The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) introduces a science-based technical approach that takes the guesswork out of safety analysis. The HSM provides tools to conduct quantitative safety analyses, allowing for safety to be quantitatively evaluated alongside other transportation performance measures such as traffic operations, environmental impacts, and construction costs. This guide focuses on identifying HSM training currently available to state and local agencies who are considering implementation of the HSM. The objectives of the training guide are as follows:
- Identify key focus groups that can be used as a basis for identifying particular training needs and sequence of training. This will support integration of HSM methodologies and approaches into the project development process and investment decision making processes.
- Present a flow chart for each of the key focus groups that outlines appropriate course modules and sequence of training. These flow charts support the promotion of a training program that can be customized to fit the needs of the different key focus groups (target audiences).
- Present a summary of different training delivery methods and specific reference to training methods given limited ability to travel costs. Present recommendations for optimal training approaches to conduct training on the advanced methods presented in the HSM.
- Inform state and local agencies of available HSM and HSM-related training opportunities.
Several training opportunities exist for highway safety and safety analysis. The guide focuses only on courses directly applicable to content in the HSM and only those provided by NHI, FHWA and ITE.