SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Develop and disseminate education materials, programs and tools that explain how the aging process may affect safe driving.
Promote awareness of the impact of prescription and non-prescription medications and supplements on the safety of aging road users.
Promote knowledge and increased application by transportation professionals of preferred roadway design elements friendly to aging road users.
Promote implementation of multi-modal guidance for aging road users, which is included in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Enhance knowledge of the impacts of legal and illegal drug use on safe driving using empirical evidence and implement effective, data-driven methods to identify and reduce drug-impaired driving or roadway use.
Conduct education/social norming and other programs to change behaviors related to impaired driving.
Enhance State laws, local ordinances, and programs intended to reduce alcohol and/or drug impaired driving.
Enhance the utilization of DUI treatment programs, emerging innovations, and system monitoring to reduce DUI offenses among highest risk offenders, including repeat or high-BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) offenders, and in areas where the risk of DUI is highest.
Improve consistent, timely DUI adjudication and broaden and/or improve application of administrative sanctions of impaired drivers.
Enhance DUI enforcement, training, and tools for improved detection and enforcement of impaired roadway users.
Enhance the collection, management, and accessibility of data related to the consequences of impaired driving and the effectiveness of the DUI countermeasure system.
Improve roadway and bikeway planning, design, operations, and connectivity to enhance bicycling safety and mobility to all destinations.
Develop safe, direct, and connected routes for bicycling.
Improve data collection regarding bicyclist trips, injuries, and fatalities on California roadways and bicycle paths.
Improve education and enforcement to promote safe multi-modal travel.
Encourage more bicycle travel by improving public attitudes about bicycling as a safe mode of transportation.
Improve training and education of commercial vehicle safety stakeholders.
Increase the use of effective enforcement strategies to improve commercial vehicle safety.
Identify and implement engineering features that reduce commercial vehicle-related crashes.
Identify and promote use of technology for improving commercial vehicle safety.
Improve commercial vehicle safety data.
Improve data quality on distracted driving.
Increase enforcement and improve adjudication of current distracted driving laws.
Conduct education on the risks of distracted driving using evidence-based strategies to create a culture of traffic safety.
Strengthen laws on distracted driving.
Improve the initial driver licensing process.
Assess and improve policies for managing unlicensed drivers, negligent operators, and suspended/revoked drivers.
Improve the competency of licensed drivers.
Improve data systems, including quality control measures, for driver and vehicle records, citations issued, court adjudication reporting, and DMV license actions.
Improve training of law enforcement and related local agencies regarding licensing, DMV license actions, and DMV data systems.
Incident Management/EMS
Increase involvement by EMS leaders in the California SHSP.
Develop strategies to improve the time to definitive care.
Improve data from the time of the crash.
Improve access to information to enable interoperability of communications systems between all responders to crash sites.
Develop guidance documents to share with EMS responders to increase crash scene safety.
Mainstream and accelerate the deployment of innovative solutions that have proven to be highly effective and cost-effective.
Pursue programmatic application of low-cost and high impact strategies, countermeasures, and activities.
Emphasize the role and importance of visibility among road users and workers (especially during hours of darkness).
Focus on continuous improvement and collaboration by building on the foundational work products and findings generated by previous strategic safety and other statewide initiatives.
Minimize or avoid safety performance degradation resulting from land use and highway infrastructure investment proposals.
Increase understanding and collaboration among transportation system owners, operators, investors, and regional agencies regarding the effect of access-related decisions on safety and overall system performance.
Improve education on motorcycle safety.
Improve motorcycle rider training.
Improve motorcycle licensure.
Improve motorcycle exposure and crash data.
Enhance roadway design to improve motorcycle safety.
Target high risk populations with education and enforcement to increase occupant protection use.
Improve occupant protection educational outreach.
Increase occupant protection enforcement and improve adjudication of violations.
Improve occupant protection data collection processes.
Improve the safety of pedestrian crossings by using proven effective countermeasures.
Increase funding for pedestrian safety infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.
Expand effective enforcement and education of all roadway users to improve pedestrian safety based on known risk factors and data trends.
Improve collection, use, and analysis of data needed for pedestrian safety planning and programming.
Increase pedestrian safety-focused coordination among State, regional, and local agencies including on transportation planning and land use efforts.
Address systemic risks on non-State roads with low cost safety countermeasures.
Ensure funding strategies reflect unique local needs.
Target highest risk jurisdictions for funding and technical assistance.
Improve the dissemination of crash data at the jurisdictional level.
Incident Management/EMS
Implement an effective, consistent, and coordinated traffic incident management (TIM) program at the state and local level to reduce the duration and impacts of traffic incidents and improve the safety for motorists, crash victims, and emergency responders.
Increase targeted enforcement at locations prone to speeding and other forms of aggressive driving.
Improve the consistency of adjudication of drivers cited for speeding and other forms of aggressive driving.
Increase use of technology and engineering methods to reduce speeding and other forms of aggressive driving.
Conduct outreach and education about the safety risks of speeding.
Evaluate and promote strategies for best work zone practices.
Improve safe driving through work zones with education and enforcement.
Apply advanced technology to improve work zone safety.
Improve work zone data collection and analysis.
Increase awareness of and compliance with graduated driver licensing laws.
Promote social norming and behavior change on youth related traffic safety issues.
Promote the use of evidenced-based programs and outreach methods.
Improve school policies and procedures relating to young driver safety.
Improve enforcement and adjudication of young offenders.