New Jersey
SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
- Improve crash reporting process.
- Improve quality of data and integrate it with existing open data portal for New Jersey.
- Improve data inventory.
- Integrate health and equity considerations into safety analyses.
- Assess the consistency of crash data on all data query platforms.
- New Jersey will identify the percentage of crash records that are deemed acceptable with no missing critical data elements and no errors in critical data elements. Establish a performance metric(s) for the timeliness in crash data availability from the ti
- Create a Safety Resource Center to manage data linked to data portal and make it accessible.
- Create a data dashboard on NJDOT website.
- Increase public access to the Open Data Portal.
- A complete inventory of traffic and infrastructure data is available for sharing between organizations and agencies.
- Have a statewide data standard for inventory and reporting roadway attributes.
- Develop alternate methods to assess health and equity factors related to crashes.
- Assess the consistency of data on all data query platforms.
Improve law enforcement training to ensure the completeness and accuracy of critical data elements in the police crash investigation report form. Assess the viability of providing increased online training as well as local in-person training.
Monitor, assess, and report on compliance of police departments with statutory reporting of crashes.
Reduce time for law enforcement to complete the police crash investigation report form by assessing existing efforts and providing recommendations to auto populate fields in the form.
Establish a time frame for the crash report to be publicly available.
Ensure all law enforcement departments are using the same crash report standards by providing updates on changes to the police crash investigation reporting form manual.
Develop scope, vision, mission, and goals for a Safety Resource Center and outline its role in the context of agency roles, academia, law enforcement, and the public. The Safety Resource Center is envisioned to share information, develop guidance, and provide training. The Safety Resource Center will identify data needs and organize a public outreach program for sharing data by creating newsletters, training, and helpdesk.
Research best practices and technology to collect crash data. Explore opportunities to engage the vendors of Traffic Records Management Systems to encourage compliance with the Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) protocols and platform.
Increase on-going efforts by New Jersey Office of Information Technology and Statewide Traffic Records Coordinating Committee to integrate Injury Surveillance, Citations /Adjudications, Vehicle Registration, Driver Licensing and History, and Roadway Inventory databases with the New Jersey Crash Records database.
Develop a concept for a comprehensive and user-friendly data dashboard on NJDOT’s crash records page.
Improve access to data analysis tools and portals.
Create a statewide standard for data reporting to facilitate data integration.
Create a pedestrian and bicyclist database that captures volume and infrastructure. Consider using the NJDOT Straight Line Diagram as the data platform. Research best practices in collecting and non-motorized volumes and propose an approach to counting non-motorized travel in New Jersey.
Improve the inventory of recently constructed pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.
Standardize data collection for roadway attributes across the state. Research best practices on inventorying and reporting on roadway attributes and develop a standard data collection guidebook.
Identify and document health outcome data and trauma data to be incorporated in safety analyses.
Identify, define, map, and analyze environmental justice communities and communities of health concern. Research best practices from other states and countries in gathering equity related data.
Research data to identify factors leading to overrepresented FSI crashes in environmental justice communities.
Ensure crash data is consistent on all query platforms and is updated continuously from a single database by reviewing the existing crash data process and providing recommendations for improvements.
Continue to expand the NJDOT Straight Line Diagram to all public roadways.
- New Jersey will encourage positive driving behavior.
- Law enforcement and judiciary will encourage positive safety culture in New Jersey road systems.
- New Jersey will have a road system that is designed to encourage safe driving behavior.
- Driver Behavior EA goals, objectives, and strategies will consider all populations (race, gender, ethnicity, economic status) equitably in development and implementation.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of drowsy/distracted driving related fatalities by 10%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of impaired driving related fatalities by 27%, serious injuries by 18%, and total injuries by 18%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of aggressive driving related fatalities by 10%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of unbelted driver and occupants fatalities by 23%, serious injuries by 18%, and total injuries by 18%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of unlicensed/suspended license driver related fatalities by 14%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of heavy vehicle related fatalities by 14%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Law enforcement will be fully trained in sensitivity and safety culture.
- Install safety countermeasures in response to drowsy/ distracted and impaired driver behavior, prioritizing high risk locations on state and local roads.
- Install safety countermeasures in response to speeding and aggressive driver behavior, prioritizing high risk locations on state and local roads.
- Equity will be included in the development and messaging of the NJ 2020 SHSP
Recommend law enforcement training enhancements to strengthen driver behavior. Review police recruit training program for potential enhancements.
Strengthen police crash investigation report form (NJTR-1) training for law enforcement, particularly how the information is used and why it is important to complete it correctly.
Discuss (with the Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor) opportunities to provide highway safety education to prosecutors.
Discuss opportunities with the Administrative Office of the Courts to limit plea bargaining for aggressive, drowsy and distracted driving.
Review existing materials and develop a plan to provide driver behavior education materials that better meet the needs of all users.
Identify underserved communities with an overrepresentation of fatalities and serious injuries and develop a driver behavior education strategy for these communities.
Review New Jersey Statutes Annotated Title 39 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation) and recommend changes to strengthen language related to driver behavior.
Review the Safe Corridors Program and make recommendations to improve effectiveness. Monitor aggressive and distracted driving of commercial vehicles in high risk locations in accordance with the New Jersey Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP). Conduct commercial vehicle roadside inspections in accordance with the New Jersey (CVSP).
Create a Safety Culture in New Jersey by reviewing existing education programs led by government, schools, insurance industry, health industry and non-profit advocacy organizations. Make recommendations to strengthen partnering and messaging to reach target audiences such as younger drivers and mature drivers. Research best practices worldwide to measure changes in positive driving behavior. Assess current media campaigns to reduce aggressive driving and make recommendations. Conduct commercial carrier safety seminars. Perform New Entrant Safety Audits of new carriers.
Research driver’s license compliance best practices worldwide and make recommendations. Assess current license suspension rates and identify any required analyses.
Initiate a study to evaluate the efficacy of various driver behavior modification approaches.
Research and recommend best practices in safety culture and sensitivity training for law enforcement officers.
Review rear occupant seat belt compliance education and enforcement efforts and make recommendations for improvements. Research best practices in surveying rear seat belt usage compliance and make recommendations. Review current child and infant restraint compliance enforcement and education efforts and make recommendations for improvements. Review teen driver seat belt education efforts and make recommendations.
Discuss opportunities with the Administrative Office of the Courts for increasing consistent, timely DUI adjudication, enhancing the utilization of DUI treatment programs, and exploring alternative penalty measures.
Implement infrastructure improvements to reduce the injury and severity of distracted driving and aggressive driving crashes; specifically run-off-road and intersection type crashes.
- Ensure highway safety investment is inclusive of the interests of traditionally underserved populations and is considered more deliberately.
- Develop alternate methods to assess equity demographic indicators related to crashes.
Lane Departure: Map lane departure fatalities and serious injury crashes to identify locations with recurring crash trends, particularly locations in areas with underserved populations, and assess any significant contributing factors at these locations such as age, speed, weather, and drowsy or distracted driving.
Intersections: Supplement local network screening lists with additional context data on priority locations within underserved communities – including but not limited to, proximity to community destinations such as schools, recreation centers, employment centers and places of worship.
Intersections: Perform an analysis of investment typology by roadway functional classification for historic and potential investments in underserved communities.
Intersections: Map household income and crash areas to see if more crashes are occurring in underserved communities.
Data: Update mapping and analysis with data points and threshold screens specifically to increase safety investment in underserved communities.
Data: Supplement safety analyses with Title VI, Environmental Justice, Limited English Proficiency, Disability, and health outcome data and trauma data as well as database of Community-Based Organizations/Local Champions.
Lane Departure: Make recommendations for improvements to communicate seasonal reminders and situational awareness in multiple languages.
Driver Behavior: Promote an awareness campaign to provide publicly-available materials related to driver behavior that needs to be corrected. Materials will be translated into multiple languages and will be printed as well as provided online. Technical publications and data will be made graphically-rich and more user-friendly to increase accessibility within underserved populations.
Driver Behavior: Deploy a local demonstration pilot project, using best practices, to change safety culture in underserved communities with residents and community leaders as the change catalyst.
Other Vulnerable Road Users: Engage trusted local advocates on getting the message out in underserved communities about how to gain technical assistance and resource investment.
Other Vulnerable Road Users: Populate a centralized repository of resources (available in multiple languages) within a Safety Resource Center for speed mitigation techniques, advanced traffic monitoring, signage, signalization, lane markings, dynamic warning systems, lighting and other proven counter measures to protect other vulnerable road users.
Pedestrians and Bicyclists: Establish a methodology for identifying priority locations in areas of transportation inequity that require pedestrian and bicycle accommodation upgrades.
Pedestrians and Bicyclists: Identify resources for infrastructure improvement or upgrades and technical assistance opportunities in underserved communities.
Pedestrians and Bicyclists: Research ways to modify the HSIP benefit-cost ratio formula to encourage more spending on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in underserved communities.
- Eliminate all fatalities and serious injuries at intersections for all road users through engineering, education, and enforcement.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of intersection related fatalities by 14%, serious injuries by 14%, and total injuries by 14%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
Focus efforts to improve safety at signalized and unsignalized intersections on the county and municipal networks. Develop recommendations on how to encourage and create county and municipal Local Safety Plans. Recommend improvements for identification, mapping and prioritization of high-risk intersection locations on county and municipal roads in underserved communities. Provide recommendations for implementation of road safety audits on county and municipal roads in underserved communities.
Consider laws, regulations and policies to improve safety at signalized intersections and ensure consistency of application across agencies. Establish a task force to consider automated enforcement measures.
Review agency manuals, policies and other documents and make recommendations to align them with the latest intersection control standards and practices.
Develop an education campaign to share the benefits of road safety audits, and other intersection safety best practices with municipalities. Develop intersection proven safety countermeasures guidance documents, including Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE), for reference and use by municipalities.
Improve signalized and unsignalized intersections that are at high risk for pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries. Recommend improvements for identification, mapping, and prioritization of intersections on all roads with a high risk of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries.
Provide recommendations to improve prioritization of traffic control and operational improvements such as Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI), pedestrian hybrid beacons, pedestrian crossing islands, bike boxes ICE, and other improvements at locations related with high pedestrian and bicyclist safety risks.
Focus efforts to reduce right angle and left turn crashes at high-risk signalized and unsignalized intersections on all roads. Identify high-risk locations and develop a strategy to advance improvements such as roundabouts, multiphase signal operation, yellow change intervals, restricting or eliminating turning maneuvers, providing dedicated and/or channelized turn lanes, and coordinating signals.
Identify access management best practices pertaining to intersections and identify intersections on state, county and municipal roadways where access management improvements may be beneficial. Identify best practices to maintain sight distance and compliance with traffic laws and regulations at or near intersections.
- Keep vehicles in the lane, provide for safe recovery, and reduce crash severity.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of lane departure related fatalities by 10%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
Identify measures to ensure that roadway safety and design professionals are fully coordinated with automobile manufacturers in the development of new standards that facilitate vehicle to infrastructure communication.
Develop a peer exchange program to share best lane departure crash reduction practices between all state, regional, and local agencies. Develop a plan to make specifications and details for lane departure mitigation infrastructure available to all road owners, possibly through a web-based resource.
Enhance mapping of high-risk run-off-the-road locations, improve awareness and sharing of crash data with road owners, and assist road owners in implementing countermeasures and the latest safety hardware such as guide rails, crash cushions, signage, pavement markings, etc.
Improve data inventory of fixed objects adjacent to roadways such as utility poles, sign structures, and trees. This data is essential to prioritizing lane departure infrastructure investments on state, county and municipal roads and may lead to a systemic improvement program.
Develop a strategy for prioritizing and implementing safety improvements on high crash rural roads utilizing mapped information to identify locations.
Review and identify opportunities to strengthen existing speed enforcement programs in high-risk lane departure locations.
Develop recommendations to strengthen driver education related to lane departure, such as a safe driving refresher education program for those 18 to 25 years of age, and continuing education requirements related to driver license and insurance renewals. Communicate seasonal reminders for deer and other animal risks in multiple languages.
- Eliminate Other Vulnerable Road User fatalities and serious injuries.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of mature driver fatalities by 14%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of younger driver fatalities by 27%, serious injuries by 14%, and total injuries by 14%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of motorcyclist fatalities by 27%, serious injuries by 14%, and total injuries by 14%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of work zone fatalities by 38%, serious injuries by 38%, and total injuries by 38%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
- Establish a baseline level of performance for other road workers and set a target for improvement.
Assess state, county, and municipal programs to identify and prioritize high-risk crash locations for mature drivers and younger drivers. Provide recommendations to strengthen processes to better address mature driver and younger driver infrastructure needs (e.g. guide rail, crash cushions, signage, pavement markings, backplates with retroreflective borders on signal heads, yellow change intervals, etc.).
Implement educational campaigns to improve mature driver, younger driver, motorcyclist, and work zone workers safety. Assess current efforts and develop a plan to centralize campaigns where they can be most effective in reducing fatalities and serious injuries. Develop a plan to coordinate with the NJ State League of Municipalities to increase awareness of these campaigns.
Review current educational campaigns and make recommendations to improve quality and consistency across the state. Develop a plan for a centralized repository for the education materials to be available in multiple languages.
Develop a strategy to increase enrollment in motorcycle rider safety education and for incorporating motorcycle awareness into automobile and truck driver education. Include helmet use, visibility (through clothing, lighting),defensive driving, discouraging secondary riders, etc. in the training program. Develop a strategy to encourage out-of-state riders’ use of USDOT approved helmets.
Implement or improve education/training for workers on the roads and drivers travelling through school zones or work zones. Identify and recommend worldwide best practices for work zone training and education that should be considered in New Jersey. Develop a plan to prepare and incorporate in traffic safety education training, content to protect crossing guards as well as children walking to school.
Consider opportunities to provide mature drivers and younger drivers with alternate transportation choices such as ride share and safe-ride-home programs; ride-hailing options (e.g. Uber, Lyft); public transportation; and walking or bicycling. Identify worldwide best practices on how to use these services and reduce car trips. Prepare recommendations for improvement and possible expansion with new alternate transportation choices.
Identify existing legislation related to younger drivers, motorcyclists, and work zone workers; track progress; and make recommendations for improvement.
Review existing research on best practices related to improving motorcycle safety. If further research is required, prepare a research problem statement.
Provide recommendations for a unified work zone strategy to be employed by state agencies, authorities and counties. This unified strategy will include leveraging technology to alert drivers to work zones and providing for safe pedestrian and bicyclist accommodations in work zones.
Target enforcement efforts where it can be most effective in reducing younger driver fatalities and serious injuries.
Ensure that the latest motorcycle friendly infrastructure design practices are shared and considered in roadway design, construction zones, and maintenance policies and practices.
Identify best practices in other states and countries in using physical barriers (including trucks with crash cushions) to protect workers in work zones. Review current practices in New Jersey by NJDOT, NJTA, SJTA, and New Jersey counties and make recommendations for improvement.
- Eliminate pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.
- Reduce the five-year rolling average of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities by 10%, serious injuries by 5%, and total injuries by 5%, over the period from 2018 to 2023.
Strengthen Complete Streets Implementation by state, county, and municipal governments. Hold a peer exchange with other state transportation agencies to gather best practices. Establish a Complete Streets Task Force to improve complete streets integration on state, county, and municipal projects, assess implementation by municipalities, gather lessons learned, and share best practices.
Improve design practices to support pedestrian and bicycle safety on all roads by establishing a task team to improve design guidance related increasing visibility at intersections, improving street crossings, considerations within school zones, consistency of signing, conflicts with buses and heavy vehicles, and standards for design speed on arterial roadways.
Incorporate best practices to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements in developer projects impacting state, county, and municipal roads.
Convene a group to develop strategies to facilitate ADA implementation by all agencies.
Work with legislators, advocates and other safety stakeholders on legislation, regulations, policy and programs to improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. Assess current practices nationally and provide recommendations for automated speed enforcement in school and work zones as well as vulnerable road user laws.
Establish a task team to develop a strategy for updating Residential Site Improvement Standards. Review the state highway access code and identify opportunities to strengthen it to provide greater pedestrian and bicycle safety. Review the Municipal Land Use Law and provide recommendations to strengthen it to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Update the 2009 NJ Trails Plan to include midblock trail crossings.
Provide recommendations to improve local governments awareness of pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure grant opportunities.
Provide recommendations for a program to perform quick-response road safety audits immediately following pedestrian and bicyclist crashes.
Develop a plan to improve integration of pedestrian and bicyclist safety concerns in the NJDHTS Highway Safety Plan.
Assess current methods for the public to report pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure issues on state, county, and municipal facilities and provide recommendations to improve reporting methods or increase the awareness of available reporting methods.
Consider equity issues related to pedestrian and bicycle crashes. Research equity-related crash analyses and program approaches in other states and countries to identify alternate means to performing crash analyses and program development. Develop an approach for identifying and assessing high-risk pedestrian and bicyclist safety locations in underserved communities. Develop a methodology to identify transit stops and station locations in underserved communities which have a high need for pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements.
Assess performance of counties and municipalities in expending pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure grants and provide recommendations to improve expenditure performance.
Provide comprehensive pedestrian and bicyclist safety education for students (K-12 and higher education) who walk or bike to school or bus stop. Review the Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Program and provide recommendations for improvement. Working with the Trauma Center Council, discuss opportunities to develop a safety culture education program for higher education students who walk or bike to school. Implement a comprehensive traffic safety curriculum in elementary schools. Working with the Trauma Center Council, develop pedestrian and bicyclist educational programs focused on teachers, parents, and volunteers at elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools
Work with the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission to improve driver education and testing related to pedestrian, bicyclists and scooters.
Provide recommendations to enhance and expand the StreetSmart Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program to additional municipalities in the state.
Increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety enforcement in school zones or high-volume crosswalk locations with recurring crash trends. Review existing enforcement at locations with recurring crash trends and provide recommendations. Review current education campaigns related to stopping at crosswalks and recommend enhancements. Review existing school zone speed enforcement program and recommend enhancements.
Improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety data and performance measures. Develop performance measures to evaluate the completeness and quality of pedestrian and bicyclist networks, including such factors as levels of traffic stress, infrastructure condition and completeness, ease of use. Research pedestrian and bicyclist crash data deficiencies and provide recommendations for improvement. Assess infrastructure conditions at NJ Transit Bus and Rail stops related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety and provide recommendations on how best to address. Evaluate approaches and best practices for the development of Crash Modification Factors for various pedestrian and bicyclist safety countermeasures. Assess opportunities to include pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure elements and volumes on the NJDOT Straight Line Diagram.