South Dakota
SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Publicized sobriety checkpoints for impaired drivers create general and specific deterrence of DWI laws.
Effective, high-visibility communication and outreach campaigns supporting aggressive alcohol and drugged driving enforcement efforts.
High-visibility saturation patrols where several law enforcement officers patrol a specific area looking for impaired drivers.
Alternative transportation programs allow people to travel to and from places they drink without having to drive.
Improve intersection signing, markings or street lighting at rural intersections to increase intersection conspicuity. (CMF=0.62 to 0.92)
Verify sight triangles and eliminate obstructions.
Provide careful consideration for pedestrian facilities, including Leading Pedestrian Interval, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon. (CMF=0.31 to 0.87)
Use Radar Speed Feedback Signs to reduce driver speeds through high speed intersections. (CMF=0.95)
Use protected left-turn at signalized intersections. (CMF=0.45)
Provide left- or right-turn lanes. (CMF=0.67 to 0.92)
Select innovative designs for intersections and interchanges (CMF=0.42 to 0.8)
Reduce delay and stops in signalized corridors with signal coordination or adaptive traffic signals. (CMF=0.79 to 0.87)
Improve access management in corridors with high levels of access, including closing or restricting of access locations or implementing a road diet. (CMF=0.53 to 0.56 (suburban) or 0.75 to 0.81 (urban))
Install centerline, shoulder, or edge line rumble strips on rural roads, including county roads. (CMF=0.6)
Widen and/or pave shoulders to provide drivers a recovery area. (CMF=0.8 to 0.81)
Install Median Barriers for locations with crash history identified as high-risk for centerline crossing. (CMF=0.45)
Provide local agencies with funding assistance to install, enhance, or maintain centerline and edge line markings. (CMF=0.6)
Provide enhanced curve delineation, such as chevrons and pavement markings, for sharp curves. (CMF=0.78 to 0.94)
Utilize High Friction Surface Treatment to increase traction through sharp curves. (CMF=0.6)
Remove or relocate fixed objects in the roadside. (CMF=0.99)
Deploy enhanced pavement markings (wider or wet-reflective material). (CMF=0.7 to 0.89)
Aggressive impaired driving enforcement for all motorists reduces motorcycle fatalities and serious injuries due to a higher rate of involvement of motorcycle riders in impaired driving crashes.
High-visibility enforcement of aggressive driving and speed laws to reinforce established speed limits.
Rider education and training courses may be beneficial in reducing motorcycle rider crashes.
Continue to promote and actively maintain and update the information on the website.
Prepare roadways before major motorcycle events (sweep roadways, clean/replace pavement markings, update high-visibility signing) and install Dynamic Messaging Boards at high-risk locations.
Provide paved shoulders for recovery and breakdowns. (CMF=0.32)
Education of physicians, families, and law enforcement regarding driver license screening and referral processes, such as the South Dakota form DL25, for struggling older drivers.
Consider opportunities for courses for older drivers involving classroom training in basic safe driving practices and in adjusting driving to accommodate age-related cognitive and physical changes.
Increase driver visibility and awareness through intersection lighting or oversized signing. (CMF=0.65 to 0.92)
Improve transit opportunities through door-to-door services.
Set well-established speed limits based on the use of appropriate engineering practices.
Expand the use of advisory speed signs to advise motorists of geometric conditions where traveling at the posted speed is ill-advised. (CMF=0.34 to 0.68)
Increase the use of Radar Speed Feedback Signs to notify drivers of reduced speed limits. (CMF=0.95)
Enhanced, high-visibility enforcement of aggressive driving and speed laws and supportive adjudication of these efforts reinforce established speed laws.
Effective, high-visibility communications and outreach campaigns that support speed and aggressive driving enforcement programs.
Effective, high-visibility communications and outreach campaigns that support the use of seatbelt and child safety seats.
Aggressive enforcement efforts for non-use of seatbelt and child safety seats, in accordance with current South Dakota law.
Involvement of parents in teaching and managing young drivers.
Targeted education to schools on driving safety.