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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Summary of RSA Report South Dakota

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Northern Plains Tribal Technical Assistance Program

SUMMARY of Road Safety Audit REPORT

Road Safety Audit on the Flandreau Santee Sioux Reservation, South Dakota

Project Data

Date: November 3, 2006

RSA Team and Participants:

Dennis Trusty – Northern Plains Tribal Technical Assistance Program
Ted Danks - Northern Plains Tribal Technical Assistance Program

The RSA was conducted on several roads throughout Flandreau Santee Sioux Reservation, including South Dakota Highway 32, 480th Avenue, 231st Street, Broad Avenue, and Pipestone Avenue. These roadways were selected as RSA sites in order to identify road safety issues that may lead to vehicular and pedestrian accidents.

RSA Process:
The RSAs were performed by conducting field studies and observations along portions of each roadway. The RSA Team closely examined several factors along each roadway, including roadway signage, road/lane conditions, and pedestrian walkways. The findings were then reviewed and synthesized to help identify any safety issues or concerns.

RSA Stage: Existing Roads

Major RSA Findings

Issue 1: No major safety concerns
Location: South Dakota Highway 32
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along the South Dakota Highway 32. The Team, however, did not find any major safety concerns or issues along this portion of roadway. In general, the South Dakota Highway 32 is a well-paved road with gentle slopes on the roadway edges. In addition, appropriate traffic signage is used throughout the roadway. A representative photograph of South Dakota Highway 32 is shown in Figure 1.

Photograph of South Dakota Highway 32
Figure 1: South Dakota Highway 32

No specific suggestions were provided for South Dakota Highway 32.

Issue 2: Narrow Lanes
Location: 480th Avenue
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along 480th Avenue. One of the key findings on this stretch of roadway was the narrowing of lanes. In some areas, the lanes would narrow unexpectedly and appropriate signage informing drivers of the lane changes was not available. A representative photograph of 480th Avenue is shown in Figure 2.

Photograph of 480th Avenue
Figure 2: 480th Avenue

The RSA Team recommended that additional lane shift/narrowing signage be added along this portion of the roadway.

Issue 3: No major safety concerns
Location: 231st Street
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along 231st Street. There were no major safety concerns along this portion of roadway.
Suggestion: Not applicable

Issue 4: Improper Traffic Signage
Location: Broad Avenue
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along Broad Avenue and only found minor safety concerns. Near the intersection of Broad Avenue and the entrance to the Tribal Office, the RSA Team noted that there was a 4-way stop sign at a 3-way intersection. A representative photograph of Broad Avenue is shown in Figure 3.

Photograph of Broad Avenue
Figure 3: Broad Avenue

Suggestion: The RSA Team recommended that the appropriate 3-way stop sign be implemented near the intersection of Broad Avenue and the entrance to the Tribal Office.

Issue 5: Traffic Signage in Disrepair
Location: County 11th/480th Avenue (on the west side of Casino)
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along County 11th/480th Avenue. Near the west side of the Casino, the RSA Team noted that the stop sign ahead signage is completely faded and lacks the appropriate color. This may make it difficult for drivers to observe the stop sign during the nighttime or in inclement weather. In addition, some of the pedestrian walkway striping near the Casino appears faded or discolored. A representative photograph of County 11th/480th Avenue is shown in Figure 4.

Photograph of County 11th/480th
Figure 4: County 11th/480th Avenue

Suggestion: The RSA Team recommended that all faded or outdated advance stop signs be removed or updated. The new stop signs should have the appropriate colors and retroreflectivity levels to ensure adequate visibility. In addition, all faded or outdated crosswalk striping along the County 11th/480th Avenue should be repainted or resurfaced.

Issue 6: Lack of Pedestrian Walkway
Location: Pipestone Avenue
Description of Safety Issue:
The RSA Team examined several areas along Pipestone Avenue. Although there were no major safety concerns along this stretch of roadway, the RSA Team noted that there was no walking path from the town to Flandreau City Park. The lack of a walkway may force pedestrians to walk or ride bikes alongside Pipestone Avenue. As a result, this may increase pedestrian roadway exposure.
Suggestion: It is recommended that a walking path be considered from the town to the Flandreau City Park. This will provide safer pedestrian access on Pipestone Avenue.

Other RSA Findings

One of the main issues for the Flandreau Tribe is sign maintenance. Many of the signs located throughout the Reservation are outdated and in disrepair. Several of the traffic signs need to be replaced due to discoloration or lack of proper retroreflectivity levels.

In addition, many of the street names throughout the Flandreau Reservation are confusing, with up to three different names given for the same road or street. The street names often vary depending on the direction of travel or they may change as the road traverses through different jurisdictions.

For example, 480th Avenue is also known as Moody County Road 11 or South Veterans Street depending on the direction of travel. Tribal representatives may want to consider standardizing or reducing the number of street names to help drivers traveling through the Flandreau Santee Sioux Reservation.