SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Incident Management/EMS
Continue development of the Enhanced 9-1-1 & FirstNet & Next Generation 911 access for first responders. (Objective: Access to the Emergency Response System; On Scene Care Training & Education).
Support Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) training for all dispatch centers. (Objective: Access to the Emergency Response System; On Scene Care Training & Education)
Support and promote MDT Emergency Medical Equipment Grant Program. (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Support and further trauma center designation for all Montana facilities that care for injured persons. (Objective: Hospital-Based Trauma Care)
Continue to support and promote the Rocky Mountain Rural Trauma Symposium (RMRTS). (Objective: Hospital-Based Trauma Care)
Support activities surrounding policies and regulations that provide for emergency care access, EMS, facility designation and care standards. (Objective: Support Laws, Policy Development and Legislation)
Support bystander/ nonemergency personal training and education, (I.E. Stop the Bleed, First Aid, etc.). (Objective: Access to the Emergency Response System; On Scene Care Training & Education)
Support ongoing education and training of emergency care responders. (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Secure EMS equipment and training to properly restrain and care for children (EMS for Children) (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Promote and improve prehospital notification communication system with facilities. (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Support and promote Trauma Emergency Response training for Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) & Equip Law Enforcement vehicles with basic trauma kits. (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Support and promote Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS) Training. (Objective: Safe & Rapid Transport of Crash Victims and Training of Emergency Responders)
Support ongoing education and training of the trauma team. (Objective: Hospital-Based Trauma Care)
Provide guidance, support, coordination, and technical assistance to local and regional injury prevention activities. (Objective: Provide Statewide Injury Prevention Education to Communities Through A Collaborative Effort)
Support and further Pediatric Ready Recognition for all Montana facilities. (Objective: Hospital-Based Trauma Care)
Integrate MDT Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan (CHSP) & DPHHS State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) strategies. (Objective: Provide Statewide Injury Prevention Education to Communities Through A Collaborative Effort)
Support state law and enhance driver awareness of Montana's Move Over Law, including tow operators and vehicles. (Objective: Support Laws, Policy Development and Legislation)
Continue to utilize and enhance ImageTrend data (EMS patient care records) to track road safety trends and to improve overall EMS system performance. (Objective: Integrate Crash, EMS, Trauma and Roadway Surveillance Databases)
Utilize ESO/Digital Innovations (DI) data (Trauma Registry) to analyze hospital treatment of the patient and implement performance improvement using the data. (Objective: Integrate Crash, EMS, Trauma and Roadway Surveillance Databases)
Continue to support and use available Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) motor vehicle (MV) crash data for analysis to guide injury prevention strategies and emergency care of the patients. (Objective: Integrate Crash, EMS, Trauma and Roadway Surveillance Databases)
Integrate ImageTrend, DI and MHP data sets (via Biospatial platform among others) to provide a full picture of crash injuries in Montana. (Objective: Integrate Crash, EMS, Trauma and Roadway Surveillance Databases)
Continue to support Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) and Safety Enforcement Traffic Team (SETT) High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) efforts. (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement )
Continue to support Tribal law enforcement Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) efforts. (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement )
Continue to support the Law Enforcement Liaison program. (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement )
Continue to support and promote Law Enforcement Mini-Grant Program. (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement )
Continue to support and maintain the Traffic Safety Resource Officer (TSRO). (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement)
Sustain and support DUI Police Traffic Safety Pilot Program. (Objective: Deterrence and Enforcement )
Support activities that include Prevention Specialist focus areas.(Objective: Prevention and Education)
Support Injury Prevention Specialist across the state. (Objective: Prevention and Education)
Sustain and expand local DUI Task Forces. (Objective: Prevention and Education)
Sustain and support Northern Tribes Tribal DUI Task Force.(Objective: Prevention and Education)
Sustain and grow the Teen Traffic Safety Program focusing on impaired driving. (Objective: Prevention and Education)
Sustain and grow the Safe On All Roads - SOAR - Tribal community traffic safety program.(Objective: Prevention and Education)
Sustain and support efforts to reduce the over-service of alcohol and preventing underage drinking and driving by supporting mandatory alcohol sales and service training. (Objective: Prevention and Education)
Support stronger impaired driving laws.(Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Continue to support implementation and expansion of the Statewide 24/7 Monitoring Program and other DUI Offender monitoring programs. (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Sustain and support the Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP). (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Sustain and support the Judicial Outreach Liaison (JOL). (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Support increase of crime lab resources to improve process of DUI test samples. (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Continue to sustain and expand DUI Courts and Treatment Court Training for DUI Offenders. (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Continue to support and expand Tribal DUI Courts. (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Support Administrative License sanctions for DUI Offenders following (MCA 61-05-02). (Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Continue to support alcohol breath testing by Motor Carrier Services (MCS) officers with reasonable suspicion or other competent evidence that a CDL operator may be driving impaired.(Objective: Criminal Justice System)
Monitor the impact of marijuana legalization on roadway crashes and countermeasures in Montana and peer states. (Objective: Communication Program)
Support ACT (Assessment, Course and Treatment) for DUI Offenders (Objective: Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse: Screening, Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation)
Expand Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in healthcare and into other settings throughout Montana. (Objective: Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse: Screening, Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation)
Research underlying beliefs and behaviors of high-risk groups to better understand their traffic safety behaviors regarding impaired driving. (Objective: Communication Program)
Participate and support in National Mobilization Media Campaigns aimed at preventing impaired driving. (Objective: Communication Program)
Support a comprehensive picture of impaired driving data, which may include, but is not limited to: Crash, Citation, Toxicology, Conviction, Motor Vehicle and DUI Offender monitoring data. (Objective: Program Evaluation and Data)
Implement the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) (Objective: Reduce and mitigate roadway departure crashes through data-driven problem identification and the use of best practices).
Support and implement Roadway Departure Plan. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate roadway departure crashes through data-driven problem identification and the use of best practices).
Conduct Road Safety Audits on corridors or locations identified as having safety issues and implement appropriate recommendations. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate roadway departure crashes through data-driven problem identification and the use of best practices).
Support and implement Intersection Safety Plan. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate speed-related roadway departure/ intersection crashes).
Continue to implement the Railway-Highway Crossings (Section 130) Program. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate intersection crashes through data-driven problem identification and the use of best practices).
Continue to implement proven countermeasures such as, but not limited to improving sight distance at intersections; access management; traffic signalization, control, operational, and other infrastructure improvements for all transportation system users. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate intersection crashes through data-driven problem identification and the use of best practices).
Proposed: Research safety evaluation of sinusoidal centerline rumble strips. (Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Proposed: Research effective wildlife fences through better functioning barriers at access roads and jump-outs. Wildlife fences in combination with wildlife crossing structures are the most effective measure to improve human safety through reducing collisions with large mammals, and to provide safe crossing opportunities for wildlife. (Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Implement findings of New/Novel Signs Study to Support Infrastructure Based Motorcycle Crash Countermeasures Project.(Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Implement Speed Enforcement Campaigns. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate speed-related roadway departure/ intersection crashes).
Consider and Implement speed management methodologies appropriate for Montana. (Objective: Reduce and mitigate speed-related roadway departure/ intersection crashes).
Conduct and implement Operation Safe Driver campaigns. (Objective: Support and increase enforcement of proper road use behaviors by all road users (motorized and nonmotorized) identified through crash data.)
Support the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) high visibility enforcement STEP and SETT programs focusing on speeding, impaired driving, unrestrained vehicle occupants, and distraction in addition to other risky driving behaviors. (Objective: Support and increase enforcement of proper road use behaviors by all road users (motorized and nonmotorized) identified through crash data.)
Promote AARP Driver Skills Training refresher course. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Sustain the Share the Road and No-Zone training focusing on operating around large vehicles. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Support the implementation of MT D.R.I.V.E skills training. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Perpetuate implementation of the OPI Teen Drivers Education. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Promote Montana Motorcycle Rider Safety (MMRS) Training. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Promote Operation Lifesaver- RR safety program. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Distribute traffic safety resources for bicyclist and pedestrians and other non-motorized transportation system users. (Objective: Reduce roadway departure and intersection crashes through traffic safety education).
Research effectiveness of highway safety public education at Montana Motor Vehicle Division and Vehicle Registration Stations by streaming safety videos. (Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Enhance and upgrade MDT’s Safety Information Management System (SIMS) crash database. (Objective: Continue to improve the accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity, collection, and accessibility of data* used in traffic safety analysis.)
Identify, analyze, implement, and track HSIP projects that reduce the number of fatal and serious injuries. (Objective: Continue to improve the accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity, collection, and accessibility of data* used in traffic safety analysis.)
Create crash database dashboards for groups including CHSP, Planning Division, etc. This could include other agencies such as MHP (focusing enforcement efforts) and DPHHS (focusing educational efforts). (Objective: Continue to improve the accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity, collection, and accessibility of data* used in traffic safety analysis.)
Conduct low volume rural roads research project to prioritize and identify areas of need. (Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Consider policies, planning and the implementation of advances in automated vehicle and roadway technologies to fully address the needs of the traveling public, businesses, and freight operators. (Objective: Explore and implement best practices for reducing roadway departure, including distracted and fatigued driving, in addition to other behavioral factors.)
Support efforts from safety partners and stakeholders to implement a primary seatbelt law. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement).
Support increasing the current seat belt penalty of $25 to be consistent with the $100 penalty for the child passenger safety restraint law. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement)
Support enhancement and implementation of mandatory minor (under 18 years of age) occupant protection laws per best practices and GDL requirements which includes other risky driving behaviors. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement)
Promote local jurisdictional adoption of seat belt ordinance if appropriate. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement)
Continue to support Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) efforts at the state and local level focusing primarily on impaired driving and secondary on unrestrained vehicle occupants and other risky driving behaviors. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement)
Continue to support Tribal law enforcement Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) efforts focusing on unrestrained vehicle occupants among other risky driving behaviors. (Objective: Laws and Enforcement)
Sustain and grow the community-based Buckle Up Montana program. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Sustain and grow the Safe On All Roads (SOAR) Tribal community program focusing on seat belt and child passenger seat use. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Sustain and grow the Teen Traffic Safety Program. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Sustain and grow the Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program and inspection stations in Montana with increased focus on high-risk populations. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Continue to support and sustain purchase and distribution of child passenger safety seats. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Develop child passenger safety educational materials with updated and coordinated messaging and a distribution plan. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Develop educational campaigns based on current research on effective messaging to effect behavioral change in seat belt use. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Continue to encourage state agencies and other safety partners to distribute coordinated and consistent educational safety campaigns and messaging to increase seat belt and child passenger safety awareness and use. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Continue to encourage state, county, tribal and city agencies, and private employers to coordinate and implement workplace traffic safety policies to include seat belt use and other traffic safety measures. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Promote and increase education and training for law enforcement, prosecutors, and the judiciary to ensure consistent citing and adjudication of occupant protection offenses and consideration of alternative sentencing (i.e., safety education including Alive at 25). (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Continue to support occupant protection mini-grant funding of community education and outreach. (Objective: Communication, Education & Injury Prevention)
Research underlying beliefs and behaviors of high-risk groups to better understand their traffic safety behaviors. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Continue to conduct observational seat belt surveys, local and statewide. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Child Passenger Safety Seat data collection on use and misuse of child safety restraints. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Evaluate/ report on Emergency Services (Image Trend data) and Trauma Registry Data, Emergency Response After Crash Care data. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Continue to evaluate existing crash data to determine occupant restraint use, injury and fatality rate to measure progress. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Continue to evaluate behavioral surveys on occupant restraint use to include teen and adult behavior,( i.e. Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and MT Needs Assessment). (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)
Continue to evaluate contacts made by law enforcement, including warnings and citations for non-seat belt use, including high visibility enforcement (HVE) conducted through STEP campaigns. (Objective: Improve Unrestrained Vehicle Occupant Data)