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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Speed Management Facts & Statistics

Traffic Safety Facts: Speeding – This NHTSA fact sheet provides an overview of speeding-related crashes using the most recent year of data available.

Development of a Speeding-Related Crash Typology – These reports summarize a detailed examination of crash data and the development of a speeding–related (SR) crash typology to help define the crash, vehicle, and driver characteristics that appear to result in a higher probability of SR crashes.

Analysis of Speeding Related-Crashes: Definitions & the Effects of Road EnvironmentsDOT HS 811 090 (February 2009) – The study examines two aspects related to speeding-related crashes – "driving too fast for conditions" and "exceeding posted speed limit."  Road environments analyzed include surface conditions, alignment, and intersections.


Speed Data

National Traffic Speeds Survey III: 2015

Traffic Tech: National Traffic Speeds Survey III: 2015