SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the laws and dangers of distracted driving.
Continue to incorporate distracted driving messaging into safety campaigns.
Partner with stakeholders to promote distracted driving awareness by encouraging employers to implement policies to eliminate distracted driving.
Increase young driver awareness of the dangers of distracted driving through revisions to the Driver Education curriculum.
Incorporate distracted driving education into defensive driver education programs.
Increase distracted driving enforcement programs.
Support legislative action to strengthen distracted driving efforts.
Consider expanding distracted driving laws to eliminate the use of hands-free devices.
Investigate the need for enhancements to the existing cell phone law to incorporate new technologies into the list of banned devices.
Support legislative enhancements to incorporate points on a driver’s record for cell phone violations.
Conduct high visibility enforcement campaigns targeted at reducing distracted driving.
Identify best practices for distracted driving enforcement.
Provide law enforcement training regarding properly identifying distracted driving as a contributing factor in crashes to better quantify the distracted driving problem.
Improve roadway infrastructure to minimize the consequences of distracted driving.
Continue to install shoulder and centerline rumble strips to alert distracted drivers when they drift out of the travel lane.
Improve data collection and monitoring of distracted driving trends.
Evaluate citation data related to cell phone usage while driving to determine if the data could be used as an additional source for problem identification.
Improve field level accessibility of data related to previous violations/warnings to law enforcement.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the laws and dangers of impaired driving.
Expand drug impaired outreach campaigns.
Partner with stakeholders to distribute educational resources to promote the dangers of impaired driving.
Expand Department of Education efforts to demonstrate the dangers of impaired driving to students.
Conduct outreach and training to educate owners/servers of alcohol establishments regarding the dangers of over-serving alcohol and identifying impaired persons.
Increase risk perception by publicizing information about enforcement initiatives.
Install roadway lighting to address nighttime crashes and investigate the effectiveness of a systemic roadway lighting program.
Develop programs that utilize multi-component interventions that combine programs and policies to reduce impaired driving.
Promote the use of and develop programs for ride sharing services focusing on areas where impaired driving may be concentrated.
Encourage the use of ride sharing services prior to consumption to minimize the enticement of personal vehicle use once impaired.
Update DelDOT’s standard specifications and the Delaware MUTCD to further implement enhanced pavement markings and retroreflectivity on roadways.
Partner with Delaware Transit Corporation to investigate and evaluate enhanced transit services including trolley services.
Develop policies and procedures to improve data sharing between the Impaired Driving Report and crash reports so that crash reports are updated with information related to impairment status and test results, especially for drug-impaired related crashes.
Strengthen impaired driving enforcement programs.
Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of impaired driving laws.
Conduct targeted high-visibility enforcement campaigns, such as DUI checkpoints.
Increase location-based enforcement efforts based on robust data analysis.
Encourage law enforcement to train all staff in impaired driving enforcement best practices, including an expansion of the Drug Recognition Expert program.
Investigate and evaluate technologies and best practices to support impaired driving enforcement.
Install proven engineering treatments to mitigate the consequences of impaired driving.
Prioritize corridors to provide enhanced nighttime visibility.
Improve data collection and monitoring of impaired driving trends.
Improve the collection, processing, and reporting of data related to drug testing and support Division of Forensics with additional resources.
Partner with Delaware Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement (DATE) and NHTSA to expand DATE records management system related to alcohol enforcement.
Reduce the frequency and severity of intersection crashes through operational, geometric and traffic control device improvements.
Continue to prioritize critical corridors for safety audits to identify and implement effective countermeasures, such as reducing conflict points along divided highways.
Implement systemic intersection-related safety improvements at high-risk intersections.
Establish a proactive conflict point removal program focusing on median crossover closures, road vacations and removal of redundant intersections.
Perform before/after studies to evaluate and identify the most effective treatments for a given crash type/location.
Reduce the frequency and severity of intersection crashes using innovative technology and automated enforcement practices.
Implement Digital Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and/or cellular-based technology at intersections to ready infrastructure for the safety benefits of Vehicle to Infrastructure communications.
Investigate the feasibility of implementing dynamic all-red and dilemma zone protection at signalized intersections to reduce the occurrence of red light running.
Establish an intersection safety program, similar to the Corridor Capacity Preservation Program (CCPP) with the goal of eliminating recurring high crash intersections.
Investigate the feasibility of piloting a traffic signal countdown indication.
Expand the Electronic Red Light Safety Program (ERLSP) to include additional signalized intersections and utilize collections to fund additional safety projects.
Support the enactment of legislation to expand the use of automated enforcement for intersection violations including “block the box” and stop sign running.
Review and revise the Delaware Driver Manual to incorporate new and existing traffic control devices to improve road user’s knowledge.
Update DelDOT’s Roundabout Design Guidance Memorandum to include the latest best practices and encourage designers to consider roundabouts where appropriate.
Update the DelDOT Roundabout Design Guidance Memorandum to include design guidelines for compact roundabout installations.
Evaluate the need for revisions to DelDOT’s Complete Streets policy and implementation plan.
Utilize technology to collect data regarding near-miss events at intersections to support the identification of appropriate safety countermeasures.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messaging to educate the public on traffic laws, new traffic control devices and intersection safety.
Implement targeted public awareness campaigns to improve road user knowledge and comprehension of new and existing traffic control devices for intersections.
Evaluate the analytics of social media pages to determine if appropriate target audiences are being reached with safety messaging.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of motorcycle safety.
Promote the use of reflective and personal protective equipment (PPE), including helmet use.
Provide targeted safety public awareness campaigns directed at impaired motorcyclists.
Provide targeted motorcycle safety public awareness campaigns during specific holiday periods and in targeted areas.
Provide targeted motorcycle safety public awareness campaigns directed at motor vehicle blind spots and checking for motorcycles.
Increase the number of motorcycle safety course/endorsement course instructors available within the state.
Promote the sharing of information regarding crash locations, roadway characteristics, and hazards regarding potential problems for motorcyclists.
Conduct surveys of motorcyclists to better understand trends with personal protective equipment (PPE) use, general motorcycle operation and interaction with other traffic.
Conduct targeted high-visibility enforcement campaigns to reduce motorcycle crashes.
Educate the highway engineering and maintenance workforce on roadway conditions that may be hazardous to motorcycles.
Strengthen motorcycle safety enforcement programs.
Examine penalties related to operating a motorcycle without an endorsement and consider enhancing the penalties similar to that of operating a motor vehicle without a license.
Research the use of ignition interlock devices (IID) and motorcycle-specific requirements to determine device availability and determine if there is a tendency to circumvent the IID law.
Support legislative action to strengthen motorcycle safety, including endorsement laws and motorcycle enforcement efforts.
Support the enactment of a universal motorcycle helmet law.
Investigate the feasibility of enacting a graduated motorcycle helmet law, similar to that of the graduated driver licensing requirements.
Review regulations regarding temporary motorcycle permits and motorcycle endorsements to evaluate potential contradictions between the two.
Improve infrastructure and consider motorcycles when installing improvements.
Investigate and research roadside safety hardware best practices to reduce the severity of motorcycle crashes involving existing roadside hardware.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to educate the public about Pedestrian safety.
Increase targeted public outreach, based on specific data-driven trends (e.g., impairment, visibility, etc.).
Increase awareness regarding pedestrian infrastructure improvements and incorporate educational outreach in conjunction with implementation of pedestrian improvement projects.
Develop and distribute targeted public information messages to increase public awareness regarding safety issues during vehicle breakdowns.
Develop educational training programs to improve pedestrian safety awareness.
Develop an educational outreach program for school children targeting pedestrian safety issues.
Incorporate pedestrian (and other road user) laws and rules of the road into Drivers Education and Defensive Driving curricula.
Develop and implement formal crossing guard certification requirements, similar to programs for flaggers in highway work zones.
Strengthen pedestrian safety laws and enforcement efforts.
Support the expansion of legislation permitting the use of automated speed enforcement in Delaware.
Develop policies and/or guidelines to support pedestrian safety measures.
Consider revising DelDOT’s design policies and guidelines to promote design practices that reduce vehicular speeds and promote pedestrian safety.
Revise DelDOT’s Development Coordination Manual to require additional pedestrian infrastructure improvements related to new developments.
Evaluate the need for revisions to DelDOT’s Complete Streets policy and implementation plan.
Initiate a Pedestrian Safety Stakeholder group with membership from appropriate state agencies, advocacy groups and the public to identify pedestrian safety and connectivity improvements, policy updates and improved collaboration between state and local agencies, consistent with the objectives of the 2021-2025 SHSP.
Evaluate the expansion of DelDOT’s Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP) to increase services along interstates, freeways, and expressways to reduce pedestrian exposure during vehicle breakdowns.
Utilize a strategic law enforcement and social services approach to address substance abuse related to pedestrian crashes and behaviors.
Conduct high-visibility enforcement campaigns targeting both pedestrians and drivers to promote pedestrian safety.
Evaluate the need for a “Pedestrian Safety Behavior Modification” class and require those charged with various pedestrian safety violations to participate in the class.
Install effective engineering countermeasures to improve pedestrian safety.
Continue conducting pedestrian safety audits at high-crash locations and critical corridors and incorporate pedestrian behavioral surveys into the audits.
Install infrastructure improvements to reduce pedestrian exposure, the potential for pedestrian/vehicle conflicts, and increase pedestrian visibility.
Perform before/after studies to evaluate and identify the most effective pedestrian safety treatments.
Research, and where appropriate, implement innovative pedestrian detection at signalized intersections and at other locations along high-risk corridors where driver feedback can be provided via signs and signals.
Improve data collection of pedestrian crashes and monitor trends.
Working with the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH), share data to link mental health issues and substance abuse with traffic and pedestrian travel patterns to improve educational outreach to vulnerable populations.
Correlate pedestrian crashes with population changes associated with summer resort seasons, holiday shopping and other times that increase pedestrian activity and if necessary, identify appropriate pedestrian safety countermeasures.
Correlate pedestrian crashes to income levels and homeless populations in Delaware and if necessary, identify appropriate pedestrian safety countermeasures.
Implement best practices for the use of the new pedestrian origin-destination data to capture improved data about pedestrian travel patterns and crashes.
Incident Management/EMS
Improve emergency services and incident management to address pedestrian safety.
Reduce the likelihood of vehicles leaving a travel lane through the implementation of engineering countermeasures.
Continue the systemic installation of proven engineering safety countermeasures such as high-friction surface treatments, rumble strips, and traffic control devices.
Update DelDOT’s Rumble Strip Design Guidance Memorandum to incorporate sinusoidal rumble strips.
Implement enhanced pavement markings on roadways and prioritize high-risk corridors to improve nighttime and inclement weather pavement marking visibility.
Conduct targeted road safety audits to identify opportunities to reduce roadway departure crashes.
Investigate and implement innovative solutions targeted at keeping vehicles on the roadway.
Develop a systemic safety improvement program to implement roadway lighting along high-risk corridors.
Minimize the consequence of leaving the roadway by improving the roadside environment.
Develop a program to install median guardrail on high-risk segments of divided highways based on a data-driven prioritization process.
Maintain clear zones whenever possible including removing, preventing, or delineating trees within the clear zone.
Work with utility companies to identify roadside utility equipment with a history of vehicular impacts to remove, relocate, redesign, shield or delineate this infrastructure.
Support national research initiatives for improved roadside safety hardware and implement best practices.
Consider implementing guidelines for the repair and maintenance of guardrail, end treatments and associated hardware.
Develop implementation guidance for high-friction surface treatments.
Evaluate the feasibility of incorporating safety factors as a selection criterion for DelDOT’s Pavement Rehabilitation Program.
Review DelDOT’s design policies and guidelines for opportunities to promote design practices to reduce roadway departure crashes.
Formalize the DelDOT MASH committee including its membership, roles, and responsibilities.
Develop policies and guidelines to implement effective safety measures to reduce the frequency and severity of roadway departure crashes.
Support legislation related to the use of Road Departure Mitigation units in all vehicles and partner with various companies/agencies to implement their use.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messaging to educate the public about safe driving practices that reduce the frequency of roadway departure crashes.
Incorporate roadway departure messaging into public safety awareness campaigns for other Emphasis Area campaigns.
Increase public awareness of the benefits of rumble strips.
Incorporate roadway departure safety practices and driving tips within the Driver’s Education and Defensive Driving curricula.
Improve roadway departure crash data collection and analysis to enhance the identification of high-risk corridors and high-risk driving behaviors.
Collect comprehensive pavement skid resistance data and correlate with roadway departure crash frequency.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the law and consequences of speeding.
Develop targeted public safety awareness campaigns that reduce the perception that speeding is acceptable and improve public understanding of the consequences of speeding.
Revitalize the DelDOT residential roadways speeding campaign (“At 25 She’s Alive...”) and consider similar campaigns targeting local and collector roadways.
Ensure drivers education instructors and defensive driving programs incorporate speeding laws and the benefits of driving at a safe and reasonable speed into their lesson plans.
Expand the use of Variable Message Signs for displaying safety messages.
Implement engineering countermeasures that reduce speed differentials and increase compliance with posted speed limits.
Implement engineering countermeasures that have a combined crash reduction on speeding related crashes and pedestrian related crashes.
Develop policies and guidelines to implement effective safety measures to reduce the frequency and severity of speeding related crashes.
Reduce the frequency and severity of speeding related crashes by implementing innovative enforcement practices.
Conduct targeted high-visibility enforcement campaigns to decrease speeding.
Support the enactment of legislation permitting the use of automated speed enforcement in Delaware.
Provide law enforcement training in properly identifying speed as a contributing factor in crashes to better quantify the speeding problem in Delaware.
Consider implementing a pilot program using non-traditional vehicles to conduct speed enforcement.
Investigate the feasibility of implementing a local road systemic safety program that identifies infrastructure improvements that can be installed on local roadways to reduce speeding-related crashes.
Investigate the need for developing a program to systemically complete speed studies to identify the appropriate speed limit on local roadways that currently have an unposted speed limit.
Research the effectiveness and evaluate the feasibility of implementing Variable Speed Limit signing on all freeways/ expressways in Delaware.
Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing Variable Speed Limit signs on SR 1 in the resort areas and combine speed limit reductions with pedestrian improvements.
Formally establish revised regulations and guidelines regarding the establishment of speed limits with less reliance on the 85th-percentile speed as the sole determining factor.
Update policies and procedures for the use of Radar Speed Feedback signs at appropriate locations.
Develop policies and guidelines to encourage the use of speed monitoring devices in commercial vehicle fleets.
Consider revising DelDOT’s design policies and guidelines to promote design practices that reduce speeding related crashes.
Utilize crowd sourcing data to deploy law enforcement in areas that receive higher than average speeding complaints.
Improve speeding crash data collection and analysis to enhance the identification of high-risk corridors and high-risk driving behaviors.
Develop a program to share continuously collected speed data with law enforcement regarding where speeding is occurring.
Validate the existing speed limit data within DelDOT’s Transportation System Data Management (TSDM).
Improve the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, accessibility, and integration of data that is needed to identify priorities for transportation and traffic safety programs.
Maintain the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) with a multi-disciplinary membership to prioritize traffic records improvement projects.
Update the Delaware Traffic Safety Information System Strategic Plan to document specific activities, projects and goals to improve traffic records.
Investigate the integration of injury and crash outcome data from trauma centers with crash data to allow for targeted data analysis.
Continue efforts to integrate crash and citation data to allow for identification and prioritization of safety strategies.
Incorporate location information into citation data to provide an additional data source for location-based safety analyses.
Investigate the sharing of non-traditional safety related data between state agencies to improve outreach to vulnerable populations, improve interdiction of unsafe behaviors and overall reduce serious injuries and fatalities.
Develop a recurring training program for law enforcement to provide a better understanding of the purpose of crash data reporting and review common errors and omissions in crash reporting.
Improve seat belt and child-restraint compliance through enforcement.
Strengthen efforts to increase compliance, enforcement, and adjudication of the seat belt and child restraint laws.
Conduct targeted high-visibility enforcement campaigns, such as nighttime saturation patrols, to increase seat belt usage.
Place law enforcement officers in larger vehicles with a higher vantage point to observe unrestrained motorists.
Research and implement innovative enforcement tools related to unrestrained motorists.
Research other states’ seat belt laws and penalties and make recommendations to revise Delaware law.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the law and safety benefits related to seat belt usage and child-restraint systems.
Partner with stakeholders and other available educational resources to promote increased occupant protection.
Develop targeted media campaigns depicting local celebrities wearing seat belts.
Collaborate with youth organizations to develop and distribute consistent messaging towards “tweens” regarding proper restraint and seating locations for children