SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Commercial Trucks: Pursue targeted enforcement efforts that will lead to educational opportunities.
Commercial Trucks: Evaluate opportunities to refine enforcement interactions to focus on statistically relevant motor carriers.
Commercial Trucks: Expedite new entrant safety audits.
Commercial Trucks: Engage agencies to address aggressive driving around commercial vehicles.
Commercial Trucks: Effectively communicate the importance of safety regulatory compliance as a means to increase safety awareness.
Commercial Buses: Continue to conduct educational outreach and focused enforcement efforts on the passenger-carrying industry.
Commercial Trucks: Evaluate heights and widths of existing bridges and overpasses and identify those that are prone to being hit by over-height commercial vehicles.
Increase public awareness of the dangers of distracted driving.
Provide simulated distracted driving education.
Conduct high visibility distracted driving enforcement.
Support the enforcement community in its efforts to curb distracted driving.
Continue Maine’s Distracted Driving Observational Survey(s).
Identify and install Centerline Rumble Strips as a systemic safety countermeasure.
Continue efforts to integrate EMS data with other systems through the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee.
Continue to improve the quality and analysis of EMS data.
Update continuing education requirements for all license levels as needed.
Promote a culture of safety.
Train EMS providers on the proper way to transport children safely in ambulances.
Continue EMS Public Information, Education, and Relations (PIER) outreach programs.
Continue the development and review of Emergency Medical Dispatch Determinant Codes.
Review Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) policies and procedures.
Utilize portable dynamic speed feedback trailers and portable post-mounted speed feedback signs.
Identify opportunities where enhanced advance warning and flagger paddle signing can be used.
Leverage changeable message signs to reinforce focused speed enforcement campaigns.
Provide LED speed limit signs where there are reductions in posted speed limits on limited highways.
Include traffic-calming features in road design at select locations such as village gateway treatments on approaches to village areas on high-speed rural highways.
Utilize portable rumble strips at select high speed/ high volume work zone locations.
Continue to produce public service announcements.
Provide technical assistance and guidance for local traffic-calming initiatives.
Enhance speed enforcement efforts by targeting high incident locations.
Conduct a data-driven speed enforcement campaign.
Support municipal and county speed enforcement by seeking grant funding.
Impaired Driving Enforcement Campaigns: NHTSA's "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" and "Drive Sober, Maine” are designed to further address the impaired driving problem in Maine based on an analysis of crash and fatality data involving motorists impaired by drugs and/or alcohol.
Provide specialized law enforcement training in an effort to aid in detection, apprehension, and prosecution of motorists suspected of operating under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Conduct periodic Impaired Driving Summits in Maine with the goal/strategy being to generate a significant amount of earned media and the after-event surveys provide useful recommendations for ongoing annual summits in Maine.
Continue Maine’s Impaired Driving Task Force activities.
Enhance deterrence through High-Visibility Enforcement (Saturation Patrols) and Publicized Sobriety Checkpoints. These strategies will be utilized to increase public awareness of alcohol and/or drug-impaired driving.
Regional Impaired Driving Enforcement (RIDE) Teams focus their efforts during the time and days identified by data analysis of alcohol and drug related crashes in the counties identified as high crash areas.
State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Enforcement Team (SPIDRE) is used to increase publicized sobriety checkpoints and impaired driving high-visibility saturation patrols. They also focus on scheduled events where there is a significant potential for impaired drivers.
The Roadside Testing Vehicle (RTV) benefits and supports all Maine law enforcement agencies at their sobriety checkpoints, including those scheduled by RIDE Teams.
DHHS/HETL Chemists provide blood alcohol & drug testing, and they continue developing optimized testing methods for the analytical blood and urine drug testing programs.
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors (TSRPs) provide training, education, and technical support to traffic crimes prosecutors and law enforcement personnel throughout Maine. Traffic crimes and safety issues do include alcohol and/or drug impaired driving highway safety issues.
Forensic Phlebotomists (Law Enforcement Officers only) are specialized officers that assist in the efforts of gathering crucial evidence in impaired driving cases. Law enforcement agencies often have trouble obtaining qualified personnel to draw blood within a time frame that is required for effective OUI prosecution.
Continue Maine’s Impaired Driving Task Force activities.
Evaluate/identify the locations of most concern through network screening.
Develop safety spot improvements for reviewed locations.
Evaluate alternative solutions for reviewed locations with the potential to reduce crash kinetic energy such as roundabouts and all-way stops.
Provide improved pavement markings.
Provide reflective back plates on traffic signals and improve the tethering of signal heads systemically.
Increase the conspicuity of intersection warning and stop signs at select locations. (Increase size, flashing and back-lit)
Install flashing yellow arrows for permissive turn movements.
Install roadside units for connected vehicles.
Provide access to Travel Safely App to provide information to the motorist.
Work with law enforcement professionals to pursue enforcement presence at intersections with known safety performance issues.
Reduce interstate head-on crashes by continuing systemic installation of median cable guardrail (begun in 2009).
Evaluate high friction surface treatments.
Use safety edge treatment on key corridors to minimize sudden drop-offs and vehicle transition issues from the shoulder to the travel lane.
Explore went-off-road crash countermeasures on curves.
Improve clear zones on corridors with high risk factors for went-off-roadway crashes or excessive shading during winter months.
Continue to explore pavement markings and sign enhancement opportunities and measure their effectiveness.
Coordinate efforts of MaineDOT with local municipalities through continuing the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and other municipal outreach.
Include lane departure messages in broader outreach and media efforts.
Enhance speed and distracted driving enforcement by targeting high incidence locations.
Elevate “safety” thinking into MaineDOT project planning procedures through the use of road safety audits and corridor analysis to help prioritize future safety needs.
Integrate lane departure safety evaluations into MaineDOT’s paving planning.
Continue review of guardrail and end treatment safety performance. Update MaineDOT policies, qualified products list, and installations as needed.
Identify and evaluate key corridors that experience the highest incidence of lane departure crashes through network screening in accordance with the Highway Safety Manual.
Identify priority areas where edge line and center line rumble strips should be installed to reduce went-offroad and head-on crashes. Continue to identify additional corridors for treatment.
Identify locations with high potential for wrong-way crashes, particularly interstate ramps, and mitigate this risk with appropriate countermeasures.
Identify high crash locations using crash reports, local knowledge, and crash hot spot analysis tools.
Identify possible animal/vehicle crash reduction solutions.
Use engineering solutions to mitigate animal-vehicle collisions at locations identified in [Data Strategies] and incorporate these solutions into MaineDOT projects.
Continue to invest in technological strategies (message boards, thermal cameras for large animal detection, etc.) to convey large animal messaging.
Continue public outreach activities.
Address special mitigation needs in seasonal crash areas.
Work with local interests on special large animal safety concerns.
Provide BMV Medical Review Unit Staff with medical training/education to improve the review of medically referred drivers.
Identify opportunities for improving sign letter sizes and reflectivity.
Enhance speed enforcement efforts by targeting high incident locations.
Provide educational materials for physicians, nurses, care takers and other to distribute.
Create a program to help train Law Enforcement and health care providers on what to look for in Mature Drivers.
Increase participation in the mandatory novice rider hands-on motorcycle education course.
Implement MSF Basic Rider Course version e1 x 11 as the state standard.
Insert a robust module on vehicle /motorcycle interaction into “How to Drive” curriculum.
Pro-actively engage motorcycle riding community to share safety trends.
Establish Motorcycle Safety Task Force.
Develop legislation to incentivize basic and advanced rider course participation.
Refresh NHTSA assessment and Implement NHTSA recommendations where feasible.
Develop legislation to revise penalties for riding a motorcycle without an endorsement.
Increase sight distance at intersections to improve drivers’ ability to see motorcycles.
Conduct Child Passenger Safety Technician and Instructor Training.
Conduct Child Passenger Safety Basic Awareness Training.
Utilize changeable message signs to reinforce “Buckle Up - No Excuses” and other focused safety belt enforcement campaigns.
Utilize the seat belt convincer unit to educate young vehicle occupants on the importance of seat belt use.
Conduct Law Enforcement Child Passenger Safety Basic Awareness Course at MCJA.
Participate in the “Click It or Ticket” high visibility enforcement campaigns.
The Maine State Police TOPAZ Team will strive to increase seat belt compliance and decrease unrestrained fatalities as staffing permits.
Conduct periodic observational seat belt survey and child occupant seat belt survey.
Enrich Maine’s current distracted driver law by encouraging policy-makers to support legislation that would prohibit texting while driving.
Distracted Driving Observational Survey.
Pedestrian: Continue to expand the Pedestrian Safety Outreach and Education Program in Maine.
Pedestrian: Continue to develop and refine pilot projects within target communities for specifically identified “at-risk vulnerable populations.”
Pedestrian: Educate municipalities, planners and advocates on the policies, processes, and funding opportunities available to improve pedestrian safety.
Pedestrian: Create and maintain an active transportation web page.
Pedestrian: Expand the number, type, content, and frequency of safety awareness programming that targets adults.
Pedestrian: Promote MaineDOT’s Village Partnership Initiative (VPI) and measures such as Village Gateway Treatments and demonstration projects to alert drivers to the likelihood of encountering pedestrians and bicyclists and to encourage them to reduce speed where vulnerable users are present.
Bicycle: Educate municipalities, planners and advocates on the policies, processes, and funding opportunities available to improve conditions for bicyclist safety.
Bicycle: Continue bicycle safety awareness campaigns.
Pedestrian: Promote the use of the Travel Safely App to provide information between drivers and pedestrians.
Pedestrian: Identify opportunities for pedestrian infrastructure improvements, including sidewalks, off-road trails, shoulders, and crossing improvements.
Pedestrian: Incorporate proposed pedestrian infrastructure improvements within MaineDOT’s and local community’s planning process to insure that identified pedestrian needs are addressed and included within nearby infrastructure projects.
Pedestrian: Continue a pedestrian safety signage and visible crossing program.
Pedestrian: Continue to install leading pedestrian intervals (LPI’s) at signalized intersections.
Pedestrian: Develop strategies to incorporate blank-out signs at signalized intersections (“No Right Turn On red” and “Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians”).
Bicycle: Coordinate bicycle improvements including paved shoulders, signage, bike lanes, and off-road trails.
Bicycle: Implement a strategy for the use of green bike lanes through busy intersections, the use of bike boxes, and two-stage queue boxes.
Pedestrian: Continue and expand state agency coordination.
Pedestrian: Improve state and local policies and ordinances.
Pedestrian: Analyze and consider transportation needs of all users by implementing MaineDOT’s Complete Streets Policy, implementing strategies in the 2022 Statewide Active Transportation Plan.
Pedestrian: Statewide efforts to help meet and address the pedestrian safety needs in other areas of the state will be implemented.
Bicycle: Continue and expand state agency coordination.
Bicycle: Improve state and local policies and ordinances to ensure that bicycle connections are made.
Bicycle: Encourage increased bicycle utilization for commuting and shorter trips and raise driver awareness of bicycle activity by developing and implementing MaineDOT’s new EBike Library and Test-Drive Projects.
Pedestrian: Collaborate with law enforcement.
Enhance detection capabilities of roadway weather conditions.
Provide dynamic sign messaging at key interstate locations advising motorists of wintry, heavy rain or other significant weather conditions and reduced speed limits.
Wind, blowing snow onto roadways, can be hazardous (living snow fences, etc.)
Promote Green Lights on winter maintenance vehicles.
Eliminate unnecessary Interstate crossovers with a history of plow truck crashes.
Reduce winter shadowing of road surfaces through selective clearing.
Increase public awareness of the hazards of winter driving, and educate drivers on appropriate driving techniques to use in these conditions.
Support work zone awareness campaigns through social media and outreach.
Conduct public outreach campaign promoting awareness of Maine’s Move-Over Law to protect law enforcement, first responders, highway workers, and tow company employees responding to highway emergencies.
Explore "smart" technology to improve work zone safety performance.
Protect workers by piloting work zone intrusion alarms and equipping trail vehicles with crash attenuators for mobile operations.
Explore “Smart” technology to help minimize exposure of first responders at incident scenes.
Coordinate work zone speed enforcement with law enforcement.
Continue Traffic Incident Management Task Force Meetings and Training.
Increase parental involvement in developing a safe teen driver program. Provide parent-focused education regarding teen driver issues.
Develop an interactive teen driver awareness outreach program.
Support driver education with community events to engage young drivers and their parents on how to keep young drivers safe.
Support driver educators by providing instructor training, professional development opportunities, and driver education summits.
Develop a younger driver education video presentation to ensure consistent and accurate education for young drivers statewide.
Seek out new methods to increase the safety of teen drivers and their teenage passengers such as Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL).
Integrate a diversity of partners and stakeholders to participate in the Young Driver Safety Committee (YDSC) activities.