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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

NCHRP Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis


This guidebook provides a framework for transportation agencies to take the steps needed to advance toward implementing a risk-based, systemic pedestrian safety management process. It is intended to serve state departments of transportation (DOTs) personnel and contractors, including managers and staff in highway safety improvement programs, pedestrian and bicycle programs, and safety data management programs. Its guidance is also applicable for local and regional transportation agencies that may be working independently or in coordination with state DOT staff on safety improvement efforts. The introductory chapter is intended for higher-level decision makers and elected officials. The objectives are providing a rationale and motivation for taking a systemic approach, clarifying key terms and definitions, describing the data needs for a systemic process and offering guidance on how agencies can acquire necessary data and conduct a systemic analysis. The guidebook also provides alternative methods and troubleshooting as well as highlights real-world examples that can provide motivation and models for systemic approaches.

The guidebook was developed as part of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 17-73, “Conducting Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analyses.” The full technical report complements this guidebook and offers more details on the research methods and provides an example of a systemic safety analysis for users who may seek more in-depth information on the analysis process.

Tool Type:
Informational Guide
Owner Source:
  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)


This information guide is free of charge at the following link:
NCHRP Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis

Related Resources

NCHRP 17-73 Technical Report: The Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis: This technical report provides more details on the research methods and example for users who may seek more in-depth information on the analysis process.
NCHRP Research Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis: This PowerPoint presentation is the final presentation material for this NCHRP project. It provides an overview of the project and guidebook.
Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis and Risk-Based Prioritization: This PowerPoint presentation was developed for a webinar and provides an overview of the guidebook and examples of systemic pedestrian safety analyses.


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Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations, and translations thereof, expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Highway Administration.