SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Use the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on all roads in Maryland to identify distracted driving safety issues, key audiences, and locations of concern, as well as support the improvement of the data quality (accessibility, accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity).
Support the improved enforcement of distracted driving laws, as well as support enforcement initiatives that promote safe behaviors.
Improve roadway environments to reduce distracted driving through the support of system-wide countermeasures, engineering treatments, and land-use planning.
Identify, promote, and support the implementation of effective engineering and technological approaches to reduce distracted driving.
Support legislation and adjudication efforts to reduce distracted driving.
Promote a systemic safety culture through the support of outreach initiatives including public awareness, education, training, and media campaigns focused on reducing distracted driving.
Use the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on all roads in Maryland to identify impaired driving safety issues, key audiences and locations of concern, as well as support the improvement of data quality (accessibility, accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity) of impaired driving related data.
Support the enforcement of laws pertaining to the impaired driving Emphasis Area, as well as support enforcement initiatives that promote safe behaviors.
Improve roadway environments for the impaired driving Emphasis Area through the support of system-wide countermeasures, engineering treatments, and land-use planning.
Support legislation and adjudication efforts to advance the goals of the impaired driving Emphasis Area .
Promote a systemic safety culture through the support of outreach initiatives including public awareness, education, training, and media campaigns focused on the concerns of the impaired driving Emphasis Area .
Identify, develop, and implement of system-wide improvements to reduce fatalities and serious injuries at high-risk locations, corridors and with roadway elements(lighting, signage, etc.)
Reduce the number and severity of infrastructure-related crashes (e.g. , intersection-related, run-off-the-road, workzone related, etc.).
Address the safety of vulnerable user groups (e.g. , bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, older and younger drivers, etc.).
Use the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on all roads in Maryland to identify occupant protection safety issues, key audiences and locations of concern, as well as support the improvement of the data quality (accessibility, accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity).
Support the improved enforcement of occupant protection laws, as well as support enforcement initiatives that promote safe roadway behaviors.
Improve roadway environments related to occupant protection through the support of system-wide countermeasures, engineering treatments, and land-use planning.
Identify, promote, and support the implementation of effective engineering and technological approaches to advance occupant protection.
Support legislation and adjudication efforts to advance occupant protection for all ages.
Promote a systemic safety culture through the support of outreach initiatives including public awareness, education, training, and media campaigns focused on adult and child occupant protection.
Use the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on all roads in Maryland to identify pedestrian and bicycle safety issues, key audiences and locations of concern, as well as support the improvement of the data quality (accessibility, accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity).
Support the improved enforcement of pedestrian- and bicycle-related laws, as well as support enforcement initiatives that promote safe behaviors.
Improve roadway environments related to pedestrians and bicyclists by influencing the implementation of system-wide countermeasures, engineering treatments, and land-use planning.
Identify, promote, and support the implementation of effective engineering and technological approaches to support the prevention of collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists.
Support policy, legislation, and adjudication efforts to advance pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Promote a systemic safety culture through the support of outreach initiatives including public awareness, education, training, and media campaigns focused on pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Use the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on all roads in Maryland to identify speed and aggressive driving related issues, key audiences and locations of concern, as well as support the improvement of the data quality (accessibility, accuracy, completeness, integration, timeliness, uniformity).
Support the improved enforcement of speed and aggressive driving laws, as well as support enforcement initiatives that promote safe behaviors.
Improve roadway environments to reduce speed and aggressive driving behaviors by supporting the implementation of system-wide countermeasures, engineering treatments, and land-use planning.
Identify, promote and support the implementation of effective engineering and technological approaches to support speed and aggressive driving countermeasures.
Support legislation and adjudication efforts to reduce speed and aggressive driving violations.
Promote a systemic safety culture through the support/solicitation of outreach initiatives including public awareness, education, training, and media campaigns focused on reducing speed and aggressive driving behaviors.