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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Post-construction Phase: Prompt List 6 – Existing Road Audit

Road Function, Classification, Environment

Road Alignment and Cross Section

  1. Visibility, sight distance
  2. Design speed
  3. Speed limit/speed zoning
  4. Passing
  5. ‘Readability’ (perception) of the alignment by drivers
  6. Human factors
  7. Widths
  8. Shoulders
  9. Cross slopes
  10. Side slopes
  11. Drains
  12. Combinations of features

Auxiliary Lanes

  1. Tapers
  2. Shoulders
  3. Signs and markings
  4. Turning traffic


  1. Location
  2. Visibility, sight distance
  3. Signing and marking
  4. Layout and ‘readability’ (perception) by drivers
  5. Pedestrians, bicyclists
  6. Lighting


  1. Visibility, sight distance
  2. Lanes, shoulders
  3. Signing, marking, delineation
  4. Pedestrians, bicyclists
  5. Lighting

Signs and Lighting

  1. Lighting
  2. General signs issues
  3. Sign legibility
  4. Sign supports

Marking and Delineation

  1. General issues
  2. Centerlines, edgelines, lane lines
  3. Guideposts and reflectors
  4. Curve warning and delineation

Barriers and Clear Zones

  1. Clear zones
  2. Barriers
  3. End treatments /Crash cushions
  4. Pedestrian railing
  5. Visibility of barriers and fences

Traffic Signals

  1. Operations
  2. Visibility
  3. Placement of signal heads

Pedestrians and Bicyclists

  1. General issues
  2. Pedestrians
  3. Bicyclists
  4. Public transport

Older Drivers

  1. Turning operations (receiving lane widths, radii)
  2. Channelization, opposing left turn lanes
  3. Sight triangles
  4. Signing, marking and delineation
  5. Traffic signals

Bridges and Culverts

  1. Design features
  2. Barriers
  3. Pedestrian and recreational facilities, delineation


  1. Pavement defects
  2. Skid resistance
  3. Ponding/icing/snow accumulation
  4. Loose stones/material
  5. Manholes


Provision For Heavy Vehicles

  1. Design issues
  2. Pavement/shoulder quality

Floodways and Causeways

  1. Ponding and flooding
  2. Safety of devices

Other Safety Issues

  1. Landscaping
  2. Temporary works
  3. Headlight glare
  4. Roadside activities
  5. Signs of possible problems (pavement, roadside)
  6. Rest areas
  7. Environment
  8. Median curbing