FDE/HSIP Elements |
HPMS FE* Element |
Definition |
Corresponding MIRE Element |
Roadway Segment |
Segment ID |
Yes |
Unique segment identifier. |
12. Segment Identifier (19) |
Route Name |
Yes |
Signed numeric value for the roadway segment. |
8. Route Number (18) |
Alternate Route Name |
Yes |
The route or street name, where different from route number. |
9. Route/Street Name (18) |
Route Type |
Yes |
Federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route type. |
21. Federal-aid/Route Type (24) |
Area Type |
Yes |
The rural or urban designation based on Census urban boundary and population. |
20. Rural/Urban Designation (23) |
Date Opened to Traffic |
No |
The date at which the site was opened to traffic. |
--- |
Start Location |
Yes |
The location of the starting point of the roadway segment. |
10. Begin Point Segment Descriptor (18) |
End Location |
Yes |
The location of the ending point of the roadway segment. |
11. End Point Segment Descriptor (19) |
Segment Length |
Yes |
The length of the segment. |
13. Segment Length (19) |
Segment Direction |
No |
Direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction. |
18. Direction of Inventory (22) |
Roadway Class |
Yes |
The functional class of the segment. |
19. Functional Class (23) |
Median Type |
No |
The type of median present on the segment. |
54. Median Type (45) |
Access Control |
Yes |
The degree of access control. |
22. Access Control (25) |
Two-Way vs. One-Way Operation |
Yes |
Indication of whether the segment operates as a one- or two-way roadway. |
91. One/Two-Way Operations (64) |
Number of Through Lanes |
Yes |
The total number of through lanes on the segment. This excludes turn lanes and auxiliary lanes. |
31. Number of Through Lanes (30) |
Interchange Influence Area on Mainline Freeway |
No |
The value of this item indicates whether or not a roadway is within an interchange influence area. (This can be derived from MIRE Elements 197 & 201.) |
197. Location Identifier for Roadway at Beginning Ramp Terminal (136) |
Yes |
The average number of vehicles passing through a segment from both directions of the mainline route for all days of a specified year |
79. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) (60) |
AADT Year |
Yes |
Year of AADT. |
80. AADT Year (60) |
Intersection |
Intersection ID |
No |
A unique junction identifier. |
120. Unique Junction Identifier (84) |
Location |
No |
Location of the center of the junction on the first intersecting route (e.g. route-milepost). (This can be derived from MIRE Elements 122 & 123.) |
122. Location Identifier for Road 1 Crossing Point (85) |
Intersection Type |
No |
The type of geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction. |
126. Intersection/Junction Geometry (87) |
Traffic Control Type |
No |
Traffic control present at intersection/junction. |
131. Intersection/ Junction Traffic Control (93) |
Major Road AADT |
No |
The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the approach leg of the intersection/junction. |
140. Approach AADT (98) |
Major Road AADT Year |
No |
The year of the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the approach leg of the intersection/junction. |
141. Approach AADT Year (99) |
Minor Road AADT |
No |
The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the approach leg of the intersection/junction. |
140. Approach AADT (98) |
Minor Road AADT Year |
No |
The year of the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the approach leg of the intersection/junction. |
141. Approach AADT Year (99) |
Intersection Leg ID |
No |
A unique identifier for each approach of an intersection. |
139. Unique Approach Identifier (98) |
Leg Type |
No |
Specifies the major/minor road classification of this leg relative to the other legs in the intersection. (This can be derived from MIRE Element 140). |
140. Approach AADT (98) |
Leg Segment ID |
No |
A unique identifier for the segment associated with this leg. |
--- |
Ramp/Interchange |
Ramp ID |
Yes |
An identifier for each ramp that is part of a given interchange. This defines which ramp the following elements are describing. |
186. Unique Ramp Identifier (129) |
Date Opened to Traffic |
No |
The date at which the site was opened to traffic. |
--- |
Start Location |
No |
Location on the roadway at the beginning ramp terminal (e.g. route-milepost for that roadway) if the ramp connects with a roadway at that point. |
197. Location Identifier for Roadway at Beginning Ramp Terminal (136) |
Ramp Type |
No |
Indicates whether the ramp is used to enter or exit a freeway, or connect two freeways. (This can be derived from MIRE Elements 195 & 199). |
195. Roadway Type at Beginning Ramp Terminal (135) |
Ramp/Interchange Configuration |
No |
Describes the characterization of the design of the ramp. (This can be derived from MIRE Element 182). |
182. Interchange Type (124) |
Ramp Length |
No |
Length of ramp. |
187. Ramp Length (129) |
Ramp AADT |
Yes |
AADT on ramp. |
191. Ramp AADT (133) |
Ramp AADT Year |
No |
Year of AADT on ramp. |
192. Year of Ramp AADT (133) |
*Highway Performance Monitoring System full extent elements required on all Federal-aid highways and ramps located within grade separated interchanges, i.e., NHS and all functional systems excluding rural minor collectors and locals.