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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

RSA Peer-to-Peer Assistance Brochure

rsa_p2p_brochure.pdf (696.55 KB)
Three photos, two of individuals participating in an RSA and one of a curving rural roadway.

Peer to Peer program logo.RSA logo.


What is Road Safety Audit Peer Assistance?

As a state, local, or tribal road owner considers the use of RSAs, technical or procedural questions often arise. In order to provide assistance, FHWA's Office of Safety established the Roadway Safety Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program to provide technical assistance on a broad range of safety topics including RSAs.

RSA experts volunteer their time to serve as Peers and provide guidance to agencies requesting assistance.

Assistance can range from phone consultations to on-site participation in an RSA to training recommendations.

How Can Transportation Agencies Benefit From RSA Peer Assistance?

  • Free and convenient access to professionals experienced in RSAs.
  • Increased understanding of the RSA process.
  • Onsite assistance to help ensure successful completion of your first RSA.
  • Guidance on available funding options for performing RSAs and RSA recommendations.
  • Guidance on RSA Team composition and information that should be collected in advance of the RSA.

Four people conducting a safety audit near a guard rail.
Photo Credit: FHWA

Program Testimonials

Peer Testimonial

"A road safety audit is an excellent tool to help agencies create safer roadways. As a Peer, I draw from my experiences conducting RSAs on Iowa's state and local roadways, both urban and rural, to assist other agencies with their RSAs. Whether it's providing guidance on the data to collect, or serving onsite as an RSA team member, I enjoy helping public agencies with their RSA program."

— Tom McDonald, P.E.,
Safety Circuit Rider
Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program
Institute for Transportation

Agency Testimonial

"Through the P2P program we were able to access years of RSA knowledge for our first RSA. This resource not only helped make our first RSA a success, but also provided a solid basis for the development of our statewide RSA program."

— Elias Archuleta, P.E.,
New Mexico DOT State Traffic Engineer

Find FHWA RSA resources at:

FHWA sponsors the Roadway Safety P2P Program which provides assistance to State, local, and tribal road owners free of charge.

Group of inidividuals participating in an RSA.
Photo Credit: FHWA

For More Information:


Call 866-P2P-FHWA

FHWA, Office of Safety

Rebecca Crowe

FHWA Office of Safety Logo FHWA Office of Safety Logo

Cover Photo Credits (Clockwise from left): FHWA; T. McDonald, Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University; Matt Buchanan, Mo-Kan Regional Council