SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Provide CMV safety education and awareness activities to carriers, commercial drivers and the public.
Educate new carriers on safe roadway behaviors through the Safety Audits program
Improve commercial motor vehicle safety.
Identify and investigate CMV carriers that may pose a safety risk.
Maintain a CMV inspection program to evaluate the safety performance of carriers.in work zones.
Increase the number of partnerships with Ohio universities and research institutions that will research new applications of technology with industry partners, with an emphasis on safety.
Increase the number of public/private CAV partnerships, pilots and deployments in all regions of the state.
Advance Ohio’s work in CAV standards and specifications and the state’s influence in national conversations on CAV.
Continue to promote and expand CAV awareness, education and training opportunities.
Improve data collection and management.
Improve data accessibility for the public and agency partners.
Enhance data integration to link various safety-related data sets.
Provide data analysis support to public and agency partners.
Enact policies and programs that educate Ohioans on the dangers of distracted driving and discourage them from driving distracted.
Modernize Ohio’s distracted driving law.
Conduct research to support informed decisions about distracted driving.
Provide the resources and materials to educate all road users, including out-of-state visitors, on Ohio’s distracted driving law and the consequences of distracted driving.
Expand the use of new and proven crash prevention methods at grade crossings.
Reduce the overall number of public grade crossings in Ohio.
Identify blocked crossing locations and take remedial action.
Sustain a data-driven, high visibility impaired driving enforcement program.
Implement an impaired driving mass media campaign and outreach efforts using delivery methods that reach specific segments of the targeted population.
Advance the use of new technology that makes intersections safer.
Implement proven and low-cost systematic safety improvements to reduce intersection crashes.
Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to address angle and left crashes at intersections.
Develop and implement comprehensive plan to address pedestrian and bicycle safety at intersections.
Develop and implement comprehensive plan to address commercial motor vehicle (CMV) safety at intersections.
Educate roadway users, especially young drivers, on the types of crashes which occur at intersections, new intersection types, signals and laws.
Develop and deploy a low speed data strategy for intersections.
Implement paid media and outreach programs with data driven safety messages to motorcyclists and motorists.
Provide training to motorcycle riders on skills related to crash causation.
Promote the use and installation of roadway improvements that compensate for impacts of aging on safe driving.
Implement improvements to make walking and bicycling safer for older road users.
Centralize and distribute information on available alternative transportation options in Ohio.
Increase the knowledge of medical providers, law enforcement, licensing personnel, family and caregivers on the recognition, assessment and reporting of older medically at-risk drivers.
Increase awareness and availability of information, resources and tools to improve older road user safety and mobility.
Support the assessment process to evaluate a driver’s ability to drive safely through public outreach and partnerships with law enforcement.
Increase access to programs and activities that help older road users stay mobile.
Expand or replicate mobility options for older road users to support safe routes to age in place.
Review other states’ best practices and programs for working with older medically at-risk drivers and identify information that can be used in Ohio.
Support major projects along high-risk roadways that increase safety and address all roadway users needs.
Assist local communities in bicycle and pedestrian project development and implementation.
Support systemic bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements.
Review and develop standardized project selection and scoring for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Encourage reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by promoting multimodal options.
Establish an Active Transportation monitoring program.
Strengthen ongoing coordination and collaboration between ODOT and its local partners.
Develop and adopt multimodal planning, design, implementation and guidance.
Provide clarity within the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) related to how motorized and non-motorized road users must behave at intersections and crossings.
Implement the State & US Bike Route System.
Develop a statewide active transportation asset inventory.
Strengthen ongoing coordination and collaboration between ODOT and its local partners.
Provide bicycle- and pedestrian-related technical assistance and education to practitioners, including planners, engineers, law enforcement and their partners.
Educate elected officials at all levels about the importance of a more walkable and bikeable Ohio.
Develop educational materials for roadway users on rights and responsibilities impacting people walking and biking.
Expand active transportation safety data collection and analysis.
Monitor, track and remove objects in right-of-way to improve roadway departure safety.
Identify and upgrade at-risk roads for roadway departures.
Provide assistance to counties and locals to improve roadway departure safety.
Analyze sign needs for roadway departure.
Review ODOT policy and standards for roadway departure crashes.
Sustain high visibility seat belt-related enforcement in jurisdictions and at times with a disproportionate number of unrestrained occupant-related fatalities and serious injuries.
Implement mass media campaigns and outreach efforts using delivery methods that reach specific, high-risk segments of the population to encourage seat belt use.
Update speed setting process for Ohio.
Review national research and best practices on design standards related to speed.
Conduct high visibility speed enforcement linked with paid and earned media at the state, county and local levels.
Market communication and educational messages that focus on high-risk drivers.
Use peer-to-peer programs to increase seat belt use and reduce risky behaviors that contribute to fatalities and injuries among teens.
Implement media campaigns and outreach efforts using delivery methods that reach young drivers with messages about unsafe driving practices.
Use new data sources to guide improvements and curriculum changes in driver training.