SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns targeted to high-risk populations.
Support high visibility enforcement campaigns for hands-free cell phone law.
Provide more commercial motor vehicle parking to allow drivers to rest instead of driving further to find adequate parking.
Everyone: All general public should put their cell phone down, avoid distractions, be alert, and focus on the roadway.
Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns focused on educating drivers and passengers on the different impairments and their effects on driving.
Enhance detection through special Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) patrols and related traffic enforcement.
Supporting training for new Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) officers.
Implement countermeasures at access locations to reduce wrong-way driving on multi-lane divided highways.
Everyone: The general public should designate a driver, call a cab, or use a transportation network company and not risk driving impaired.
Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns to inform/educate the public of alternative intersection types, traffic signals, and laws.
Preparation of a guide for using the intersection configuration/evaluation tool to aid planners and designers in selecting appropriate intersection types.
Conduct high visibility enforcement campaigns related to driver awareness of bicycles and pedestrians at targeted intersections.
Systemic application of multiple low-cost countermeasures at stop-controlled intersections.
Implement alternative intersection designs that reduce conflict points and enhance safety and mobility.
Develop a process for local agencies to obtain funding for retroreflective backplates at signalized intersections.
Everyone: The general public should approach intersections with caution and become familiar with new designs in their community.
Evaluate high lane departure crash corridors for two-lane highways and deploy Road Safety Audit (RSA) teams to evaluate.
Evaluate high-friction surface treatments at targeted locations on the primary and local systems.
Implement countermeasures to reduce lane departure crashes on rural two-lane highways on the primary and local systems (edge line rumble strips, shoulder rumble strips, wider edge lines, SafetyEdge, wider shoulders).
Continue median cable barrier installations on the interstate system. Initiate median cable barrier installations on multi-lane divided highways.
Implement countermeasures to reduce lane departures in curves (retroreflective sign posts, upgraded signage, enhanced delineation, roadside design improvements).
Everyone: The general public should focus on the road, and not overcorrect or veer for objects or animals in the roadway.
Nearly all strategies identified in this plan address local roads, as well as state-maintained roads.
Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns focused on generating awareness of the risks of being an unprotected person.
Conduct highly publicized enforcement campaigns focused on restraint use.
Everyone: The general public should buckle up, everyone and every time.
Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns to educate drivers on the importance of controlling and managing vehicle speed.
Implement speed feedback signs at targeted locations.
Evaluate high-speed-related corridors for speed reduction countermeasures and implement geometric design strategies to reduce speeds.
Identify corridors with a high frequency of speed-related crashes (safety corridors) and implement high visibility enforcement.
Everyone: The general public should give themselves enough time to reach their destination. Be patient, slow down, and don’t engage with aggressive drivers.