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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)


The Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) is a national level highway information system used to support a data-driven decision process within the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the United States Congress. It includes information on the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the nation’s highways. Limited information on travel and paved miles is summarized for the lowest functional class roadway systems. The HPMS is a source of highway information made available to transportation professionals for highway and transportation planning through the annual Highway Statistics and other dissemination media.

State DOTs are responsible for collecting and reporting data to the FHWA headquarters through FHWA developed and maintained PC-based submittal software. The FHWA receives, screens, organizes, and uses the data; however, individual States are responsible for the quality of data.

High risk subject areas (data items that have a potential to significantly impact Federal-aid funding) are regularly collected and include (but are not limited to):

  • Traffic data reporting.
  • Future AADT estimates.
  • Public road mileage reporting.
  • HPMS sample adequacy and sample bias.
  • Travel data (vehicle miles traveled).
  • Highway capacity related data.
  • Off-State system HPMS data.
  • Pavement data.

Other reported data include:

  • Type of facility.
  • Number of through lanes.
  • Number of peak lanes.
  • Type of signalization and percent green time.
  • Type and number of at-grade intersections.
  • Median type.
  • Shoulder type.
  • Access control.
  • Surface and pavement type.
  • Speed limit.
  • Turning lanes (urban only).
  • Peak parking (urban only).
  • High occupancy vehicle operations and surveillance data.
  • Median width.
  • Shoulder width.
  • Lane width.
  • Curve and grade data.

Note that some element modification takes place through reassessments in response to current and future business needs. Some elements are added, deleted, or changed.

Owner Source:
  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The summary data are available free of charge at the following link: