SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving speeding to 53 or fewer by 2025.
Support statewide high visibility enforcement campaigns and mini grants for aggressive driving using enforcement and crash data to focus on areas for enhanced enforcement.
Include enforcement and emergency response considerations when planning and implementing highway construction projects.
Undertake communication campaigns using media sources to educate the public about aggressive driving and associated dangers.
Continue to work with stakeholders to develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer outreach efforts to raise awareness about aggressive driving and the associated dangers.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current aggressive driving laws, provide relevant data to inform decision-making, and make recommendations for improvements.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to 45 or fewer by 2025.
Analyze CMV crash data using WebCARS, MCMIS, and A&I Online to identify high crash and other priority areas where increased traffic enforcement or public outreach could be effective, determine where improvements could be made, and seek additional data analysis tools to help save lives.
Continue high-visibility enforcement campaigns for unsafe or illegal driving practices that affect or are affected by CMVs, including non CMV traffic enforcement in high crash, work zone, and priority areas, including in rural road areas.
Continue working with ITD, the Idaho Trucking Association, and other stakeholders to provide public outreach to commercial and noncommercial drivers about safe driving behaviors, through the use of presentations and social media.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current laws and policies affecting or affected by CMVs, provide relevant data to inform decision-making, and make recommendations for improvements.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of distracted driving fatalities to 44 or fewer by 2025.
Continue communication campaigns using all media sources to educate the public and promote the shift to engaged driving.
Continue to work with safety partners and look for new partnerships with the goal in mind of changing behavior toward engaged driving.
Continue to work with stakeholders to develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer outreach efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.
Continue to work with law enforcement agencies on educating drivers of the hands free law, and how to drive engaged.
Continue multi-agency statewide high visibility enforcement campaigns.
Improve the crash and citation data collection and reporting process at all levels.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08 or greater to 68 or fewer by 2025.
Continue the education, support and training of prosecutors, law enforcement and the judiciary to improve the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of impaired driving cases. This includes, but is not limited to, continued support of the Idaho Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) and the Idaho State Impaired Driving Coordinator (SIDC).
Fund and support highway safety public media campaigns to run in conjunction with high-visibility statewide impaired mobilizations and during high use events/holidays.
Work with agencies, organizations and stakeholders statewide to reach out to mature drivers regarding the dangers of driving while using prescription medicine.
Strengthen the use of DUI Courts that operate in compliance with the Idaho Adult Court Standards and Guidelines for Effectiveness and Evaluation, through broadened training opportunities for court system providers (including judiciary, prosecutors, law enforcement officers) and expanded opportunities for client offenders to enter the DUI Court process.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current DUI laws, provide relevant data to inform decision-making, and make recommendations for improvements.
Work with agencies, organizations and other stakeholders statewide to prevent underage drinking, provide education and over-service alcohol server training.
Support impaired driving high-visibility enforcement campaigns, including DUI task forces.
Support enforcement measures that effectively address drug impaired driving.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of intersection related fatalities to 47 or fewer by 2025.
Provide education and outreach to the public about intersection safety.
Provide educational resources and collaborate with safety stakeholders.
Conduct high-visibility enforcement campaigns focusing on aggressive and/or distracted driving at intersections.
Evaluate intersections and implement innovative engineering designs to reduce the severity of crashes.
Develop a monitoring system to share the effectiveness of intersection-safety strategies.
Evaluate intersections and implement traffic control measures to increase driver awareness.
Develop a traffic incident management (TIM) plan.
Implement a data-driven intersection improvement program.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of single vehicle run-off road fatalities to 102 or fewer by 2025.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of head-on/side swipe opposite fatalities to 56 or fewer by 2025.
Support the continued use of engineering and roadway visibility features to minimize fatalities and serious injuries from lane departure crashes.
Locate and make available existing resources related to engineering practices, countermeasures and research that have proven effective in reducing fatalities and serious injuries associated with lane departure.
Develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer education and outreach efforts to raise awareness about features designed to reduce lane departure incidents (e.g., rumble strips) and recovery measures from run-offroad events.
Support the delivery of the annual HSIP funding applications related to severe crash types.
When planning lane departure projects/programs, use accurate, standardized and timely data, consistent data systems, and robust statistical analysis.
Develop a program by which multiple agencies can share resources to help undertake safety projects on ALL Idaho roads.
Develop rapport with other focus groups.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving drivers 65 years of age or older to 53 or fewer by 2025.
Facilitate the efforts of programs such as AAA Roadwise Review, CarFit, We Need to Talk, and other driving assessment tools, and provide information about alternatives to driving if warranted.
Identify and/or establish broad-based statewide coalitions that address mature driving issues and help support their programs.
Working with health care professionals, senior advocacy groups and other stakeholders, educate and advocate for coordination of medical appointments, available alternative transportation, and other safety and cost-savings measures for seniors and families facing transportation challenges (public transportation, 211, etc.).
Evaluate the effectiveness of current laws affecting the medical review process, provide relevant data to inform decision-making, and make recommendations for improvement.
Educate health care professionals, law enforcement, drivers’ examiners and family members about Idaho’s laws regarding the medical review process.
Develop a process to gather more data from emergency responders that reflects the number of crashes that result from visual, cognitive, and/or physical impairment, and the reason for the trip that resulted in the crash.
Maintain, expand, and improve roadway visibility features (e.g., evaluating sign placement, improving roadway markings, and increasing size and visibility of roadway regulation signage).
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving motorcycle riders/drivers to 28 or fewer by 2025.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of unhelmeted motorcycle fatalities to 16 or fewer by 2025.
Continue motorcycle rider skills training.
Undertake communication campaigns using media sources to educate the public about the importance of motorcycle awareness and safe operation.
Continue to work with stakeholders to develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer outreach efforts to raise awareness about making smarter choices to mitigate the risks and rewards of riding motorcycles.
Continue to foster partnerships between the motorcycle community and multi-agency stakeholders (e.g., law enforcement, EMS, military, etc.).
Increase the percentage of properly licensed riders by encouraging motorcycle riders to complete and pass the State endorsement skills test and/or a motorcycle-training course.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current motorcycle laws, provide relevant data to inform decision-making, and make recommendations for improvements.
Partner with ITD’s Office of Highway Safety to target aggressive and impaired riders as part of statewide rider awareness and enforcement campaigns.
Encourage collection of key data elements, such as riding gear.
Increase focus on cross-referencing of crash data with training data.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of unrestrained personal motor vehicle (PMV) fatalities to 95 or fewer by 2025.
Work with highway safety partners to help improve or strengthen current occupant protection laws.
Work with public and private employers to develop effective occupant protection policies.
Support and increase participation in statewide high visibility enforcement campaigns for proper occupant protection use and encourage sustained law enforcement participation year round.
Use a variety of media sources with an emphasis on social media to target rural areas of the state.
Develop programs, including education and scholarship programs as well as media campaigns, to specifically address and engage young drivers.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving people who bicycle to four or fewer by 2025.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving people who walk to 18 or fewer by 2025.
Partner with organizations who advocate for walkers and bicyclists to design a transportation system that applies Safe Systems principles. Embrace and expand the use of proven Safe Systems practices, and still be willing to try to evaluate new or nontraditional approaches.
Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of current laws, policies and design standards affecting bicycles, pedestrians and motorists, provide relevant data to inform decision-making and make recommendations for improvements.
Develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer outreach efforts to raise awareness about the challenges of youthful driving and the importance of safe passenger behavior.
Include construction and maintenance of appropriate facilities for all users (including bicycle, pedestrian, multimodal, transit, etc.) on all projects as appropriate.
Continue to enhance drivers’ education and testing to incorporate safe operation and awareness of all modes of transportation, including bicycles and pedestrians.
Improve bicycle-pedestrian crash data collection, including health data and data about non-vehicle-involved crashes, through technological and medical partnerships.
Work with law enforcement to help enforce bicycle and pedestrian laws for the drivers, pedalcyclists, and pedestrians.
- Reduce the 5-year average number of fatalities involving drivers age 20 or younger to 28 or fewer by 2025.
Develop and implement statewide, community-based, grassroots, and peer-to-peer outreach efforts to raise awareness about the challenges of youthful driving and the importance of safe passenger behavior.
Evaluate Alive at 25 or similar defensive driver awareness training courses. Based on results, recommend expansion of the program, or implementation of another program, to increase participation across Idaho.
Evaluate the effectiveness of current youthful driving laws and provide relevant data for decision-making. As part of this process, develop new ways of measuring effectiveness for seat belt use, distracted driving, GDL and/or other factors.
Increase the effectiveness of existing Graduated Driver’s License (GDL) laws by expanding and improving training about the laws, including their purposes and how they currently function.
Research and use appropriate assessment and evaluation tools for Idaho driver education trends. A District-by-District statistical analysis about why youth do not participate in driver education might be an example.
Develop educational outreach opportunities for post-high school drivers, ages 17 to 20.
Maintain a standard and uniform education curriculum for driver education programs. Encourage parents to attend a class and/or accompany their teen driver during the driver education class and road practice.