection/pedestrian conflict studies) into traditional network and systemic safety screening.
Research best practices from around the country with respect to data and data analysis (e.g., peer exchanges, roundtables, pooled fund studies, and national databases).
- 10% reduction in the five-year rolling average distracted driving fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Improve public awareness on what defines distracted and drowsy driving and its associated laws and dangers.
Enhance effectiveness and awareness of countermeasures, such as safety rest stops, safe texting areas, and apps that mitigate texting while driving.
Improve coordination between stakeholders to maximize enforcement of distracted driving penalties.
Use research and incorporate infrastructure elements to address driver alertness.
Continue to improve and diversify data sources and use research statistics, trends, and attitudes, and strengthen legislation related to distracted driving.
Train law enforcement officers on best practices to address distracted and drowsy driving.
- 15% reduction in the five-year rolling average impaired driving fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Improve public awareness of what impaired driving is and its associated dangers.
Regularly update and promote programs for consistent education for individuals and organizations charged with addressing impairment issues.
Evaluate the effectiveness of impaired driving penalties and their impact on enforcement activities.
Continue to train law enforcement officers to assist them in detecting incidents of Driving While Impaired by Drugs.
Support the use of roadside drug technology as an additional tool to deter and detect drug impaired drivers.
Support expansion of use of Ignition Interlock Devices by all DWI Alcohol offenders.
Increase offender accountability and rehabilitation through DWI Courts and other programs.
- 15% reduction in the five-year rolling average intersection-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Improve traffic signal operations.
Implement physical changes on the approaches to and at intersections to increase the safety of all users.
Improve roadway user understanding and compliance at intersections with engineering, education, and enforcement programs.
Mitigate high-crash locations by providing data, countermeasure alternatives, and other resources to implement improvements.
Support systemic solutions state-wide by providing data, countermeasure alternatives, and other resources to implement improvements.
Conduct and/or support research efforts in the area of intersection safety for all roadway users.
Implement Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) policies/procedures including a Safety Performance component (SPICE).
- 10% reduction in five-year rolling average lane departure fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Continue programs to systemically implement low-cost safety improvements on all public highways.
Improve highway delineation and roadway characteristics.
Conduct and/or support engineering, enforcement, and education research and outreach that seeks to reduce run-off-the-road crashes.
Design infrastructure to increase the likelihood a vehicle that leaves its lane can get back into the lane of travel and/or reduce the consequences of leaving the roadway.
Mitigate events at high crash locations by providing data, analysis, and countermeasure alternatives to planners and designers of improvement implementation.
Enhance and support systemic solutions state-wide by providing data, countermeasure alternatives, and other resources to implement improvements.
- 5% reduction in the five-year rolling average motorcyclist fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Improve and promote education for motorcyclists and all other motor vehicle operators on how to properly share the road; include law enforcement in education and outreach efforts.
Continue to promote use of the Vermont Rider Education Program for both novice and advanced riders of motorcycles.
Improve public understanding of what constitutes a USDOT-compliant motorcycle helmet and promote available training to law enforcement on this topic.
Enhance and support enforcement relating to occupant protection, DUIs, speeding, and aggressive operation of a motorcycle.
- 15% reduction in the five-year rolling average unbelted fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Raise awareness of and educate the public on the importance of using seat belts and other occupant protection measures for all users.
Implement education programs to encourage installation of occupant protection devices on school buses and their use.
Develop relationships with stakeholders to serve as a conduit for local affiliates to become engaged in supporting local traffic safety programs that will resonate with target audiences.
Enhance enforcement of current safety belt laws and work to strengthen Vermont’s existing occupant protection laws.
Increase proper use and installation of child safety restraints.
Conduct data analysis to identify at-risk demographics.
- 5% reduction in the five-year rolling average older driver fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Increase education and outreach to older drivers, family members, and caregivers, including programs through healthcare providers to evaluate older driver fitness for driving.
Conduct education and outreach to older drivers to raise awareness of alternatives to driving such as walking, bicycling, and using public transit.
Promote resources for educating older drivers on vehicle technologies.
Continue improving infrastructure with the specific needs of older drivers in mind (such as lighting, conspicuity of signs and markings, wayfinding, etc.), understanding that these measures improve safety for all roadway users.
Develop and implement programs to increase public and law enforcement’s understanding of driving with diminished skills.
Continue to use research on trends and legislation for older drivers to inform strategies and countermeasures for older driver safety.
- 10% reduction in pedestrian and 5% reduction in bicyclist five-year average fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Explore emerging techniques for supplementary safety measures, near-miss identification, and conflict analysis for analyzing pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
Continue to implement ‘Complete Streets’ policies and infrastructure that consider pedestrians and bicyclists early in the design phase of projects and to encourage driving at appropriate speeds.
Educate municipalities, designers, consultants, and other stakeholders on ‘Complete Streets’ policy, checklist, and philosophy, as well as the other guidelines and opportunities that exist to create safer communities for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Implement and promote educational programs for bicyclists regarding proper equipment and safe riding in traffic including commuter programs and Safe Routes to School.
Improve and promote understanding and education for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists on rules of the road and how to properly share the road; include law enforcement in education and outreach efforts.
Support pedestrian advocacy programs and improve awareness of existing programs.
Enhance collaboration efforts and partnerships between Federal, State, local, and private agencies to promote communities with walkable infrastructure.
- 5% reduction in the five-year rolling average speed-related and aggressive driving-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Improve the education of drivers as it relates to the impacts and consequences of speeding and aggressive driving.
Increase public awareness of and adherence to speed limits and other roadway regulations regarding aggressive driving.
Support targeted behavior education based on crash data.
Promote elements of the Safe System which reduce vehicle speeds and reduce conflict points, particularly where drivers interact with vulnerable users.
Advance the use of infrastructure techniques and technology to manage and enforce speeds including speed safety cameras.
Enhance existing high-visibility enforcement programs and techniques that relate to speeding and aggressive driving.
Continue to monitor work zone safety data to identify emerging trends and problem areas and implement actions as needed.
- 5% reduction in the five-year rolling average motorcyclist fatalities and serious injuries by 2026.
Expand and incentivize initial driver education and advanced skills training for novice drivers, including education on risk management.
Provide resources and training opportunities to mentors of younger drivers including driver educators.
Conduct education and outreach to younger drivers to raise awareness of alternatives to driving
Create outreach programs targeting the specific and varied needs of drivers in the 18 to 25 age group through colleges, employers, and other resources.
Continue to research statistics, trends, and legislation that can help improve understanding of how to influence the culture and mindset of younger drivers.
Support and disseminate data to inform statutes and legislation on the VT graduated driver licensing (GDL) law for younger drivers.
Incident Management/EMS
Use data and analysis to support and coordinate with organizations to promote mandated driver education for all novice drivers under age 25.