SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
- Improve the accuracy, precision, and timeliness of data related to transportation safety including, but not limited to, crash reports, roadway data, demographic information, and the needs of the traveling public. Development of systems, policies and strategies to utilize this data in the most effective ways practical.
Complete MIRE Fundamental Data Elements Collection by the 2026 deadline utilizing innovative collection techniques.
Develop or have developed an HSIP application and tracking system by CY2024.
- Decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur due to distracted and drowsy driving by 2% each year.
Increase the public awareness of the dangers of distracted and drowsy driving through media campaigns, public outreach efforts in schools and at public events, and the development of educational information to include in driver training material.
Implement infrastructure improvements to alert distracted and drowsy drivers to the roadway in an effort to reduce the frequency and severity of distracted and drowsy driving related crashes.
Support the improvement and implementation of distracted driving laws.
Support the development and widespread implementation of vehicle technology which will reduce the occurrence or severity of risk with distracted and drowsy driving.
- Decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur due to impaired driving by 2% each year.
Continue impaired driving enforcement efforts throughout the state through ongoing enforcement strategies to reduce impaired driving.
Utilize available data to best direct resources towards areas with increased occurrence of impaired driving.
Train additional impaired driving enforcement experts.
Continue impaired driving public information campaigns and educational efforts for all drivers in schools and at public events.
- Decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur due to intersection related crashes by 4% each year.
Implement both innovative and proven safety countermeasures to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through traffic control devices (e.g. signs, pavement markings, retroreflective backplates, flashing yellow arrow installations, conflict warning systems, intersection lighting, etc.).
Implement both innovative and proven safety countermeasures to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through geometric improvements (e.g. alternative intersection design, road diets, smart channel right turns, etc.), use of emerging technologies and detection devices, and the utilization of intersection control evaluation studies.
Partner with educational and enforcement campaigns to improve driver awareness and compliance with traffic control devices, especially in targeted locations as identified by available crash data.
- Decrease the number of fatal and serious injury crashes involving non-motorists by 4% each year.
Develop and implement community outreach and communication strategies for both drivers and non-motorists to bring awareness to the severity of collisions involving non-motorists, the responsibilities of all road users, and encourage safe driving and walking practices by coordinating with both traditional and non-traditional partners.
Develop and implement geographically based targeted enforcement of existing pedestrian and bicycle safety laws.
Identify and implement needed infrastructure to support non-motorists based on the context of the roadway and indicators of infrastructure need such as worn paths or other documented evidence of pedestrians (e.g. sidewalks, safe routes to school, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, complete streets concept).
- Increase the proper use of safety restraints by vehicle occupants in all seating positions, as appropriate, by 1% each year until reaching 95% utilization.
Develop and conduct highly publicized, visible, targeted enforcement campaigns to encourage increased restraint usage.
Develop and implement directed, targeted enforcement efforts in geographical locations shown to be over-represented by low restraint usage rates.
Recruit, train, and retain Child Passenger Safety Technicians and maintain a network of fitting stations throughout the state.
Develop and conduct public outreach and educational campaigns at public events, hospitals, and in school settings to change behavior, increase knowledge of risks, and increase restraint usage.
- Decrease the number of fatal and serious injury crashes involving older drivers by 1% each year.
Implement proven safety countermeasures to reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes involving older drivers.
Enhance access to public transportation or other alternative transportation options in order to bridge the gap between driving retirement and mobility independence.
Support the implementation of driver’s license re-evaluation laws and policy in order to ensure drivers remain capable of safely operating a vehicle.
Promote safe driving practices amongst older drivers through educational and outreach efforts.
- Decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur due to roadway/lane departure crashes by 4% each year.
Implement both innovative and proven safety countermeasures to keep vehicles from leaving the traveled lane or crossing the centerline of the roadway (e.g. centerline rumble strips, edge-line rumble strips, high friction surface treatments and pavements, enhanced signing and markings, etc.).
Implement both innovative and proven safety countermeasures to reduce the severity of a crash or minimize the likelihood of crashing into an object or overturning if a vehicle does leave the traveled way (e.g. clear zone improvement, slope protection, slope flattening, sloped pavement edge, median barrier installation).
Partner with education, outreach, and enforcement activities to reduce behavioral issues associated with roadway departure crashes, including distracted driving, impaired driving, and speeding and aggressive driving.
- Decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur due to speeding and aggressive driving by 2% each year.
Increase public awareness of speeding and aggressive driving as well as the impacts of such behavior through media campaigns, public outreach including outreach to school-age students as well as public events, and educational material for driver training.
Perform high visibility, targeted enforcement to deter and reduce the frequency of speeding and aggressive driving.
Identify and implement context appropriate engineering solutions in locations where speeding and aggressive driving behaviors are prevalent to encourage traffic calming and lower speeds to reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes.
- Decrease the number of fatal and serious injury crashes involving younger drivers by 1% each year.
Conduct public outreach campaigns and educational outreach campaigns in schools and at public events designed to educate younger drivers on the dangers and outcomes of risky behavior often exhibited by younger drivers. Methods of outreach to include in school outreach programs, simulator programs, and other methods determined to be highly effective for younger age groups.
Conduct geographically targeted traffic enforcement efforts aimed at reducing the occurrence of risky behaviors often exhibited by younger drivers.
Identify and implement engineering solutions that will reduce the severity of crashes associated with risky behaviors associated with younger drivers in the event that crashes do occur.