SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Education programs focused on speed related outcomes.
Judicial outreach liaison.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA.
Maintain, coordinate and continue to support the efforts of student groups.
Media Campaigns: "Local Heroes"
Educate law enforcement: "Below 100."
Media Campaigns: Sports marketing.
Memo board messaging.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
Improve skid resistance.
Improve superelevation during resurfacing.
Turn lane improvements, such as providing turn lanes, offset left- or right turn lanes.
Innovative intersections, such as roundabouts and RCUTs.
Dynamic/variable speed limits – e.g., in work zones.
Enhanced reflective signage; Enhanced striping and pavement.
STEP: Road diets.
Continued upgrades to, and installation of, roadside barrier systems, such as guardrails and median barriers.
Continue the Safety Circuit Rider Program.
Enhanced curve signage.
Radar speed enforcement signs.
High visibility enforcement: “Nighthawk.”
Saturation patrols.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
High visibility enforcement: “Click It or Ticket.”
High visibility enforcement: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”
Data mining for targeted enforcement and mitigation – cell phone data.
Sobriety checkpoints.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
Increase traffic enforcement in high crime areas.
Support Quick clearance.
Develop fines/penalties proportional to safety impact.
Work zone automated speed enforcement.
Incentivize non-aggressive driving.
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Judicial outreach liaison.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Media campaigns: "Buckle Up, Phone Down."
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA.
Maintain, coordinate and continue to support the efforts of student groups.
Public service announcements that stigmatize/vilify distracted driving.
Public service announcements: Do Not Disturb
Media Campaigns: Sports marketing.
Memo board messaging.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
Improve skid resistance.
Turn lane improvements, such as providing turn lanes, offset left- or right-turn lanes
Continued upgrades to, and installation of, roadside barrier systems, such as guardrails and median barriers.
Continue the Safety Circuit Rider Program.
Additional truck rest areas.
Edge and center line rumble strips.
Continued installation of horizontal alignment signing.
Reflective signal backplates.
Continue use of Safety Edge during resurfacing.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
High visibility enforcement: “Click It or Ticket.”
Data mining for targeted enforcement and mitigation – cell phone data.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
Support Quick clearance.
Develop fines/penalties proportional to safety impact.
Work zone automated speed enforcement.
Ban handheld devices while driving.
Increased penalties for distracted driving.
Incentivize vehicle technology, e.g., lane departure warning.
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Judicial outreach liaison.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Educate law enforcement: Lifesavers Conference.
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA.
Maintain, coordinate and continue to support the efforts of student groups.
Media Campaigns: "Local Heroes"
Media Campaigns: Sports marketing.
Memo board messaging.
Support for ride sharing to prevent impaired driving.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
Continued upgrades to, and installation of, roadside barrier systems, such as guardrails and median barriers.
High visibility enforcement: “Nighthawk.”
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE).
Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program: Drug recognition expert (DRE) trained to detect impairment by substances other than alcohol.
Saturation patrols.
Initiate and continue Lethal Weapon training and the Cops in Court program.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
High visibility enforcement: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”
Sobriety checkpoints.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
Increase traffic enforcement in high crime areas.
“Operation Zero Tolerance”: Prevent the sale of alcohol to underage people
Develop fines/penalties proportional to safety impact.
Further enforcement of KY’s per se DUI law; List of drugs and impairing substances in addition to alcohol.
Enhanced penalties for high BAC.
No probation for DUI offenders.
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Judicial outreach liaison.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Media campaigns: "Buckle Up, Phone Down."
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA
Maintain, coordinate and continue to support the efforts of student groups.
Media Campaigns: "Click It or Ticket.”
Educate first responders: “Buckle Up for Kids” training.
Educate law enforcement: "Below 100."
Media Campaigns: Sports marketing.
Memo board messaging.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Work with local agencies to perform and promote child safety seat checkups.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
High visibility enforcement: “Nighthawk.”
Saturation patrols.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
High visibility enforcement: “Click It or Ticket.”
Sobriety checkpoints.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
Develop fines/penalties proportional to safety impact.
Engage the Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) to seek improvements to KRS 189.125 and subsections.
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Education programs focused on speed related outcomes.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Media campaigns: "Buckle Up, Phone Down"
Education programs focused on overcorrection.
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA.
Education programs focused on roadway departure.
Public service announcements that stigmatize/vilify distracted driving.
Public service announcements: Do Not Disturb
Media Campaigns: Sports marketing.
Memo board messaging.
Support for ride sharing to prevent impaired driving.
Mandate completion of a Rules Clinic upon license renewal.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
Rural roads: Use CRASH data to identify top 40 corridors to deliver increased messaging and enforcement.
Improve skid resistance.
Improve superelevation during resurfacing.
Enhanced reflective signage; Enhanced striping and pavement.
Continued upgrades to, and installation of, roadside barrier systems, such as guardrails and median barriers.
Continue the Safety Circuit Rider Program.
Local road safety plans.
Provide for safe recovery with clear zones, wider shoulders, and pavement.
Additional truck rest areas.
Edge and center line rumble strips.
Enhanced curve signage.
Continued installation of horizontal alignment signing.
Continue use of Safety Edge during resurfacing.
STEP: Improve street lightings.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
High visibility enforcement: “Click It or Ticket.”
High visibility enforcement: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”
Data mining for targeted enforcement and mitigation – cell phone data.
Sobriety checkpoints.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
“Operation Zero Tolerance”: Prevent the sale of alcohol to underage people.
Further enforcement of KY’s per se DUI law; List of drugs and impairing substances in addition to alcohol.
Work zone automated speed enforcement.
No probation for DUI offenders.
Increased penalties for distracted driving.
Incentivize non-aggressive driving.
Require mature driver retesting – skills and vision.
Incentivize vehicle technology, e.g., lane departure warning.
Publicize victim impacts.
Support drivers’ education in high school.
Education programs focused on speed related outcome.
MADD - “Power of Parents” – Train additional facilitators to perform outreach to parents across the community.
Media campaigns: "Buckle Up, Phone Down."
Partnerships – e.g., AARP, AAA
Education programs focused on pedestrian safety.
Mandate completion of a Rules Clinic upon license renewal.
Media campaigns to promote and educate on motorcycle safety.
Promote traffic safety education through programs and outreach at schools, clinics, and community events.
Rural roads: Corridor improvements in partnership with HSIP and local agencies.
Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian STEP): Pedestrian refuge islands.
Turn lane improvements, such as providing turn lanes, offset left- or right-turn lanes.
Innovative intersections, such as roundabouts and RCUTs.
STEP: Improve visibility of intersection markings and devices.
STEP: Road diets.
STEP: Rectangular rapid flashing beacons.
Bike/pedestrian plan
STEP: Implement leading pedestrian intervals.
More sidewalks; separate facilities for bikes and pedestrians.
STEP: Improve street lightings.
Radar speed enforcement signs.
Increase enforcement in high crash areas.
Support and fund recruitment/retention of enforcement personnel.
Require mature driver retesting – skills and vision.
Crash rating requirements for helmets.
Regulate scooters.