New Mexico
SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
- Modify driver behavior to reduce animal-vehicle collisions.
- Modify animal behavior to reduce animal-vehicle collisions.
- Research and general knowledge.
Standardize and improve data collection across agencies (maintenance crews, law enforcement, New Mexico Game and Fish, etc.) for more complete analysis.
Install seasonal wildlife warning signs.
Install animal detection systems and tie to ITS.
Install fence with wildlife gap, warning signs, climb-out escapes, and/or underpasses at high-volume animal crossing locations.
- Develop and implement design guidelines for bicycle facilities, and bicycle safety programs and strategies.
- Improve data collection, management, analysis, and reporting.
- Develop and utilize proven strategies to improve bicycle safety.
- Reduce motor vehicle speeds.
- Fund education and enforcement activities that focus on improving bicyclist and motorist safety awareness and behavior.
Consider bicycle usage and safety on shoulders for resurfacing and maintenance projects and review associated guidelines regarding the need for and ideal placement of rumble strips for the safety of all users.
Develop guidelines and policies that include safe interaction and connectivity of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle modes in planning and design of transportation facilities.
Promote inclusion of proven safety strategies to improve bicyclist safety in roadway design and maintenance.
Develop and implement clear, consistent, and context sensitive targeted outreach and communication strategies about bicyclist safety to all roadway users.
Establish a culture of safety among young people and their families by expanding existing and developing new safe routes to school education programs including how to be a safe pedestrian and bicyclist. Develop a comprehensive curriculum that can be used by partners and various entities. Maintain a robust Road Safety Audit program for state/local/tribal entities.
Develop coordinated, statewide law enforcement operations to help modify driver and bicyclist behavior to reduce conflicts and crashes.
- Increase public awareness of distracted driving.
- Implement programs that target populations at increased risk of distracted driving crashes.
- Laws and enforcement.
- Technology enhancements.
Increase awareness of distracted driving using aggressive “Just Drive” public education and awareness campaigns that support the state’s ban on all electronic communications while driving.
Encourage use of technology to eliminate use of cell phones, other mobile devices, and texting while driving..
Ban all cell phone use while driving, including hands-free, for all drivers.
Incorporate information on distracted driving into education programs and materials for younger drivers.
Increase and strengthen high-visibility enforcement of cell phone use/text messaging and electronic communication device laws.
Improve data collection and reporting for distracted driving crashes.
Incident Management/EMS
Reduce time from crash to appropriate definitive care by equipping EMS vehicles with multi-service, satellite-capable telephones, particularly in rural areas.
Provide funding for installation of global positioning system units in EMS vehicles in rural areas to improve response time.
Pre-designate landing areas for helicopters at crash sites.
Increase EMS training for rural EMS/fire personnel to include courses on leadership/management, as well as incident/scene management, by developing in-person and online regional training curriculum.
Educate EMS personnel on contacting NMDOT Districts to initiate traffic control activities to assist in the prevention of secondary crashes.
Improve data collection and analysis capabilities related to NMEMSTARS.
- Reduce fatigue-related crashes.
- Strengthen Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program.
- Increase knowledge on sharing the road and heavy vehicle safety issues.
- Improve maintenance and inspection of heavy trucks.
- Identify and improve roadway infrastructure and operational characteristics.
- Improve and enhance truck safety data.
- Promote industry safety initiatives.
- Improve safety and operations to address speed differential.
Encourage trucking companies and other fleet operators to implement fatigue management programs for their drivers
Develop public hotline to report erratic heavy vehicle operation.
Develop inclement weather strategies for coordinated public agency responses to inform heavy truck drivers of hazardous road conditions.
Reduce fatigue-related crashes by installing additional parking spaces at public rest areas and promoting the installation of additional parking spaces at private rest areas.
Promote development and deployment of truck safety technologies, including driver distraction mitigation measures.
Provide weigh-in-motion and other automatic sensors (such as heat of brakes, tires) to detect noncompliant and potentially unsafe heavy vehicles at appropriate sites statewide.
Promulgate Share the Road information through print and electronic media.
- Reduce excessive drinking and underage drinking.
- Enforce DWI laws.
- Prosecute, impose sanctions on, and treat DWI offenders.
- Control high-BAC and repeat offenders.
- Reduce drug-related incidents.
- Coordinate and implement initiatives included in all impaired driving plans.
Conduct aggressive, high-visibility DWI enforcement campaigns.
Conduct well-publicized compliance checks of alcohol retailers to reduce sales to underage persons.
Increase education for judges on drug impairment tests, improve awareness and communication with courts to ensure drug screening occurs, and protect funding for Drug Court programs.
Develop education program regarding drinking and driving, including family education and private-host parties.
Allow New Mexico Department of Health, Scientific Labs Division to testify via video conference.
Change legislation to restrict the number of drinks served and continue work on public awareness regarding amount of alcohol consumed.
Explore the strengthening of repeat DWI offender monitoring programs and associated recidivism.
- Increase driver awareness, and communication about weather and pavement conditions emphasizing ITS technology.
- Improve data collection and management on systemwide basis.
- Control access to improve roadway safety.
- Develop mitigation measures to minimize weather impacts.
Implement motorist warning systems on highway ramps, bridges, and/or roadway segments (such as variable message signs) to alert drivers to high-risk conditions such as snowy/icy/wet pavement, low visibility, and high winds.
Explore the use of dynamic message signs and/or variable speed limit signs in select areas to modify the speed limit according to weather and pavement conditions.
Incorporate Road Weather Information System and satellite data using intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to provide real-time weather information and alternate routes, and to encourage alternate transportation modes to the traveling public.
Disseminate best practices about high-wind/low-visibility driving conditions using the media.
- Reduce frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through traffic control and operational improvements.
- Reduce frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through geometric improvements.
- Improve sight distance at signalized intersections.
- Improve driver awareness and compliance at intersections with signal control.
- Improve access management near signalized intersections.
- Improve safety through other infrastructure treatments.
- Improve sight distance at unsignalized intersections.
- Improve availability of gaps in traffic and assist drivers in judging gap sizes at unsignalized intersections.
- Improve driver awareness of intersections as viewed from the intersection approach.
- Choose appropriate intersection traffic control to minimize crash frequency and severity.
- Improve driver compliance with traffic control devices and traffic laws at intersections.
- Reduce operating speeds on specific intersection approaches.
- Guide motorists more effectively through complex intersections.
- Roadway design and traffic control elements support appropriate and safe speeds.
Reduce the frequency and severity of crashes at signalized and unsignalized intersections by implementing traffic control and operational improvements.
Reduce the frequency and severity of crashes at signalized intersections by implementing geometric improvements..
Improve visibility of the intersection by installing roadway lighting.
Improve visibility of intersections and traffic control devices (signs and signals) by installing enhanced signage and delineation.
Improve access management near signalized intersections.
Clear sight triangles or redesign intersection approaches.
- Incorporate motorcycle-friendly roadway design, traffic control, construction, and maintenance policies and practice.
- Reduce the number of motorcycle crashes due to rider impairment and other high-risk behaviors.
- Reduce the number of motorcycle crashes due to unlicensed or untrained motorcycle riders.
- Reduce the severity of motorcycle crashes.
- Increase motorcycle rider safety awareness.
Implement incentive program for helmet use.
Support licensing and rider training programs that adequately teach and measure skills and behaviors required for crash avoidance.
Fund motorcycle safety programs to increase rider awareness of the risks of operating a motorcycle while impaired (alcohol and/or drugs).
Develop and implement a highly visible multimedia campaign aimed at increasing other drivers’ awareness of motorcycles in conjunction with a short-term enforcement program, including enforcement and outreach of safe and secured loads.
- Maximize use of occupant restraints by all vehicle occupants.
- Ensure that safety restraints, especially child and infant restraints, are properly used.
- Provide access to appropriate information, materials, and guidelines for program implementation.
Provide enhanced enforcement and focused communication outreach to population groups with lower safety restraint use rates.
Conduct highly visible, publicized enforcement campaigns to strengthen detection and public awareness of the risk of not using seat belts and child restraints.
Strengthen nighttime seat belt enforcement.
Sustain New Mexico’s comprehensive Child Restraint Program.
Conduct child safety restraint observation survey.
Research and identify effective policies that can be implemented by state, local, and tribal governments, and private-sector employers to increase safety restraint usage.
Incorporate information on unbelted-occupant crashes into education programs for younger drivers.
- Plan for an aging population.
- Identify older drivers with an increased risk of crashing and increase awareness.
- Improve the driving competency of older adults in the general driving population.
- Reduce the risk of injury and death to older drivers and passengers involved in crashes.
- Improve the roadway and driving environment to better accommodate older drivers’ special needs.
- Improve awareness of aging driving population.
- Monitor older drivers’ capabilities.
Conduct comprehensive review of older road users and driver’s license renewal policies for older drivers against best practice and older driver safety research.
Update the screening protocol and training for Motor Vehicle Division personnel to identify older drivers who demonstrate a decline in physical or cognitive functioning.
Improve the roadway and driving environment to better accommodate older drivers’ special needs.
Develop informational resources and conduct outreach for family, friends, physicians, and law enforcement to refer at-risk older drivers to the Motor Vehicle Division for safety assessment.
Provide skills training for older drivers in the use of modern roundabouts, diverging diamond interchanges, and single-point urban interchanges.
- Develop and implement guidelines for pedestrian safety programs and strategies.
- Improve data collection and management.
- Develop and utilize proven infrastructure strategies to Improve pedestrian safety.
- Reduce vehicle speed.
- Fund education and enforcement activities that focus on improving pedestrian and motorist safety awareness and behavior.
Explicitly include the safety of all road users in the design of transportation projects, including maintenance projects and plans.
Include safe interaction and connectivity of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle modes in the planning, design, and construction of transportation facilities.
Install traffic calming roadway sections and intersections, such as road diets.
Install street lighting and other measures to improve conspicuity and visibility of pedestrians.
Continue improving the collection and analysis of pedestrian crash data (whether a motor vehicle was involved) and facilitate the development of an integrated database that includes all data collected at state, local (MPO and RTPO), and tribal levels.
Using data, identify hotspots and other related safety issues and evaluate countermeasures as part of the HSIP Systemic Pedestrian Safety Program.
Encourage and fund pedestrian safety education and/or enforcement programs.
- Improve safety and general access.
Enhance safety for public at-grade crossings for motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Eliminate or upgrade at-grade crossings where stopped trains frequently block the crossings for an extended time and mitigate crossings where emergency vehicles that must cross the tracks have no viable alternative road access to the opposite side.
Implement measures that reduce trespassing incidents on railroad tracks and facilitate, with community involvement, channelization of pedestrians.
- Keep vehicles from encroaching on the roadside.
- Minimize the likelihood of crashing into an object or overturning if a vehicle travels off the shoulder.
- Reduce the severity of a vehicle crash.
- Reduce the likelihood of head-on crashes.
- Reduce travel time in response to an incident.
- Develop and implement wrong-way driving countermeasures for interstates and four-lane divided highways.
Keep vehicles from encroaching on the roadside by installing various proven treatments.
Install proven treatments to reduce the likelihood and/or severity of head-on crashes on two-lane roadways.
Install proven treatments to reduce the likelihood and/or severity of head-on crashes on multilane roadways.
Minimize the likelihood of crashing into an object or overturning if the vehicle travels off the shoulder.
Provide improved slope/ditches to prevent roll-overs and remove/relocate objects at high-risk locations.
Provide passing lanes and acceleration/deceleration lanes to reduce head-on crashes.
- Enforcement, and increased public awareness on sleepy and fatigued driving.
- Implement programs that target populations at increased risk of sleepy and fatigued driving crashes.
- Provide safe stopping and resting areas.
- Make roadways safer for drowsy and distracted drivers.
- Provide improved transportation options.
Continue fatigued driving public education and awareness campaigns using popular forms of media to maximize public awareness of the risk of this condition.
Make more rest stops available for sleepy/fatigued drivers.
Encourage employers to offer fatigue management programs to employees working nighttime or rotating shifts.
- Heighten driver awareness of consequences of speeding and aggressive driving.
- Improve efficiency and effectiveness of speed and aggressive driving enforcement efforts.
- Communicate appropriate speeds through use of traffic control devices.
Increase funding to conduct highly visible, publicized, and saturated enforcement campaigns at locations with a higher incidence of aggressive driving/speed-related crashes.
Provide funding to conduct enforcement and associated public information campaigns in rural areas, and initiate efforts to collect local crash data to assess performance.
Continue the 100 Days and Nights of Summer Enforcement Program.
Increase public awareness of potential risks and penalties of being stopped by law enforcement for driving at high speeds and aggressive driving in rural communities and on rural roads.
Implement active speed warning signs, including dynamic message boards at rural-to-urban transitions.
- Plan and design transit/bus stops to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle users in a sensitive manner.
- Report on crash and injury data related to transit/bus facilities.
Improve accessibility to transit stops relating to user crossing capability, proximity to traffic signals, minimizing vehicles conflicts, and access to walkways.
Improve pedestrian/bicycle transit stop facilities including, but not limited to, shelters, lighting, visibility, and related facilities.
Identify operations and roadway facility improvements that can improve transit safety, such as location and types of stops, improved communications (such as use of geographic information systems), and signal pre-empt for transit
Collect, analyze, and report crash and other injury data associated with transit facilities.
- Tribal identification of safety issues.
- Improve data collection and management.
- Miscellaneous tribal safety strategies.
- Improve communication related to safety, construction, and maintenance projects developed by non-tribal agencies on tribal lands or that impact transportation access to tribal lands.
- Improve coordination, technical support, and planning.
- Non-motorized tribal transportation modes.
Create New Mexico task force on tribal transportation safety.
Conduct annual Tribal Safety Summit to collaboratively identify and understand safety issues based on tribal context and needs.
Facilitate procedures, systems, and policies to support collection, sharing, and use of crash, citation, and EMS data among state, local, and tribal governments.
Provide opportunities for tribal identification of safety issues and education of NMDOT on these issues.
Encourage better coordination between tribal entities and adjacent non-tribal communities – law enforcement, EMS, etc.
Incorporate tribal data into statewide databases.
NMDOT to work closely with tribal governments to educate and provide outreach relating to safety opportunities.
- Improve work zone traffic control devices, design practices, and operation.
- Improve driver compliance with work zone traffic controls.
- Increase knowledge and awareness of work zones.
Implement work-zone quality-assurance procedures and improve design practices through safety inspections or audits. Improve work zone traffic control devices, design practices, and operation.
Enhance enforcement of traffic laws in work zones to improve driver compliance.
Implement ITS strategies to improve safety in work zones.
Improve work zone safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and heavy truck drivers.
Increase public knowledge and awareness of work zones.
- Enhance graduated driver licensing.
- Publicize, enforce, and adjudicate laws pertaining to younger drivers.
- Assist parents in monitoring their teens' driving.
- Employ school-based strategies.
- Travel demand management.
Enact minimum age of 16 for learner’s permit and full driver’s license at age 18 to comply with MAP-21 and be eligible for Graduated Driver’s License Incentive Grant funding.
Expand the hours for restricted nighttime driving for younger drivers from the current 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM period to 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM.
Provide and promote alternative transportation (for example, public transportation) for younger drivers.
Improve content and delivery of driver’s education/training, including vehicle recovery skills training, to comply with national driver’s education standards.
Publicize and enforce laws pertaining to underage drinking and driving.