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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Appendix B. VSL Installations in the United States

Known installations of VSLs in the United States are presented below. For each installation the following information is provided: location, type of activation (manual, automated, hybrid), total length, type (regulatory, advisory), number of VSL signs, type of sensors, and current status. The installations are sorted first by current status, beginning with the active installations, and then by alphabetical order of the State in which the installation resides.

Known U.S. Installations of VSLs
Location Type of Activation Total Length Type Number of VSL Signs Type of Sensors Current Status
I-10, Mobile, Alabama Manual 7 mi Regulatory 24 Visibility, CCTV Active
I-70, Colorado Manual 19 mi Regulatory 8 Loops, Radar, Temperature, Precipitation, Wind speed Active
I-70, Colorado Manual 1 mi Regulatory 4   Active
Delaware Manual 4 bridges Regulatory 5-8 Speed, Volume, Occupancy, Environmental (weather) Active
I-4, Florida Hybrid 10.5 mi Regulatory 20 Loop detectors, Side-fire radar (volume, speed, occupancy), Weather visible by CCTV Active
I-95, Maine Manual ~195 mi Advisory 65 total (solar powered) Some have cameras, Radar (to read speed of traffic) Active
I-295, Maine Manual 50 mi Advisory   Some have cameras, Radar (to read speed of traffic) Active
I-35W, Minneapolis Automated 15 mi Advisory 174 Single loops Active
I-270, St. Louis, Missouri Hybrid 38 mi Advisory 70 (all solar powered) Speed, Occupancy Active
Turnpike, New Jersey Manual ~148 mi Regulatory 164 Speed (Environmental sensors are inactive due to lost connection) Active
Turnpike, Pennsylvania Manual 10 mi Regulatory 18 Speed, Environmental, CCTV Active
Bridges/Tunnels, Virginia Manual 4 bridge-tunnels Regulatory 50 CCTV Active
I-75, Tennessee Manual 19 mi Regulatory 10 Speed, Environmental (fog) Active
I-90, Washington Manual 28 mi Regulatory 14 Speed, Environmental Active
US 2, Washington Manual 23 mi Regulatory 8 Speed, Environmental Active
Seattle Metropolitan Area, Washington (I-5, I-90, SR 520) Automated Unknown Regulatory Unknown Speed, Environmental Active
I-80 Wyoming Manual 140 mi Regulatory Approx. 42 Speed, Environmental Active
I-84, Idaho Manual 105 mi Advisory 5 Vehicle, Environmental Test Site
I-94, Minneapolis Automated 8 mi Advisory 110 Single loops Under Construction
I-77, South of I-81, Virginia Hybrid 20 mi Regulatory 40 TBD Planned
Turnpike/I-595, Florida Automated 2-lane off-ramp Advisory 1 Moisture Removed
I-10/I-310, Louisiana Manual Unknown Advisory Approx. 12 Visibility, Speed Removed
I-695, Maryland Automated 3 mi Regulatory 4 Speed, Queue Removed (Temporary Installation)
I-96, Michigan Automated 8 mi Regulatory 7 Speed Removed (Temporary Installation)
I-494, Minnesota Automated 2.5 mi Advisory 3 Speed Removed
I-80, Nevada Manual 2-3 mi Regulatory 4 Visibility Removed (Technical Issues)
I-40, New Mexico Automated 3 mi Regulatory 3 Speed, Environmental Removed
I-526, South Carolina Manual 2 mi No speed change 8 Fog Removed
I-80, Utah Manual 6 mi Regulatory 2 Day/Night automatic Removed (Temporary Installation)
I-215, Utah Manual 2 mi Regulatory 2 Speed, Environmental Removed
I-95, Virginia (work zone at Woodrow Wilson Bridge) Hybrid 1 bridge Regulatory Unknown Speed, Queue length Removed