SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Increase TIM training for all emergency responders.
Increase public and emergency responder awareness of the importance of incident management.
Improve data collection and quality metrics related to incident management.
Invest in NEMSIS reporting in underserved areas of the state.
Establish interagency agreements to support TIM.
Implement plans to detect speeding and support law enforcement.
Identify additional law enforcement resources to reduce speed-related fatalities and serious injuries.
Use judicial and legislative strategies to reduce speeding-related fatalities and severe injuries.
Incorporate infrastructure treatments to reduce aggressive and speeding behavior.
Improve understanding and awareness of the impacts of speed and crash outcomes.
Consider enforcement and education strategies for reducing distracted-driver-related fatalities and severe injuries
Partnerships and technology strategies may support the reduction of fatalities and severe injuries due to distraction.
Improve roadway infrastructure to reduce the number of drowsy- or distracted-driver crashes.
Strategies to reduce excessive and underage drinking.
Strategies to improve public information and strengthen enforcement against impaired driving.
Strategies focusing on prosecution and imposing sanctions may be implemented or enhanced.
Strengthening laws and enforcement to reduce fatalities and serious injuries related to unrestrained occupants.
Communication and education campaigns are also effective in reducing unrestrained-occupant-related fatalities and severe injuries.
Strategies that may be implemented by partnering on bike safety with local, state and federal agencies and organizations.
Research, identify, and implement effective policies to improve pedalcyclist safety at the state, local and governmental levels.
Educate roadway users to improve interactions in traffic.
Improve infrastructure features to help reduce the number and severity of pedalcyclist crashes using a context-sensitive approach to design.
Data analysis, prioritization, and enforcement strategies to reduce motorcycle related fatalities and severe injuries.
Strategies to strengthen awareness and education should be implemented.
Strategies should be implemented to improve visibility through highly visible and protective wear.
Strategies to reduce pedestrian exposure
Strategies that improve visibility for pedestrians.
Safe speed or slowing vehicle strategies to improve safety for pedestrians.
Strategies for improving awareness for pedestrian safety.
Identify potential roadway infrastructure and operational improvements
Improve driver behavior and vehicle maintenance.
Improve driver awareness for all road users.
Promote industry safety initiatives.
Encourage senior-friendly transportation options and increase awareness and availability of alternative transportation options.
Investigate the development of materials that educate older drivers on vehicle technology and how it improves safety and mobility.
Promote partnerships and educate safety professionals at metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning councils and local governments on addressing the special needs of the aging population in their transportation, land use and housing plans.
Provide law enforcement officers, frontline licensing personnel and healthcare providers resources to recognize, assess and report at-risk aging drivers.
Assess areas with an overrepresentation of older driver severe crashes or near hospitals and senior facilities to determine infrastructure and signing needs.
Publicize and enforce Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions, safety belt laws and laws pertaining to underage drinking and driving.
Enhance educational events and communication strategies such as high school events, social media messaging and peer-to-peer initiatives on highway safety issues (speeding, distracted driving, safety belt use and intersections), driver training enhancements and mitigating risky driving behavior.
Assess areas with an overrepresentation of younger driver severe crashes or near hospitals and senior facilities to determine infrastructure and signing needs.
Strategies that use technology and innovation in and outside of the vehicle.
Strategies that improve infrastructure such as wildlife crossings, fencing and roadside maintenance.
Strategies that educate the public on areas with wildlife and recommendations for driver actions.
Strategies to address fatal and serious injury crashes at signalized intersections by implementation of innovative traffic control.
Strategies to reduce the risk for angle and turning severe crashes through implementation of geometric safety countermeasures.
Strategies to improve driver awareness, visibility and compliance at intersections.
Strategies to address fatal and serious-injury crashes at unsignalized intersections.
Improve infrastructure, performance and practices.
Enforce compliance with traffic laws.
Increase public awareness.
Traffic and speed management strategies to keep vehicles from encroaching on the roadside along tangents and curves.
Strategies to minimize the likelihood of crashing into an object, overturning vehicles or crossing the centerline.
Improve public awareness and communication of roadway departure strategies and approaches to mitigate severe crashes.
Strategies to enhance work zone geometric and traffic control design practices and compliance to reduce fatalities and serious injuries.
Assess and implement smart work zone technology and innovation to enhance communication and coordination for all users.
Strategies to increase public awareness and education for improving safety in work zones.
Strategies to Improve communication and coordination between all stakeholders.
Strategies from the Guidelines for Reducing Wrong-Way Crashes on Freeways to improve signing, pavement marking and geometry to mitigate wrong-way driving incidents.
Strategies from the NCHRP Report 03-135 Wrong-Way Driving Solutions, Policy and Guidance.
Equity: In January 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation released the Equity Action Plan to institutionalizing equity across policies and programs, with the aim of reducing inequities across our transportation systems and the communities they affect. With this IL SHSP, Illinois will focus on understanding systemic disparities and inequities that exist within road safety and commits to creating a safer, more equitable transportation system. We will invest where the needs are the greatest and will engage communities to ensure programs and treatments are equitable and fit the context because all people have the right to move about their communities safely.
Data Advancement: A first step to achieving the zero-fatality vision is to compile and analyze safety data to understand system needs and align the appropriate projects and programs. Quantitative data used for safety analysis includes traffic, crash, and roadway characteristics. Data quality, timeliness and seamless linkages to other datasets is the backbone of a data-driven process that prioritizes investments and maximizes the return on the investment. Analysis may be improved with the addition of data such as census, land use, multimodal crowdsourced data and survey performance data. Illinois continues to improve data and assessment processes to address the needs of all users.