SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Identify risk factors for aging road users (all travel modes) and implement near-term treatments.
Develop and implement an Oregon Aging Road Users Implementation Plan based on the Addressing Oregon’s Rise in Deaths and Serious Injuries for Senior Drivers and Pedestrians research report.
Identify high-risk bicycle safety locations using a data-driven systemic approach as outlined in the NCHRP 20-44(13) Oregon DOT Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan (2020).
Continue to identify effective bicycle safety countermeasures by testing new treatments, conducting before and after evaluations, and supporting research to refine crash modification factors. Replicate the most effective treatments at additional locations.
Apply proven, cost-effective systemic and hotspot bicycle safety countermeasures in project design (e.g., lighting, striping).
Prioritize safety investments on identified high crash and high-risk bicycle locations per NCHRP 20-44(13) methodology, including transit corridors, school areas, multilane roads, urban and state highways, and other high-risk areas.
Design and construct corridors and facilities for bicyclists consistent with the Blueprint for Urban Design, based on land use along corridors to accommodate bicycle needs (e.g., placement, lighting).
Evaluate bicyclist-involved high crash locations and risk factors through analysis of existing data and development of new data sources.
Adopt and implement maintenance practices that reduce hazards for people riding bicycles.
Implement and promote increased funding for the bicycle safety training in the Safe Routes to School program.
Coordinate TSAP activities with the annual ODOT Commerce and Compliance Division Safety Action Plan.
Increase training and education for passenger vehicle drivers about how to interact with larger commercial vehicles.
Increase statewide media campaigns, high visibility enforcement, awareness presentations, and court-required courses on distracted driving awareness.
Work with other states on research and data development to identify the scope and scale of distracted driving and possible solutions.
Conduct enforcement of the mobile electronic device laws.
Recruit, train, and retain EMS responders in rural and frontier areas (per current funding availability).
Promote Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training for EMS officials.
Incident Management/EMS
Address EMS equipment shortfalls through increased funding in rural and frontier areas.
Increase training on unbiased law enforcement and prosecution of traffic safety offenses.
Evaluate resource deployment including the use of automated enforcement.
Increase funding for traffic patrols to conduct unbiased enforcement of traffic laws.
Provide education and outreach about the effects of and types of impaired driving, including alcohol-involved, other-drug involved (prescription, legal, and/or illegal), and combinations.
Provide training and education on drug (e.g., cannabis, methamphetamine) impairment detection for law enforcement.
Identify data needs related to impaired driving and implement measures to address gaps in coordination with public health.
Promote policies to reduce alcohol overconsumption, including sales tax, limited service hours/days, and accountability for overserving. Increase support of related mental health and addiction services.
Adopt National Transportation Safety Board recommendation to reduce Blood Alcohol Concentration limit to 0.05.
Revise DUII statutes and related statutes for other impairing substances.
Strengthen laws aimed at reducing repeat DUII offenders.
Streamline the DUII arrest and adjudication processes.
Conduct unbiased enforcement to reduce impaired driving crashes.
Analyze existing safety-related data and collect and analyze new data sources to evaluate pedestrian and bicycle safety risk factors on all public roads.
Improve the timeliness of crash data. For example, implement relevant actions from the CAR Unit 5-year Strategic Business Plan.
Develop and implement an electronic reporting system to improve crash report timeliness, uniformity, accuracy, completeness, accessibility, and integration with related data sets (e.g., roadway inventory, traffic, public health, etc.).
Revise and implement a new Traffic Records Strategic Plan based on the most recent Traffic Records Assessment recommendations
Evaluate the type and extent of crash underreporting. Implement necessary actions to address the issue.
Collect data that helps safety data analysts and policy makers evaluate transportation safety equity.
Develop and implement a Safety Dashboard to improve data sharing, accessibility, and reporting, including annual updates to data-related content in the TSAP.
Provide transportation safety data analytical support to local agencies and Tribal governments.
Update the Oregon Intersection Safety Implementation Plan to reassess statewide intersection safety needs on state and local roads.
Implement hot spot and systemic intersection safety improvements consistent with the updated Intersection Safety Implementation Plan.
Implement intersection design treatments to reduce conflicts between all users, increase awareness, and improve compliance.
Implement access management on high-volume roads and/or around intersections to reduce the number and severity of crashes.
Improve the visibility of vehicles and pedestrians and bicycles along corridors and at intersections with lighting and unobstructed sightlines.
Provide information to increase awareness among motorcycle drivers that most motorcyclist-involved crashes involve speed impairment, and roadway departure.
Provide education and enforcement focused on impaired motorcycle riding and its impact on all road users.
Increase awareness of motorcycles among the general public through education and outreach.
Train engineers, planners, and maintenance personnel to adopt and implement road surface maintenance practices across jurisdictions that reduce hazards for people operating motorcycles.
Modify Oregon’s helmet definition to match federal regulations.
Identify high-risk pedestrian safety locations on state and local networks using a data-driven systemic approach described in the NCHRP 20-44(13) Oregon DOT Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan (2020).1
Continue to identify effective pedestrian safety countermeasures by testing new treatments, conducting before and after evaluations, and supporting research to refine crash modification factors. Replicate the most effective treatments at additional locations.
Apply proven, cost-effective systemic and hotspot pedestrian safety countermeasures for all abilities in project design (e.g., lighting, striping).
Prioritize safety investments on identified high crash and high-risk pedestrian locations per NCHRP 20-44(13) methodology, including transit corridors, school areas, multilane roads, urban state highways and other high-risk areas.
Design for appropriate road capacity to reduce crosswalk length and crosswalk conflicts and utilize proven safety countermeasures such as road reconfigurations (4-lane to 3-lane conversions) where appropriate.
Design and construct corridors and facilities for pedestrians of all abilities, consistent with the Blueprint for Urban Design, based on land use and provide appropriate, safe pedestrian crossings along corridors to accommodate pedestrian needs (e.g., crossing type, placement, and lighting).
Pursue additional funding, partnerships, and innovative strategies for the maintenance of existing pedestrian facilities, including crossings at signalized intersections.
Prioritize multimodal safety investments in areas with a high concentration of historically underserved communities, such as low income and BIPOC communities.
Evaluate pedestrian-involved high crash locations and risk factors through analysis of existing data and development of new data sources.
Design and implement cost-effective hotspot and systemic roadway departure improvements addressing risk factors associated with lane departure (e.g., head-on) and run-off-road crashes on state and local facilities.
Improve road delineation to improve the visibility of road edges in rural areas, including at horizontal curves.
Provide education and outreach about the safety risks of speeding.
Continue speed management efforts among ODOT, cities, and counties to consider and revise regulations and programs for establishing speed limits to achieve safety goals, improve balance among multimodal interests, and support community objectives.
Modify or extend laws to continue automated enforcement of traffic violations, including exceeding the speed limit. Implementation must incorporate equity concerns.
Track and assess changes to operating speeds, crash rates, fatalities, and serious injuries on roads where posted speed limits were changed.
Establish target speeds consistent with facility design, safety goals, context, users, and land use. Apply the Blueprint for Urban Design in urban contexts.
Conduct unbiased enforcement to reduce speeding-related crashes.
Implement education, training, or examinations to ensure all licensed drivers understand current traffic laws.
Conduct training on traffic safety laws for law enforcement officers, attorneys, and judges to improve consistent and unbiased enforcement and adjudication processes.
Continuously improve the education system for new automobile drivers and motorcycle riders, including Driver’s Education cost and access barriers. Evaluate requiring driver training for new operators.
Provide education and other countermeasures to improve work zone safety for workers and the traveling public.
Develop training for local agency and consultant engineers and planners in transportation safety basics (e.g., safety investigations, road safety assessments, speed zoning, data analysis).
Conduct enforcement of occupant protection laws.
Conduct focused education that encourages increased use of seat belts and child safety seats, particularly in rural areas.
Provide youth safety equipment (e.g., child safety seats, bicycle helmets) and education to address identified safety concerns.
Recruit and train certified child passenger safety (CPS) technicians as needed.