SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Identify and deploy proven engineering solutions for enhancements, such as improving intersection lighting and sight distance, retroreflective pavement markers on horizontal curves, signal phasing and signing, and advance warning of work zones, at locations that demonstrate serious crash problems and have the greatest exposure to risk for aging road users.
Develop, test, and deploy driver assistance and automated vehicle technology that could provide mobility options for older adults.
Develop and implement targeted outreach and communication strategies to increase awareness among older adults, families, health care providers, safety professionals, community partners, and public about the safety, access, and mobility needs of aging road users and the resources available.
Educate and train road users by developing and distributing resources and tools to support safe driving skills and encourage early planning to safely transition from driving.
Promote partnerships and educate safety professionals at metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning councils, and local governments on the importance of addressing the special needs of the aging population in their transportation, land use, and housing plans.
Provide law enforcement officers and front line licensing personnel training, tools, and resources to recognize, assess, and report at-risk aging drivers.
Create safer and more livable communities by providing access to features and services to meet the mobility needs of an aging population.
Promote a broader range of safe transportation choices to better accommodate the need for safe, accessible, and affordable transportation that meets the needs of an aging population.
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices to improve commercial motor vehicle safety, particularly at work zones, intersections and interchanges and entry/exit ramps.
Strengthen collaboration with MPOs and local governments to identify major freight corridors and hubs and specific freight needs, including truck parking, in the planning process to increase roadway safety, efficiency, and mobility.
Achieve immediate gains through adaptation and implementation of technologies including dynamic messaging, collision warning systems, and roadside devices that monitor potential CMV equipment failures at operating speeds and make data available to commercial vehicle telematics companies to allow large trucks to respond rapidly to changing traffic and roadway conditions.
Develop, test, and deploy connected vehicle and onboard unit messaging technologies such as platooning to improve commercial vehicle safety.
Develop and implement targeted outreach and communication strategies to increase motorist awareness and understanding of how to drive safely around commercial vehicles.
Partner with the trucking industry, fleet operators, cell phone carriers, insurance companies, and vehicle manufacturers to educate and train beginning and experienced commercial vehicle drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.
Educate and train first responders in coordination protocols and proper response to large scale, multi-vehicle crashes.
Conduct focused enforcement in high crash locations associated with commercial vehicles and promote compliance with safety, driver rest, and vehicle weight requirements.
Incident Management/EMS
Advance focused strategies for emergency response to commercial vehicle crashes, including hazardous material and large scale multi-vehicle crashes, to improve response and clearance times, trauma outcomes, and motorist and responder safety, and prevent secondary crashes.
Promote the collection, analysis, distribution, and integration of quality data among FDOT and other state, federal, and local agencies to identify driver, vehicle, and location risks to improve safety decision making and identification of appropriate countermeasures.
Create safer communities that accommodate more urban/neighborhood goods delivery by using context-sensitive design approaches.
Create safer communities by collaborating with the trucking and bus industries on programs and initiatives to improve safety and reduce commercial motor vehicle crashes, including truck parking solutions.
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices to limit conflicts between vehicles or between vehicles and other roadway users, including: Traffic control improvements; Intersection sight distance and lighting improvements; Geometric improvements; Systematic use of Intersection Control Evaluations to implement innovative designs such as roundabouts, displaced left-turns and median U-turns.
Achieve immediate gains through implementation of existing best proven practices and technologies such as traffic signal optimization.
Accelerate the implementation of proven new safety countermeasures such as automated technologies and adaptive traffic control deployment that support enforcement and incident response and rail grade crossing safety systems.
Develop, test, and deploy connected and automated vehicle technology such as collision avoidance and turning detection control systems.
Develop and implement outreach and communication strategies for intersection safety targeted for older adults, youth, vulnerable road users, and users with limited English proficiency. Use these strategies to increase understanding of how to share intersections safely and how to use engineering solutions such as smart traffic control devices and innovative intersection designs.
Conduct focused enforcement activities by using data to identify high-crash intersections, including key times and days for each intersection.
Incident Management/EMS
Accelerate the implementation of proven and innovative techniques for reducing response time, including using emergency vehicle preemption technology to ensure access to high-risk intersections.
Identify high risk locations, needs, and potential solutions using data-driven road safety assessments supported by partner input.
Create safer communities by matching intersection design, improvements, and operations to customer needs and surrounding land uses.
Promote a broader range of safe transportation choices by improving travel options and network connectivity so users have alternatives to heavily traveled intersections.
Provide greater flexibility to facilitate partnering between state and local governments on intersection improvements and traffic operations.
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices for addressing lane departure crashes such as speed management techniques (curve delineation, high friction surface treatment), horizontal curve design, use of rumble strips, and elimination of vertical drop-offs at the roadway pavement’s edge.
Accelerate the implementation of existing ITS infrastructure and new safety countermeasures to address lane departure crashes such as lane departure warning systems, blind spot detection, and lane assist systems.
Develop and implement outreach and communication strategies for in-vehicle technologies to avoid lane departures and expand education efforts on driver risk factors that may cause lane departure crashes such as speeding or distracted, drowsy, and impaired driving.
Conduct focused enforcement activities by using data to identify high roadway departure crash locations and corridors caused by drivers who are speeding, distracted, and impaired, including key times and days.
Incident Management/EMS
Accelerate the implementation of proven and innovative techniques for reducing response time to lane departure crashes, including ensuring access by emergency vehicles on freeways, limited access, and controlled access highways.
Create safer communities in urban, suburban, and rural areas by reflecting customer needs and surrounding land uses in roadway design and operations.
Continue to integrate proven safety practices known to reduce lane departure crashes into state, regional, and local transportation projects.
Deploy engineering solutions and best practices that address motorcycle and motor scooter-specific infrastructure issues and mitigation approaches including drainage and shoulders, communication of road conditions, pavement conditions, enhanced roadway delineation, and traffic control devices.
Develop and implement targeted outreach and communication strategies to promote safe riding behaviors, especially among aging riders, young riders, and motor scooter riders, as well as to improve motorists’ awareness of how to safely share the road with motorcycles and motor scooters.
Educate and train beginning and experienced motorcycle riders to maintain adequate riding skills and encourage defensive riding.
Provide law enforcement officers training, tools, and resources to encourage zero tolerance for aggressive motorcycle and motor scooters activities and riding without an endorsement.
Incident Management/EMS
Advance targeted strategies for emergency responders and healthcare providers on motorcycle and motor scooter crash trauma that include responder training and education on proper helmet removal.
Promote the collection and linkage of quality crash, injury, licensing, violation, and registration data for analysis to identify high risk locations and behaviors related to motorcycle and motor scooter fatal and serious injury crashes.
Identify and support legislation and policies that acknowledge the importance of safety gear including helmets, and address penalties for riding without an endorsement as well as behaviors such as speeding and/or careless driving.
Develop and deploy engineering solutions and best practices to support and encourage safe walking and bicycling such as refuge islands, walkways, pedestrian crossing islands, road diets, separated bike lanes, leading pedestrian intervals, median channelization, marking enhancement, lighting, and innovative signals and beacons.
Develop and test technologies that can improve bicyclist and pedestrian safety.
Develop and implement clear, consistent, and context-sensitive targeted outreach and communication strategies about pedestrian and bicyclist safety to all roadway users.
Educate and train state and local planners, designers, engineers, and law enforcement staff on the benefits of including pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the planning stages of all relevant transportation projects.
Include safety issues and compliance with traffic laws and regulations related to pedestrians and bicyclists in all driver training courses to educate beginning and experienced road users about these vulnerable road users.
Provide law enforcement officers training, tools, and resources to enforce laws that support safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Incident Management/EMS
Advance targeted strategies for emergency response to crashes by improving medical response protocols specific to key injuries sustained by pedestrians and bicyclists.
Promote the collection, analysis, distribution, and use of quality data and tools to guide, enhance, and evaluate transportation-related decision making at the state, regional, and local levels to reduce pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries.
Reduce disparities in transportation safety risks by ensuring that all transportation projects provide safety, mobility, and accessibility to all road users, regardless of age or ability.
Create safer communities with urban and rural built environments that support and encourage safe walking and biking.
Prioritize projects providing a demonstrated safety benefit and accessibility for people walking and biking through all phases of relevant state and local transportation projects.
Identify and support state and local legislation and policies that clarify the responsibilities of users and support safe travel behavior.
Develop and implement targeted outreach and communication strategies to promote driver education programs and educate teens, parents, caregivers, and other partners about Florida’s GDL laws and the resources available.
Educate teens, parents and caregivers about the safety issues and the traffic laws and regulations related to teen distracted driving.
Educate teens, parents, and caregivers about the dangers of drowsy and impaired driving, the importance of safety belt use, and driver responsibilities when involved in a crash.
Provide resources to educate teen road users on how to safely use other modes of transportation, such as walking, bicycling, transit, micromobility, and shared or automated vehicles.
Expand Florida’s Driver Education curriculum to be comprehensive in its promotion of proven teen driver safety practices and principles.
Provide law enforcement officers training, tools, and resources on Florida’s GDL and distracted driving laws, and high-risk behaviors associated with teen drivers
Achieve immediate gains through implementation of proven technologies to assist parents in monitoring newly licensed teen drivers.
Develop, test, and deploy emerging connected and automated vehicle technology that could provide mobility options for teen drivers.
Create safer communities through greater interaction of parents and caregivers in the teen driver license process by engaging caregivers during orientation events, parent groups, and other teen/caregiver-targeted functions.
Prioritize projects and initiatives providing a demonstrated reduction in teen driving crashes
Identify and support legislation to improve Florida’s GDL laws.
Pursue school policies that correlate teen safe driving behavior with student privileges.
Develop analysis tools, visualization approaches, and dashboards to turn information into useable knowledge that meets the needs of users and decision-makers.
Improve data analysis tools and methodologies by facilitating a fully integrated traffic records data system with up-to-date and consistent data dictionaries and data elements that incorporates all roads
Improve data collection and analysis efforts through training and education of law enforcement officers regarding accuracy and detail of crash report information.
Augment analysis of traffic records with broader data on community context, land use, demographics, and public health.
Expand data collection and analysis to incorporate emerging mobility options such as micromobility and connected and automated vehicles, as well as real-time data sources.
Develop and commit sustainable funding to implement a comprehensive safety data management plan.
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices that mitigate distracted driving, such as rumble strips and stripes, flashing beacons, traffic calming, lighting, and dynamic warning signs.
Achieve immediate gains through implementation of technologies that can prevent crashes such as cell phone signal blocking technologies and automated vehicle systems.
Develop and implement targeted outreach and communication strategies to increase understanding of the consequences related to distracted driving, riding, and walking
Educate and train beginning and experienced road users about distracted driving, riding, and walking by ensuring all course materials include specific content about distraction
Provide law enforcement officers training, tools, and resources to detect and cite distracted road users, collect data, provide education in their community, and model good driving behavior.
Conduct focused enforcement activities for distracted driving, riding, or walking using the most appropriate enforcement strategy.
Expand analysis of traffic records data related to distracted driving citations and crashes to identify and resolve inconsistencies or gaps in data.
Create safer communities by promoting a culture shift away from distracted driving through local leadership and resources.
Identify and support legislation to enhance enforcement and penalties for use of smart devices while driving and promote supportive employer policies.
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices for wrong way driving, lane departures, and intersection crashes that may be greater risks for impaired drivers.
Achieve immediate gains through implementation of existing best practices and technologies including use of tools such as ignition interlock devices.
Combine targeted outreach and communication strategies with targeted high visibility enforcement to increase public awareness of the consequences of impaired driving.
Provide law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and the courts training, tools, and resources to detect, reduce, and/or prevent impaired driving.
Prioritize projects providing a demonstrated reduction in repeat impaired driving including targeted enforcement, effective prosecution, and improved screening, assessment, and treatment of substance abuse.
Promote the analysis, distribution, and use of quality data by improving data collection related to alcohol and drug impairment and closing data gaps through better data integration and processes.
Create safer communities by working with local stores, restaurants, bars, and event venues to promote responsible alcohol service.
Create safer communities by promoting safer transportation choices that encourage alternatives to driving when impaired.
Identify and support legislation and policies to enhance penalties, expand diversion and treatment programs, and improve procedures related to collecting evidence of impairment.
Develop and implement outreach and communication strategies focused on the demographics with low safety belt and child restraint use.
Create safer communities by providing occupant protection and child passenger safety training, materials, resources, and child safety seat checks to all areas of the state and at-risk populations.
Provide law enforcement officers training, tools, and resources to increase compliance with occupant protection and child passenger safety laws and increase seat belt use among officers.
Combine focused high visibility enforcement with focused outreach and communication strategies to increase public awareness of the consequences of riding unrestrained.
Identify and support legislation to require all passengers in all seating positions to be properly restrained including occupants of pickup trucks or flatbed vehicles and the correct child restraint seats for the correct amount of time
Identify and support legislation or policies that require completion of a mandatory diversion program for first-time offenders of the child restraint law
Identify, develop, and deploy engineering solutions and best practices to reduce speed such as lane narrowing, roundabouts, curb extensions, and transition zones where the roadway context classification changes.
Achieve immediate gains through implementation of proven technologies such as dynamic speed signing at high risk locations, and vehicle intelligent speed adaptation technology that provides feedback when the speed limit has been exceeded.
Create safer communities by continuing to implement Complete Streets and context sensitive design solutions to help match speeds to the context of the surrounding community.
Develop and implement community-based outreach and communication strategies to educate beginning and experienced road users about the impact of speeding on crash severity, consequences of driving aggressively, and how to avoid aggressive drivers.
Educate and train safety professionals on establishing target speeds for all modes, Complete Streets, and Safe System approaches.
Conduct focused enforcement activities of speeding and aggressive driving laws at high risk locations
Promote the collection, analysis, and distribution of quality crash and citation data to law enforcement agencies to identify high risk locations and behaviors related to speeding and aggressive driving fatal and serious injury crashes.
Prioritize projects providing a demonstrated reduction in vehicle speeds at high risk locations for speeding.
Identify and support legislation to increase penalties for speeding and aggressive driving.