NCHRP 20-07 (Task 290) Highway Safety Training Synthesis/Roadmap
NCHRP 20-07(290) developed a highway safety training synthesis and roadmap that may be useful in reviewing training needs for the HSM and the broader topic of highway safety. The project was recently completed as part of research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways. The project developed a database of highway safety related courses.
AASHTO Highway Safety Manual Web Site
The AASHTO HSM web site is periodically updated to reflect the most up to date opportunities for training offered by FHWA and NHI.
Safety Portal of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Safety Management
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Subcommittee on Safety Management administers a safety portal. Besides accessing the course database referenced in section 5.2, the web site also posts information on education in highway safety. Visitors can sign up for RSS feeds of site updates by topic area.
FHWA Office of Safety Web Site
The FHWA Office of Safety website lists opportunities for highway safety training, education, curricula, workforce planning.
National Highway Institute Web Site
The National Highway Institute web site lists all training available for highway transportation professions, including the HSM related courses listed in this guide.