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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

The Roadway Departure Safety Goal

The Roadway Departure Safety Goal

Over the past several years, STATE has had continued reductions in roadway departure fatalities as indicated in Table 1.

Table 1: State Roadway Departure Fatalities
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total
Number of Roadway Departure Fatalities 547 596 538 496 469 2,646


The roadway departure goal is to reduce the XXX roadway departure fatalities that occurred in XXXX by XX percent by XXXX, or to prevent approximately XX additional roadway departure deaths from occurring annually.

The Approach

The HSIP program has been based upon a traditional approach directed towards improving roadway safety at specific high-crash locations by identifying and analyzing individual crashes at the locations, defining crash patterns, determining appropriate countermeasures to reduce future crash potential, and then implementing those countermeasures. While this is an important approach and needs to continue, it has limited impact in terms of reducing statewide numbers of roadway departure fatalities.

To help lower statewide roadway departure fatalities, two additional approaches are recommended to complement the traditional approach:

  • Systematic application of large numbers of cost-effective, low-cost countermeasures at locations that have specific, moderate crash types above a specified crash frequency level.
  • Comprehensive application of low-cost infrastructure improvements coupled with targeted education and enforcement initiatives on corridors and in municipalities that exhibit a very high severe roadway departure crash history.

In the systematic approach, the first step is to identify low-cost countermeasures. Then the crash data system is searched to identify highway sections that have targeted crashes at or above a crash threshold that would ensure cost-effective deployment of these countermeasures. Estimates of the impacts of the deployments can be made in terms of projected statewide roadway departure crashes prevented, annual lives saved, and overall deployment costs.

The comprehensive approach combines sets of cost-effective, low-cost infrastructure countermeasures with a coordinated set of education and highly visible enforcement initiatives targeted to reduce severe roadway departure crashes on corridors and within municipalities that have a severe roadway departure crash history.

Three other features need to be added to the plan to better improve the ability to achieve the safety improvement goal:

  1. The safety program should be expanded to incorporate low-cost, cost-effective countermeasures on other types of projects such as resurfacing and surface transportation projects – especially if a crash history exists within the area of the work and the countermeasure can reduce future crash potential.
  2. The safety program should include cost-effective treatments on local roads since a portion of the statewide roadway departure crash problem occurs on local roads.
  3. Additional countermeasures rarely or never used in STATE need to be carefully and judiciously deployed on highway sections that have specific crash problems that these countermeasures can address. The countermeasure should be evaluated to determine if more widespread use is appropriate.

Distribution of the State Roadway Departure Fatality Problem

The roadway departure crash and fatality data for STATE was analyzed to gain insight on the distribution and characteristics of the roadway departure crash problem. Key information derived from the roadway departure data analysis is shown in Tables 2-5.

Table 2: Roadway Departure Crashes, and Fatalities by Locality – 2004-2008
Locality Crashes Fatalities
Total Percentage Total Percentage
State 106,989 71.02% 2,244 84.81%
Rural 75,281 49.97% 1,886 71.28%
Urban 31,708 21.05% 358 13.53%
Local 43,661 28.98% 402 15.19%
Grand Total 150,650 100.00% 2,646 100.00%

Table 3: Summary of Roadway Departure Fatalities, Crashes, and Fatalities per 100 Crashes – 2004-2008
Locality State Rural State Urban Local
All RD Crashes
Fatalities 1,881 358 402
Crashes 75,281 31,708 43,661
Fat/100 Crashes 2.49 1.13 0.92
Interstate RD Crashes
Fatalities 117 75 -
Crashes 6,296 8,973 -
Fat/100 Crashes 1.86 0.84 -
State Route Type RD Crashes
Fatalities 1,318 168 -
Crashes 52,288 14,411 -
Fat/100 Crashes 2.52 1.12 -
US Route Type RD Crashes
Fatalities 429 100 -
Crashes 14,350 7,372 -
Fat/100 Crashes 2.99 1.36 -
Other Route Type RD State Crashes
Fatalities 22 15 -
Crashes 2,347 952 -
Fat/100 Crashes 0.93 1.57 -

Table 4: Enforcement and Education-Related Roadway Departure Crashes by Human Factor and Locality – 2004-2008
Locality Alcohol Speeding or Unbelted Speeding Unbelted
State Rural State Urban Local State Rural
Interstate Only
State Urban
Interstate Only
State Rural State Urban Local Local
Fatalities 562 116 177 77 52 1,318 209 128 262
Incapacitating Injury Crashes 926 284 454 113 148 2,161 486 350 602
Total Crashes 7,733 3,245 5,828 1,547 2,224 18,558 5,550 6,192 6,178
Incapacitating Injury Crashes/ 100 Crashes 11.97 8.75 7.79 7.3 6.35 11.64 8.26 5.65 9.74
Fatalities/100 Crashes 7.27 3.57 3.04 4.98 2.34 7.1 3.77 2.07 4.24

Crash Type Number of Crashes Number of Fatalities
 Fixed Object 128,091 1,978
 Head On 8,033 815
 Overturn/Rollover 17,995 484
 Ran Off Road – Left 10,391 158
 Ran Off Road – Right 18,303 257
 Ran Off Road – Straight 1,061 5
Sideswipe, Opposite Direction 12,115 136
Total 195,989 3,833

Summary of Roadway Departure Crash Concerns

  • Crashes predominantly occur in rural areas; severity of crashes is greater in rural areas than urban areas.
  • Approximately 25 percent of the fatalities involve head-on or opposing-flow sideswipe crashes.
  • Driving violations (speeding, alcohol, and unbelted driving) are major factors in roadway departure crashes. Many of these crashes involve multiple driving violation factors.

Summary of Roadway Departure Countermeasure Deployments

A summary of the countermeasures, deployment levels, costs, and estimated lives saved provided in Table 6.

Table 6: Summary of Countermeasure Deployment Levels and Estimated Safety Impacts
Countermeasure Approach Number of Sections Construction Cost ($ Million) Enforcement, Education and EMS Costs (Annual $ Million) Estimated Annual Crashes Reduced Estimated Annual Incapacitating Injury Crashes Reduced Estimated Annual Fatalities Reduced
Enhanced Signs and Markings for Curves – State Rural Roads Systematic 976 4.87 - 198 13.34 5.13
Enhanced Signs and Markings for Curves Plus Flashing Beacons – State Rural Roads Systematic 16 0.12 - 7 0.5 0.2
Enhanced Signs and Markings for Curves – State Urban Roads Systematic 14 0.07 - 23 1.1 0.32
Enhanced Signs and Markings for Curves – Local Roads Systematic 151 1.51 - 88 3.9 0.89
Centerline Rumble Stripes – ? 22 Feet Road Width – State Rural Roads Systematic 254 3.49 - 99 9.4 10.87
Centerline Rumble Stripes – ? 20 and < 22 Feet Road Width – State Rural Roads Systematic 368 4.02 - 158 12.3 7.64
Edge Line Rumble Stripes or Shoulder Rumble Strips – 2 & 4 Lane – State Rural Roads Systematic 1,483 5.92 - 624 42.6 13.58
High Friction Surfaces – State Rural Roads – Micro Texture Surface Systematic 159 6.81 - 200 8.3 2.18
Tree Removal/Safety Enhancements – State Rural Roads Systematic 154 3.85 - 83 8.6 3.67
Tree Removal/Safety Enhancements – Local Roads Systematic 16 0.4 - 16 1.6 0.7
Guard Rail Enhancements – State Rural Systematic 115 2.3 - - 1.31 0.56
Traffic Calming to Reduce Speeding-related Crashes (Pilot first) Systematic 99 5.05 - 146 9.36 4.38
Enhanced Corridor Enforcement – Speeding-Related or Unbelted Driving – State Roads – Interstates Education and Enforcement 20 - 0.6 19 1.3 0.6
Enhanced Corridor Enforcement – Speeding-Related or Unbelted Driving – State Roads – Not Interstates Education and Enforcement 109 - 3.27 53 5.7 3.07
Enhanced Corridor Enforcement – Alcohol-Related – State Roads Education and Enforcement 123 - 3.81 38 5.02 2.84
Corridor 3E Improvements – State Roads – Not Interstates Comprehensive 3 1.5 0.3 68 3 1.5
Area-Wide 3E Improvements – Cities – State Roads Comprehensive 2 2 0.2 300 16 4.4
Median Barrier – Raised Mountable, Flush, and Depressed Median Types – State Roads Traditional 49 5.88 - 26 2.9 3.04
Total -- 4,111 47.85 8.18 2,146 146.23 65.57