North Dakota
SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Implement an ignition interlock program (item requiring legislation to enact law.
Strengthen enhanced penalties for high BAC offenders.
Conduct a comprehensive assessment of administrative licensing sanctions for both alcohol and drug-impaired driving.
Limit the scope of administrative hearings to relevant facts and issues.
Maintain high visibility sobriety checkpoints.
Strengthen highly publicized compliance checks and server training for alcohol retailers and merchants.
Identify/implement approaches to effectively educate judges on DUI and drug enforcement protocol and importance of prosecuting alcohol and/or drug-impaired cases.
Expand officer Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) training and officer use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE).
Strengthen prosecutor and law enforcement training on investigating and prosecuting alcohol and/or drug-impaired cases.
Mandate alcohol server training as a condition of alcohol licensure (Policy).
Reduce fatigue related crashes by improving the efficiency of existing truck parking spaces and by installing center and edgeline rumble strips.
Improve roadway infrastructure for heavy vehicle operation by adding turn lanes at key intersections, developing/deploying rural safety corridors, and installing dynamic intersection warning systems at intersections determined to be at-risk.
Improve commercial motor vehicle safety and size and weight compliance by using enhanced screening technologies.
Conduct traffic enforcement, coupled with public outreach, with a special focus on higher-risk traffic areas/times, such the oil region, winter driving, and grain harvest season.
Increase safety awareness of the motoring public, motor carriers, and heavy vehicle drivers through Share the Road Safely/No-Zone education and outreach activities.
Improve safety through expanded truck maintenance programs, increased driver and vehicle inspections, and post-crash analysis.
Improve heavy vehicle safety data by increasing the accuracy and completeness of crash reports.
Install roundabouts (instead of traffic signals).
Install reduced conflict intersections.
Install street lighting.
Install rural intersection collision warning systems (RICWS).
Require confirmation lights on traffic signals to support red-light running enforcement efforts.
Require access management (near intersections).
Install safety corridors.
Include longitudinal delineators.
Embed wet reflective pavement markings.
Install 6-inch-wide edge lines.
Install edge and center line rumble strips.
Add chevrons (curve warning signs).
Implement shoulder paving (including edge-line rumble strips).
Median barriers.
Rural Roads – Install enhanced edge lines (6 inches and embedded wet-reflective).
Rural Roads – Install intersection street lighting.
Rural Roads – Install chevrons (enhanced curve warning).
Urban Roads – Install pedestrian enhancements – curb extensions, median refuge islands, countdown timers, and leading pedestrian interval at traffic signals.
Urban Roads – Install confirmation lights at traffic signals (to supplement enhanced enforcement of red-light running).
Install left- and right-turn lanes.
Install street lights at key intersections.
Install safety corridors.
Install Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System (RICWS.)
Establish a broad-based coalition to address older adults’ transportation needs.
Implement localized license-driver testing to enable older drivers to maintain independent mobility through obtaining a restricted driver’s license within their local geographical area.
Develop informational resource(s) and conduct public outreach for older driver safety; addressing driving skill assessment and screening, educational opportunities, licensing options, and safe mobility alternatives including shared-ride technology applications.
Establish statewide one-stop, online resource to inform and guide the public on safety screening for law enforcement, family, and physicians to report at-risk drivers; driving skill assessments, educational courses, licensing options, and safe mobility alternatives.
Curb Extensions (at urban intersections).
Median Refuge Islands (at urban intersection and mid-block crossings).
Road Diets (convert urban 4-lane arterials and collectors to 3-lane facilities).
Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons.
High-Intensity Activated crossWalK (HAWK) Pedestrian Activated Signals.
Count Down Timers and Leading Pedestrian Intervals (at traffic signals).
Adoption and Implementation of Bike Friendly Edge Rumble Strips (periodic gaps in the line of rumbles to allow bikes the opportunity to move from travel lanes to shoulders without traversing any grooves).
Increase fines for right-of-way and speed violations and enhance penalties for habitual offenders (item requiring legislation to enact law).
Strengthen sustained, well-publicized speed enforcement resulting in greater speed detection and public perceived risk of being stopped and ticketed.
Implement pilot automated enforcement projects (i.e., work or school zones), coupled with public outreach, and assess impact on aggressive driving and public acceptance. (Policy)
Enact primary seat belt legislation that includes primary enforcement of seat belt use for all passengers, of all ages, in all seating positions.
Enact stronger penalties for lack of seat belt use.
Promote employer and insurance safety programs for noncompliance of belt use.
Conduct outreach to tribal governments to enforce tribal primary seatbelt law and outreach to rural law enforcement to enforce North Dakota’s seatbelt law.
Promote statewide education of child restraint best practices.
Enforce seat belt use for all passengers in all seating positions.
Strengthen enforcement of underage drinking and driving.
Enact primary seat belt legislation that includes primary enforcement of seat belt use for all passengers, of all ages, in all seating positions.
Strengthen fines/penalties for speed violations.
Implement hands-free cell phone law to aid in the detection and enforcement of distracted driving.
Restrict passengers for 6 months for all novice drivers under the age of 18.
Extend nighttime driving restriction to 6 months for all novice drivers under the age of 18.
Implement a policy requiring a minimum age of 15 (or 16) for learner’s permit.
Implement a policy requiring a minimum age of 17 to qualify for a full, unrestricted license.
Require parent education as a driver education classroom component.
Require classroom education for licensure and incorporate educating novice drivers about driving risks.