SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Improve safety of roadway infrastructure through the development and implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures to ensure traffic safety is incorporated into each roadway project.
Improve roadway infrastructure by installing countermeasures to reduce lane departure crashes.
Improve roadway infrastructure by installing countermeasures to reduce intersection crashes.
Improve roadway infrastructure to increase safety for vulnerable road users.
Evaluate and improve the entire impaired driving process from prevention to post-adjudication, including but not limited to e-search warrants, establishment of a state forensic toxicology lab, ignition interlock, DWI court and laws pertaining to OVUII.
Establish and maintain a forensic toxicology lab to conduct testing for alcohol and drug-impaired driving cases.
Establish and/or maintain partnerships with government agencies, community coalitions, the private business sector, other industries, etc. to combat impaired driving, including collaboration on and incorporation of other group’s strategic plans.
Align with priorities identified by the Impaired Driving Task Force or similar groups.
Adapt priorities, training and initiatives to emerging impaired driving-related trends and issues.
Establish and implement e-warrant system.
Strengthen the ignition interlock program in Hawaii.
Develop and implement prevention, communications and community outreach initiatives.
Improve upon collection, analysis and application of impaired driving-related data.
Incident Management/EMS
Expand EMS capacity to meet the population and community demand (ambulance units and staff).
Expand voluntary bystander training programs to targeted communities and drivers (such as compression-only CPR, and Stop The Bleed initiative).
Improve and expand EMS data capabilities through Hawaii Emergency Medical Services Information System, or HEMSIS).
Provide training, education, equipment and technologies to improve first responder capabilities for traffic-related crashes.
Conduct NHTSA EMS assessment and apply resulting assessment recommendations.
Support helmet usage legislation and judicial initiatives as well as those laws and regulations that improve motorcycle, motor scooter and moped safety.
Encourage safety activities with the public and partners as a part of a comprehensive plan that includes centralized program planning, implementation, coordination and evaluation to maximize the effectiveness of programs.
Maximize the opportunities for existing funds for all motorcycle, moped and motor scooter safety initiatives, and continue to identify and utilize new funding sources.
Ensure that the public has access to basic and advanced rider safety courses as well as identify unendorsed riders, and develop strategies and incentives to encourage riders to obtain proper endorsement.
Continue to outreach and partner with law enforcement on impaired and speeding riders.
Manage motorcycle safety through engineering practices as a part of a comprehensive plan that includes centralized program coordination, planning, design, implementation and evaluation to maximize the effectiveness of programs and practices.
Support the goals and priorities of the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC).
Obtain funding needed to improvement data and information flow, and develop an effective safety management system including TRCC.
Improve linkage and integration of data.
Improve existing processes to turn data into useful information for law enforcement and other traffic partners, to be used for problem identification and evaluation; to direct resources in enforcement, education and engineering; and to make positive behavior changes.
Improve data/information and the process to track, monitor and assess the progress in each of the other emphasis areas.
Improvement upon the six core traffic records data systems – crash, vehicle, driver, roadway, citation/adjudication, and EMS/injury surveillance.
Enact policies and legislation to enhance enforcement and adjudication of occupant protection laws to reduce crashes that result in serious injury or death.
Identify and maintain key partnerships to promote occupant protection.
Advocate for occupant protection resources for child passenger safety initiatives.
Conduct focus groups in low-use areas.
Outreach education to increase restraint and seat belt use through media and community activities.
Support of law enforcement to continue their enforcement and education efforts, with emphasis on nighttime enforcement.
Enact legislation enabling counties to implement a photo enforcement program.
Re-examine existing reckless driving and speeding laws to improve conviction rates and effectiveness of penalties.
Develop aggressive driving/speed management programs.
Conduct studies to identify ways to address speeding.
Develop and implement media campaigns, public service announcements, and public education initiatives that address speeding and aggressive driving.
Evaluate and/or implement road safety design elements and infrastructure to reduce speeding and speed-related crashes (e.g., speed limits, speed feedback signs, intelligent transportation system technologies, etc.).
Use timely crash data to identify high-risk locations in order to direct resources in enforcement, education and engineering.
Evaluate and implement context-sensitive speeds that consider adjacent land use and population to decrease fatalities and serious injuries.
Expand, improve and maintain state and local pedestrian and bicycle facilities and networks.
Implement Complete Streets, Vision Zero and other policies and programs to increase safety for all modes of transportation.
Improve safety for children walking and bicycling to school.
Maximize the opportunity to use existing funding.
Improve enforcement in high-crash areas involving people walking and bicycling.
Improve data and performance measures.
Educate all road users to take responsibility for road safety.