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- (9) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Highway Safety Manual. AASHTO, Washington, D.C., 2010.
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- (11) Office of Management and Budget. Circular A-4: Regulatory Analysis. Washington, D.C., 2003.
- (12) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/pavement/rumble_strips. Accessed August 2nd, 2016.
- (13) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Rumble Strip Implementation Guide: Addressing Bicycle Issues on Two-Lane Roads. Report No. FHWA-SA-15-035, FHWA Office of Safety, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- (14) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Technical Advisory: Shoulder and Edge Line Rumble Strips, T 5040.39, Revision 1, U.S. Department of Transportation. 2011.
- (15) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Rumble Strip Implementation Guide: Addressing Noise Issues on Two-Lane Roads. Report No. FHWA-SA-15-033, FHWA Office of Safety, Washington, D.C., 2015.
- (16)Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Technical Advisory: Center Line Rumble Strips, T 5040.40, Revision 1, U.S. Department of Transportation. 2011.
- (17) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Rumble Strip Implementation Guide: Addressing Pavement Issues on Two-Lane Roads. Report No. FHWA-SA-15-034, FHWA Office of Safety, Washington, D.C., 2015.
- (18) Kailey, D. Rumble Strip Guidance [Memorandum]. Montana Department of Transportation, Helena, MT, 2015.
- (19) Mulvihill, S. Rumble Strips and Stripes on Rural Trunk Highways [Memorandum 14-07-T-01]. Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN, 2014.
- (20) Microsoft. Buffer median on Highway 14 from Bing Streetside. Available at https://binged.it/2bg7VHx. Accessed August 10, 2016. July 2015.
- (21) Texas Traffic Safety Task Force. Solutions for Saving Lives on Texas Roads: Texas Traffic Safety Task Force Report. Texas Department of Transportation. Austin, TX, June 2016
For more information:
Visit https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/safety/rwd/keep-vehicles-road/rumble-strips
FHWA, Office of Safety
Cathy Satterfield