SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Maintain, improve, and install bicycle and pedestrian facilities through bicycle - and pedestrian - specific projects and in conjunction with other roadway and safety improvement projects.
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Develop risk-based analysis and STEP countermeasure guidance for high potential crash corridors and intersections based on areas with high pedestrian and bicyclist crash rates using TDOT’s Multimodal Prioritization Tool.
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Coordinate with MPOs, RPOs, cities and counties across the state to ensure that roadway policies and projects prioritize safety for all modes, especially bicyclists and pedestrians. Encourage the adoption and utilization of Complete Streets policies.
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Design and construct bicycle and pedestrian facilities in accordance to current applicable laws and regulations, utilizing best practices, guidance, and standards published by TDOT, such as the Multimodal Design Guidelines and Multimodal Project Scoping Manual, FHWA Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) countermeasures, and other appropriate governmental agency guidelines.
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Implement the Tennessee Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian Implementation Plan.
Improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians – Identify location and corridor with a history of high pedestrian crashes and implement improvements through the pedestrian Road Safety Initiative.
Improve safety of vulnerable road users on existing routes – Engage transit agencies during the planning phases of projects to ensure that pedestrians have safe access to transit stops at intersections and follow design principles that best protects people walking or bicycling to transit stops.
Improve safety of vulnerable road users on existing routes – Ensure that all modes have safe alternative routes during construction, including routes for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Increase awareness of vulnerable road users – Enhance driver awareness of bicyclists and pedestrians on the roads through communication efforts on social media as well as the THSO’s website, www.TNTrafficSafety.org, which has a webpage dedicated to bicycle and pedestrian safety resources.
Increase awareness of vulnerable road users – Promote bicycle and pedestrian laws such as: Share the Road, Give 3 Feet When Passing, Bicycles May Use Full Lane, and Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalks. Develop public information and education campaigns targeting all drivers as well as continuing ongoing campaigns for motorcycle safety awareness, sharing the road with non-motorized users, and other highway safety issues.
Increase awareness of vulnerable road users – Continue to offer, encourage, and endorse bicycle and pedestrian safety education through written materials, web-based information, social media, training courses, and pre-established initiatives.
Increase the effectiveness of enforcing current laws protecting vulnerable road users – Conduct high visibility enforcement campaigns in areas with a high volume of vulnerable road users with focus on low speed limit compliance, high frequency of right turn on red, and low yield compliance at mid-block pedestrian/bicycle crossings.
Increase the effectiveness of enforcing current laws protecting vulnerable road users – Provide law enforcement agencies training about the laws that apply to bicyclists and pedestrians and sharing the road with bicyclists and pedestrians. Include information on ticketing and the adjudication process.
Increase the effectiveness of enforcing current laws protecting vulnerable road users – Enforce school zone speed limits.
Improve and strengthen laws pertaining to vulnerable road users – Issue citations in school zones for speeding and use fines for bicycle and pedestrian safety education in school zones.
Incident Management/EMS
Assess growing needs and concerns of vulnerable road users – Conduct bicycle and pedestrian count programs as part of turning movement count collections and other count efforts to contribute to the knowledge base of bicycle and pedestrian usage in the state and to assist with bicycle and pedestrian crash rate calculation.
Assess growing needs and concerns of vulnerable road users – Analyze bicycle and pedestrian crash data, especially on state routes, associated with a nearby transit stop to determine if specific improvements may be needed for safe access to transit facilities.
Assess growing needs and concerns of vulnerable road users – Support research of bicycle and pedestrian safety issues in Tennessee.
Assess growing needs and concerns of vulnerable road users – Assess new safety concerns for emerging alternative modes of transportation (i.e. electric scooters, ATVs, etc.)
Improve and strengthen laws pertaining to vulnerable road users – Strengthen the Due Care law to ensure that careless driving against non-motorized roadway users is illegal and enforceable.
Improve and strengthen laws pertaining to vulnerable road users – Amend legislation so that bicyclists may use either the left or right hand to signal a right turn.
Improve and strengthen laws pertaining to vulnerable road users – Strengthen the 3-Foot law (Jeff Roth and Brian Brown Bicycle Protection Act) to make it easier for law enforcement to cite and enforce the law.
Improve and strengthen laws pertaining to vulnerable road users – Pursue legislation to allow restricted licenses for medically at-risk drivers.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Improve the quality and accuracy of crash reports by improvement of uniform reporting standards, improving the ease of use for officers, and switching reporting to a web-based platform
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Expand TITAN to improve timeliness and accuracy of data collection, analysis processes, and consistency with FARS data and other traffic safety data systems including the linkage of crash, roadway, driver, medical-injury surveillance system and ambulance and trauma system, enforcement, conviction, criminal, and homeland security data.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Conduct periodic training for officers to improve the operational readiness of the THP and all local law enforcement agencies investigating crashes that occur on Tennessee roadways. Include training on data collection, submission, analysis, definitions, importance, and appropriate uses for traffic safety data.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Establish a process for quality assurance/quality control (business checks) of data uploaded to TITAN.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Integrate ETRIMS Database for efficient and consistent analysis of current data by TDOT for safety analysis conducted by TDOT and TDOSHS.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Continue work to update the TDOT Linear Reference System (LRS) for locating crashes, improving crash data recorded locations, and identifying potential safety projects.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Complete collection of mandatory fundamental data elements (FDE) for Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE).
Improve data collection in the field and data distribution to expedite and improve delivery of relevant data for safety analysis, infrastructure improvements, and law enforcement – Complete integration and upgrade of crash related databases with other relevant state databases.
Improve data collection in the field and data distribution to expedite and improve delivery of relevant data for safety analysis, infrastructure improvements, and law enforcement – Develop an online crash instructional manual with data definitions defined by Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC), ANSI D-20 and D-16, FARS and SafetyNet criteria.
Improve data collection in the field and data distribution to expedite and improve delivery of relevant data for safety analysis, infrastructure improvements, and law enforcement – Conduct an annual supervision and leadership class for all new supervisors and selected troopers on developing and using enforcement plans utilizing traffic records data.
Improve data collection in the field and data distribution to expedite and improve delivery of relevant data for safety analysis, infrastructure improvements, and law enforcement – Expand data collection of work zone related crashes in TDOT PPRM (Program, Project and Resource Management), integrate work zone crashes in ETRIMS and TITAN.
Enhance the ability of and encourage the use of predictive safety analysis for Tennessee roadway projects – Continue to support research projects for the purpose of developing Crash Modification Factors (CMF) specific to Tennessee.
Enhance the ability of and encourage the use of predictive safety analysis for Tennessee roadway projects – Conduct outreach and training opportunities for safety practitioners for proper use and development of quantitative safety analysis using the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) methodology and its role in project development.
Enhance the ability of and encourage the use of predictive safety analysis for Tennessee roadway projects – Research, selection, and deployment of a software package that utilizes Highway Safety Manual methodologies to allow for quantitative safety assessment of roadways by safety practitioners.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Distribute data-driven statistics (utilizing predictive analytics) indicating the days and times most alcohol related crashes are occurring to each district captain on a weekly basis.
Improve traffic data collection systems, hardware, and technology to provide data in a more timely and efficient manner – Continue to expand local partner agencies’ participation in the collection and use of crash information with focus on rural county law enforcement and highway officials through promotion and education of ETRIMS, TITAN, and MAP-IT by TDOSHS and TDOT.
Reduce the lengths of interchange exit ramp queues – Ramp Queue Program – Identify safety and capacity improvements to interchange exit ramps on interstate highways and freeways where ramp queue lengths are excessive during peak traffic times.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Coordinate conference and training programs for enforcement agencies pertaining to detection, arrest, and conviction of impaired drivers.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Coordinate DUI enforcement projects that provide highly visible patrols, selective enforcement methods utilizing current field sobriety techniques and target areas with high impaired driving arrests and crashes through data-driven analysis.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Reduce minors’ access to alcohol and other drugs through vendor education and enforcement of underage sales laws.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Collaborate with organizations to address youth alcohol and drug problems i.e., select Committee on Children and Youth and Tennessee Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Partner with stakeholders and other interested groups to support and make recommendations for impaired driving state laws and establishment of specialized prosecution of driving under the influence.
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Establish statewide tracking system for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levels of offenders
Reduce the number of impaired drivers on Tennessee’s roadways – Provide high-risk driver education programs targeting drivers aged 15-21 with a focus on impaired driving. Continue to address college campus impaired driving and other high risk transportation related behavior issues.
Increase Education & Enforcement Targeted at Reducing Distracted Driving – Continue to educate drivers on the danger of distracted driving.
Increase Education & Enforcement Targeted at Reducing Distracted Driving – Continue outreach and communications through various campaigns such as its Thumbs Down to Texting and Driving and support of the Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
Increase Education & Enforcement Targeted at Reducing Distracted Driving – Continue special enforcement to combat distracted driving through funding and support of the Statewide Distracted Driving Enforcement Bus Tour.
Increase Education & Enforcement Targeted at Reducing Distracted Driving – Establish consistency and frequency of enforcement of the current Hands Free Law.
Reduce the number and severity of secondary roadway crashes by effective emergency response – TIM Responder Training Program – Equip incident responders such as TDOT’s HELP operators and supervisors with a common set of core competencies as part of the FHWA SHRP2 program. Assist them in the areas of responder safety; safe, quick clearances; and prompt, reliable, and interoperable communications.
Develop inter-agency memorandums of understanding to support safe and expedited clearance of incidents – Develop inter-disciplinary training and joint exercises through participation in the FHWA SHRP2 training curriculum.
Improve incident response and reduce the clearance time for crashes – Maintain and utilize the incident management test track for the training of first responders to handle a variety of crash scenarios.
Reduce the severity of crashes involving senior drivers – Train first responders and law enforcement on implementation of the Yellow DOT Program.
Reduce the severity of crashes involving senior drivers – Educate drivers on the benefits and use of the Yellow DOT Program.
Reduce the number and severity of secondary roadway crashes by effective emergency response – TIM Action Plan - Maintain the incident response plan as part of the Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) strategic plan to promote safe and efficient management and operation on highways to serve the mobility needs of people and freight.
Reduce the number and severity of secondary roadway crashes by effective emergency response – TDOT Protect the Queue Program – Place emphasis on this program to provide advance motorist information when traffic is slowed or stopped upstream from a highway incident or work zone.
Develop inter-agency memorandums of understanding to support safe and expedited clearance of incidents – Partner with all state and local jurisdictions to improve emergency response, to provide quick clearance of incidents, and to enhance inter-agency communication.
Improve incident response and reduce the clearance time for crashes – Improve communications procedures between 911 centers and first responders.
Improve incident response and reduce the clearance time for crashes – Establish TIM Committees in each county or region of the state.
Reduce the number and severity of secondary roadway crashes by effective emergency response – Explore technology based solutions to improve safety for motorists and road workers in active temporary work zones.
Improve incident response and reduce the clearance time for crashes – Expand installation of Enhanced Reference Markers (ERM) and expand coverage of TDOT’s HELP program on controlled access highways.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of intersection-related crashes – Road Safety Audits (RSAs) - Identify and review intersections at local and state routes with disproportionate occurrences of fatal and injury crashes. Fund and prioritize such intersections based on the number and severity of these crashes; and develop plans to reduce conflicts in traffic flow by improving geometry, traffic control, roadway lighting, pedestrian accommodations and other appropriate measures.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of intersection-related crashes – Spot Safety Program - Initiate safety studies by regional TDOT Regional Traffic Engineers of state route intersections located within cities or towns with populations of less than 50,000. Develop limited-cost safety projects for eligible sites to install a traffic signal, fix a sight distance problem, add turn lanes with or without a traffic signal, install a flashing beacon or install school flashing signals.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of intersection-related crashes – Incorporate countermeasures from intersection safety programs into the TDOT Traffic Design Manual and TDOT Roadway Design Standard Drawings as appropriate.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of intersection-related crashes – Incorporate Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) policies into TDOT’s Access Management Handbook (currently under development) to aid practitioners in the screening of potential intersection configurations
Reduce the likelihood and severity of intersection-related crashes – Develop a program to inventory and bring up to the MUTCD standards the shape, color, dimensions, legends, borders, and minimum retroreflectivity or illumination of roadway regulatory, warning, and guide signs on Tennessee roadways.
Reduce occurrence of CMV crashes – Conduct enforcement by troopers emphasizing targeted locations and times based on large truck crash locations, times, and driver factors identified in the most recent CVE Dashboard.
Increase inspections and training for CMV hazardous material safety – Conduct yearly intrastate/interstate hazardous material bulk/non-bulk inspection strike forces on commercial motor vehicles (trucks) by the THP at each of the following locations: Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Department of Energy/Oak Ridge. Place emphasis on such inspections around holiday periods such as Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, and other holidays or special events to check for fireworks or other undeclared explosives.
Increase inspections and training for CMV hazardous material safety – Conduct North American Standard Level I hazardous materials inspections statewide on rental trucks and intermodal containers for undeclared fireworks.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Activities aimed at removing impaired CMV drivers from the highways through adequate enforcement of restrictions on the use of alcohol and controlled substances and by ensuring ready roadside access to alcohol detection and measuring equipment.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Breath testers are readily accessible to roadside officers and inspectors either at roadside or a fixed facility location.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Criminal interdiction activities, in conjunction with an appropriate CMV inspection, including human trafficking and activities affecting the transportation of controlled substances by any occupant of a CMV, and training on appropriate strategies for carrying out those interdiction activities.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Ensure drug interdiction officers are available as a resource if an officer/inspector suspects controlled substance trafficking.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Engage in drug interdiction activities in conjunction with inspections including interdiction activities that affect the transportation of controlled substances.
Reduce occurrence of CMV crashes – Make contacts with commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles driving dangerously in the vicinity of commercial vehicles. Emphasize public campaigns such as the “Teens and Trucks” program alerting of the dangers of aggressive driving in the vicinity of commercial vehicles.
Increase inspections and training for CMV hazardous material safety – Provide on-the-job training to certified inspectors, by conducting hazardous material inspections on bulk and non-bulk transporters during hazardous material strike forces. Provide a refresher course for all certified hazardous material troopers during calendar year. Provide a refresher course for the North American Standard Inspection Level VI
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Provide basic training for roadside officers and inspectors to detect drivers impaired by alcohol or controlled substance.
Ensure that the activities that the state will execute to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 350.213(b) – Provide training for roadside officers and inspectors to detect indicators of controlled substance trafficking.
Reduce occurrence of CMV crashes – Installation of No Parking signs along entrance ramps to deter heavy vehicle parking.
Improve CMV safety inspections – Install Smart Roadside Inspection Systems (SIRIS) at more inspection stations. SIRIS devices use infrared measurements of tires, wheels, and brake and axle assemblies to assist troopers in identifying vehicles that may need a North American Standard Level I inspection.
Improve CMV safety inspections – Improve and update scales located at interstate weigh stations.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Develop and implement impaired riding awareness programs and events.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Create and distribute Tennessee-specific impaired riding materials.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Ensure entry-level training curriculum is standardized statewide.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Increase the number of trained Tennessee motorcyclists and encourage advanced training.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Assess data-driven and research-based training curriculum needs and develop a process to revise the curriculum.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Increase motorcycle-related law enforcement training.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Educate motorcycle riders on conspicuity strategies to increase use of high visibility clothing and gear.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Encourage motorists to share the road with motorcycles and increase their knowledge about sharing the road with motorcyclists.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Increase the number of motorcyclists properly wearing all personal protective equipment.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Develop programs to inform law enforcement and adjudication officers of impaired riding enforcement strategies.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Implement additional impaired riding prevention efforts based on available data.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Expand enforcement in areas of high motorcycle crashes using a data-driven approach.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Encourage enforcement of the universal helmet law.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Establish an evaluation program to continuously measure the Motorcycle Rider Education Program’s (MREP) impact on rider safety and motorcycle crashes.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Develop a graduated licensing program for motorcyclists.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Ensure compliance and quality assurance for motorcycle examiners.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Reduce the number of unlicensed motorcycle operators.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Reform licensing exercises for motorcycle testing done at driver’s licensing centers.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Revise and simplify all Tennessee comprehensive administrative code definitions to allow for easier enforcement of motorcycle-related infractions.
Reduce Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries – Identify opportunities to provide enhanced engineering and maintenance personnel training on motorcycle safety
Reduce the likelihood of conflict between trains and vehicles at railroad crossings with improvements to geometry, traffic control, and visibility – Section 130 Program - Select railroad crossing safety improvement projects based on crash prediction. Consideration will be given to past crash experiences, number of trains, train speeds, number of cars at crossings, and other data. Projects may include flashing lights, gates, signal warning time adjustments, geometric improvements, regulatory and warning signs, pavement markings, and other safety measures.
Reduce the likelihood of conflict between trains and vehicles at railroad crossings with improvements to geometry, traffic control, and visibility – 23 CFR 646 Investigations - Review railroad crossings within the limits or near federal-aid highway projects for compliance with 23 CFR 646.214(b)(2) for minimum adequate warning devices. Provide recommendations to such projects which may include flashing lights, gates, signal warning time adjustments, regulatory and warning signs, pavement markings, and other safety measures.
Reduce the likelihood of conflict between trains and vehicles at railroad crossings with improvements to geometry, traffic control, and visibility – Develop a Tennessee Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Action Plan. The proposal stems from the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act of 2015, which mandated FRA establish a rule requiring states to create highway-rail grade crossing action plans. The Plan will be completed in accordance to all requirements and deadlines once FRA announces the final rule (expected sometime in 2020).
Reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes involving roadway and lane departures – Road Safety Audits (RSA) – Identify and review roadway segments with disproportionate occurrences of roadway departure related crashes. Fund and prioritize improvements to these segments through federal-aid and state-aid roadway departure safety programs based on the number and severity of fatal and injury crashes on interstate, state and local routes.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes involving roadway and lane departures – Local Roads Safety Initiative (LRSI) – Identify and review roadway segments of local non-state routes in counties or sections of counties not represented by a MPO with disproportionate occurrences of fatal and serious injury crashes per mile. Fund and prioritize safety improvements to these segments through federal-aid safety programs based on the number and severity of fatal and injury crashes per mile on these routes.
Reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes involving roadway and lane departures – Implement targeted enforcement campaigns at locations with a high occurrence of severe crashes.
Educate roadway users and local agencies to raise awareness about contributing factors linked to severe injury crashes – Utilize the Tennessee Transportation Assistance Programs (TTAP) to train local agencies and practitioners on identification of safety concerns and improvement options at roadway intersections, railroad crossings, and roadway segments.
Educate roadway users and local agencies to raise awareness about contributing factors linked to severe-injury crashes – Develop and provide educational programs to motorists with focus on increasing safety awareness at intersections, roadway segments, and railroad crossings.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Provide senior driver and medically at-risk driver training from local TDOSHS license examiners.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Pursue educational and public relations programs to educate, inform and encourage mature and senior drivers (ages 55 or older) to participate in Tennessee’s Yellow DOT program.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Encourage seniors to participate in the AAA Driver Improvement Program, AARP Senior Driving Online Program & CarFit.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Investigate a communications and educational plan for assisting local entities in the deployment of the guidelines and recommendations to accommodate older drivers and pedestrians.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Pursue legislation to require in-person driver license renewal and vision testing for older drivers every five years starting at age 75.
Pursue programs in accordance with NHTSA Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 13 to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving senior and medically at-risk drivers and pedestrians – Encourage efforts to link seniors to transit systems with infrastructure for adequate accessibility and increased awareness of public, nonprofit, and private transportation alternatives to driving.
Improve the safety of senior drivers by reducing roadway geometric deficiencies – Road Safety Audits (RSAs) - Address locations with geometric and visual deficiencies with improvements recommended in the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population.
Improve the safety of senior drivers by reducing roadway geometric deficiencies – Local Road Safety Initiative - Address locations with geometric and visual deficiencies with improvements recommended in the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population.
Improve the safety of senior drivers by reducing roadway geometric deficiencies – Review TDOT Standard Drawings and incorporate recommendations contained in the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population.
Improve the safety of senior drivers by reducing roadway geometric deficiencies – Incorporate replacement of roadway signage with signs conforming to recommendations set forth by the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population for all safety projects.
Reduce aggressive driving practices among motorized road users – Develop and implement enforcement programs aimed at aggressive driving in high frequency areas.
Reduce aggressive driving practices among motorized road users – Evaluate the adoption of a statutory traffic law through the legislative process to clearly define aggressive driving for enhanced enforcement efforts.
Reduce aggressive driving practices among motorized road users – Evaluate the adoption of a uniform citation for enforcement that will serve as a tracking mechanism for courts and traffic records analysis.
Reduce aggressive driving practices among motorized road users – Use engineering measures to effectively manage speeds through design and safety improvements.
Mitigate regular and non-reoccurring congestion to decrease the likelihood of severe crashes – Continue to identify, refine, and utilize procedures and tools (i.e. night-work procedures, lane closure decision tool, etc.) to help reduce congestion.
Mitigate regular and non-reoccurring congestion to decrease the likelihood of severe crashes – Continue improvement of communication of important work zone information and current/ upcoming construction work to the public through the use of the 511 system, TDOT website, and other public information strategies.
Mitigate regular and non-reoccurring congestion to decrease the likelihood of severe crashes – Explore various ITS strategies to make travel through and around work zones and congested areas safer and more efficient.
Mitigate regular and non-reoccurring congestion to decrease the likelihood of severe crashes – Continue efforts such as expanded coverage of TDOT’s HELP program to reduce the amount and time duration of lane closures when possible.
Reduce Crashes Involving Teen Drivers – Reduce minors’ access to alcohol and other drugs through vendor education and enforcement of underage sales laws.
Reduce Crashes Involving Teen Drivers – Provide high-risk driver education programs targeting drivers aged 15-21 with a focus on impaired driving. Continue to address college campus impaired driving and other high risk transportation related behavior issues.
Reduce Crashes Involving Teen Drivers – Encourage local adoption of Comprehensive Alcohol Risk reDuction (CARD) enforcement projects. These are a combination of the Cops in Shops and the Party Patrol programs that allows for a greater number of patrols in a community and will increase the perception of risk.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Coordinate and promote child passenger safety initiatives.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Provide high-risk driver-education programs and defensive driving programs targeting drivers aged 15-21 focusing on seatbelt usage.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Continue to support youth seatbelt programs.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Coordinate conference and training programs for law enforcements officers, prosecutors, and judges to be aware and implement the Child Passenger Restraint Law.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Provide checklist forms to be utilized to provide the Tennessee Occupant Protection Center better information detecting reasons for child safety seat misuse.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Increase monitoring and target enforcement campaigns of seat belt usage & provide advice on usage to public and Commercial Motor Vehicle drivers.
Increase the usage of proper vehicle occupant restraint – Pursue legislation changes that further proper use of restraints for all vehicle occupants.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Refine procedures to comply with the Final Rule on Work Zones (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) and the Final Rule on Temporary Traffic Control (23 CFR 630 Subpart K).
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Install truck and trailer mounted attenuators within work zones to increase work zone safety.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Enhance visual measures for assisting senior drivers through work zones as recommended in the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Explore technology based solutions to improve safety for motorists and road workers in active construction zones.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Refine standardized procedures for the use of law enforcement in work zones.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Develop in-house training program for TDOT staff and related partners with focus on Tennessee procedures.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Continue to refine standardized inspections for work zones.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Refine speed limit policies for work zones and improve standard procedures for reducing speed in work zones.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Develop a manual providing guidance related to traffic control design for use by design professionals.
Reduce the severity and number of crashes occurring in work zones – Coordinate with local jurisdiction to establish traffic control policies and procedures.