SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Promote web-based mapping tool for local jurisdictions, traffic safety coalitions, and others to access and view crash data.
Link crash data to the trauma registry (to improve serious injury data).
Collect and inventory roadway data to support crash analysis, project analysis and application of policies.
Use safety management process tools such as Safety Analyst to couple data analysis with engineering solutions.
Revise official Kansas Motor Vehicle Crash Report form based on the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC).
Replace the Traffic Records System (TRS) and the KCARS crash database with a new portal and database.
Create processes to monitor changes in roadway data sources.
Interface Crash Data with Khub.
Institute legally permissible roadside oral fluids testing program for drug impaired driving.
Equip Kansas forensic crime labs to test oral fluids to allow for courtroom evidence.
Institute a state-wide enforcement unit with Kansas Highway Patrol for offender compliance enforcement of ignition interlock devices (IID).
Promote strategic enforcement at intersections with safety issues.
Promote systemic low-cost countermeasures for reducing crashes at traffic signal-controlled intersections.
Continue promoting low-cost countermeasures for reducing crashes at stop sign controlled intersections.
Continue promoting countermeasures at stop sign controlled intersections that are focused on speed differential management.
Promote construction of traditional and alterative intersection types which reduce the number of conflict points.
Develop education material for new intersection types and new traffic control devices relevant to intersections.
Complete up to 20 County Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) per year until all Kansas counties have a plan.
Promote the Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP).
Prioritize projects identified in LRSPs for HSIP/HRRR funding.
Identify strategies to improve safety on gravel roads.
Provide local roadway safety training and technical assistance.
Address driver behavior on the locally owned road system through educational efforts.
Create a targeted media campaign directed toward pickup drivers.
Collaborate with state and local partners, including employers, to promote seat belt usage through education and incentive programs.
Provide funding and other forms of support for law enforcement efforts to uphold occupant protection laws.
Enhance existing primary seat belt law to include all seating positions, increase fines and assess court costs.
Analyze existing and new data sources to define and support the prioritization of strategies.
Partner with and provide educational materials about older drivers to stakeholders, including senior centers, law enforcement agencies, Kansas legislature, city and county governments, Chamber of Commerce groups, and the state’s Area Agencies on Aging.
Educate members of the medical community about how physical and cognitive issues facing older drivers can affect their driving ability.
Promote CarFit as an important training opportunity.
Conduct training for older drivers on how to access and use the public transit system as transportation option.
Establish Mobility Managers at locations throughout the state to work with regional transit agencies to cooperatively meet the longer-distance travel needs of transit-dependent populations, including older drivers.
Establish mandatory physician and law enforcement reporting for drivers of any age who no longer have the necessary physical or mental capacity to effectively operate a motor vehicle.
Improve non-motorized data collection and analysis.
Identify and promote the use of best practices when planning and designing transportation facilities for non-motorized modes of transportation.
Improve network connectivity and operation of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Improve public awareness of non-motorized road users.
Develop and implement a safety corridor program.
Implement the FHWA’s EDC5-Reducing Rural Roadway Departure initiative.
Promote systemic low-cost countermeasures for reducing crashes at horizontal curves.
Identify and add safety enhancements to pavement preservation projects.
Create and deliver education campaigns that target factors in roadway departure crashes.
Provide local roadway safety training and resources through LTAP and direct technical assistance from LTAP’s Local Field Liaison Program.
Update and implement a new rumble strip policy.
Continue to monitor teen driving laws that are in place, advocate for initiatives that will strengthen or expand existing laws, and work against attempts to alter them in ways that weaken them.
Expand the SAFE program (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) across Kansas.
Continue to facilitate a conference for teens and teen traffic safety advocates geared to improving novice and inexperienced drivers and improve traffic safety.
Promote the initiation of teen road safety audits.
Continue to utilize annual high visibility statewide high school and middle school neighbor-hood safety restraint enforcement campaigns by local and state law enforcement agencies.
Continue to support Alcoholic Beverage Control and other law enforcement efforts to reduce underage drinking and driving.