In working with the media, use the materials that this campaign provides. Use these materials as examples of format for creating your own communications.
Review Goals
Review your campaign goals to develop specific media outreach goals, such as:
- Educate the public about how pedestrian crossing signals work by securing placements of the "Simple Safety" TV PSA and appropriate print PSAs; and
- Encourage pedestrians to wear reflective materials by securing placements of the "Pedestrian/Night Visibility" TV PSA and appropriate print PSAs.
Develop Media Strategies
Develop media strategies, such as:
- Form a coalition of advocates who can support the campaign in a variety of ways, such as adding weight to the campaign with their credentials; helping out with media outreach, printing or other needed services; and bringing in sponsors to pay for a media buy.
- Lay the foundation for a successful PSA campaign by creating a media event that will garner significant media coverage.
- Boost media coverage of the media event by securing the participation of local officials and other prominent members of the community.
- Maximize PSA placements by saturating all appropriate local media contacts.
- Secure continuing media coverage by partnering with key media contacts (this may require some paid placements, otherwise known as a media buy).
- Augment media placements with promotional media placements, such as posters, bumper stickers and other "giveaways" at local events.
- Conduct a press conference with the highest-ranking local official you can secure, business leaders, community leaders, and either your regional DOT representative or other local safety representative.
- Create your own newsworthy event and invite local officials, business/community leaders, and safety representatives (see more on events on page 25).
- Conduct a "walking tour" of pedestrian safety engineering countermeasures (crosswalks, pedestrian signals, etc.).
- "Piggyback" on a national event (see more on hooks below).
- Secure a media champion who will advocate for the cause as often as possible.
- Distribute the PSAs and conduct aggressive phone call follow up (see more on media outreach on the next 10 pages).
When conducting media outreach, you will be more successful when you show the media why your story is important and give them an appropriate time frame in which to run it. Be aware of local activities and events and try to think of opportunities where running the story would make sense, for example:
- National or local Pedestrian Safety Week.
- Following a high-profile local pedestrian/car crash.
- When national, regional or local statistics are announced regarding the number of pedestrian injuries/fatalities (increase or decrease).
- When family members of a local pedestrian/car crash victim are willing to speak out and/or holidays that highlight long-term effects on victims' families (first day of school year without Mom, Father's Day without Dad, etc.).
- When school starts and children are walking to school.
- When local officials or the media are talking about high-incident locations.
- When new signals are installed.
- When new crosswalks are painted.
- When old crosswalks are repainted.
- After the holidays when people are resolving to exercise more.
- Early Spring when the weather starts to warm up and people are outside more.
- When daylight savings time begins and people are likely to be caught in the dark in dark-colored clothing.
- International Walk Your Child to School Day.
Conducting Media Events
Press Conferences
When to Hold a Conference
A well-timed press conference can boost awareness about your campaign with the general public and with the media to which you want to send the PSAs. Select your kickoff date as early in the planning process as possible. The earlier you can book the speakers you want, the better chance you have of getting them. When picking a date, check your community calendar to ensure there are no other conflicting events and that the date does not fall on a holiday or weekend. Newspaper and TV stations maintain smaller crews during weekends, which means less staff to divide among news events. Press conferences are best held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. By Friday, many reporters and editors are putting the weekend programming and editions together.
Where to Hold a Conference
Choose a location that is newsworthy and convenient for the media to reach. A busy intersection with a history of pedestrian crashes would provide an interesting backdrop. After the press conference, reporters may even film pedestrians crossing the street, pedestrian traffic signals, and cars turning into the crosswalk while pedestrians are present, adding to the credibility of the program. Keep in mind however, that the goal is to raise awareness about the PSA campaign and its materials. So make sure there is room for a table with campaign materials, including media kits with the print PSAs inside, videotapes, radio PSA CDs, posters and any premium items. If there is not an intersection that would be relevant, hold your press conference in a place that the media usually covers, such as the Mayor's office or City Hall. If you decide to hold your event in a public area, be sure to seek approval from the appropriate city officials. The site should be:
- Easy to find.
- Near ample parking.
- Able to accommodate a stage, seats, tent and camera equipment with room to spare for interviews following the presentations.
- Near downtown (TV crews may not travel too far to attend).
- Able to provide electrical outlets for audiovisual equipment.
Arrive early and ensure that all equipment is functional.
Choosing Speakers
When choosing speakers, think about who would have the most compelling story to tell. If appropriate, you might want to invite victims or family members of victims as speakers. Victims may be either drivers or pedestrians, depending on your focus. Otherwise, your speakers should be well-known local figures such as celebrities, your state's governor, the mayor, the chief of police, educators, a local pedestrian
safety advocate, or the head of your local coalition. Ideally, you should have no more than four to five speakers, with each saying something significant about the campaign from their own perspective. Each should speak for a short period, with the entire event (including press questions) taking no more than 30 minutes. High-ranking officials will draw media attention, so plan appropriate, secured areas for them.
Be sure to provide speakers with brief talking points. Speakers should be available for one-on-one interviews after the press event.
Creating the Atmosphere
First, ensure you have visuals that will help you get on the evening news. People at a plain podium will make for dull television, so display as many campaign materials as possible, including the print PSAs, posters, and brochures. Localize the event as much as possible.
Create simple, professional charts showing local pedestrian crash statistics and photographs to make your case.
Second, recruit members of your coalition to be audience members. You want chairs filled as TV crews are filming. Be sure to have light refreshments available for your attendees.
Third, you can also request the presence of local officials by sending them invitations four to six weeks before the event. Follow up with a phone call. Request that they demonstrate their support for pedestrian safety by attending. Send letters to local police departments requesting that officers attend and to local hospitals requesting that trauma doctors and/or nurses attend.
Fourth, hire a photographer with news experience. Most photographers charge affordable hourly rates. This is a rare opportunity to photograph high-ranking officials supporting your cause and speaking on its behalf. Be sure to get not only candid shots, but posed shots with the coalition leader and officials present. These photos may be used with news releases later. Photograph in color; you can always convert to black and white.
Briefing Session
Three to five days prior to your press conference, hold a briefing session for all involved. Brief your speakers, ensuring the relevant speaking points are addressed. Provide talking points composed as a list of important and related bits of information. Review logistics such as seating, the order of the presentations and where media interviews will take place. This is a troubleshooting meeting. Don't end it until everyone is comfortable with his or her role and what's expected.
Notifying the Media
Two days prior to your press conference, distribute media alerts to local newspapers, radio and TV stations and magazines.
When the media arrives, be sure you have a coalition member greeting them, signing them in and distributing media kits. Be sure all names are legible; you'll need them later for follow-up.
If you decide to distribute copies of the TV, radio and print PSAs at the event, place a stack on the media sign-in table and make sure their availability is mentioned. You should have an area roped off at the rear of the audience for media cameras. Reporters should have reserved seats near the front so they can easily ask questions at the appropriate time.
Before the event, you should hire a local TV and radio monitoring service. This service will tape all appropriate channels to give you a record of coverage. Press clipping bureaus follow print placements and can track your print placements for a fee. Such businesses can be found in your local yellow pages under "clipping and monitoring services," "media monitoring," or "press clipping service." If your budget is tight, volunteers can accomplish these tasks, but be sure you have a record of all media coverage.
The television PSAs provided with the Pedestrian Safety Campaign Planner are "encoded." This special information identifies your PSA as it is run. Some stations offer placement reports, but the encoding also allows for a hired monitoring service (found in telephone directories under "media monitoring") to track the number of placements and the times at which they were run. This is valuable information for you to use when you evaluate your campaign.
Follow Up
If key media do not attend, follow up with a phone call and offer an interview, photos, video of the event, etc. Send thank-you letters to media and officials that did attend. Be sure to recognize the efforts of your coalition members.
After the Launch: Continuing the Momentum
Media and outreach efforts shouldn't stop after the press conference is over - they should continue at the same pace to maintain momentum and build program equity in the community. Here are some actions that should help keep the program going strong:
Continuing Contact with Law Enforcement
Even with letters of support and verbal agreements from law enforcement agencies, it is important for you to keep law enforcement involved with, and excited about, the campaign. Make frequent visits to police departments to keep the program in the spotlight. Gifts of bumper stickers, key chains, buttons, and other promotional items also help the cause.
Continuing Contact with the Media
Keep in contact with the media after your program kickoff press conference; you still have many chances to get in the news. Contact TV and radio news and talk show producers, offering interviews with the program spokespeople.
Keep an eye on the news; some events such as a major local traffic accident or newly released crash statistics will trigger or renew a news outlet's interest in a subject. Think of new angles to offer the media and pitch these to them in person or over the phone. For example, does the public really know what constitutes reflective materials? Do they know exactly what each pedestrian traffic signal means? Or the economic costs incurred by local pedestrian-car crashes?
Special Events
Community events that take place during the campaign period offer additional opportunities to promote the pedestrian safety message - both to the media and to the general public. If none are available or appropriate, create your own. A few ideas are listed below, to be supplemented with your own creative ideas and events:
- Pedestrian Safety Fair. Combine your safety message with others by holding a communitywide Pedestrian Safety Fair. Set up booths to promote the various safety messages and distribute information. An event of this type can be held in a town square, a mall parking lot or inside the mall lobby, a school parking lot, or a local park. Solicit community donations of tables, chairs, refreshments, balloons and other carnival supplies. Linking this event with a safety week or month can add longevity to the event and help obtain media coverage.
- School Visits. It's never too early to learn about traffic safety. Past transportation safety programs have benefited from educating children to remind their parents to buckle up and look both ways before crossing the street. Presentations at local schools that teach children about reflective materials and what the pedestrian traffic signals mean are best given by law enforcement representatives in uniform. Check with your local law enforcement agencies to see if programs such as this already exist, and if so, work a pedestrian safety presentation into the schedule. If this is not something in which your community is already participating, obtain support of the police force and work with them to contact schools. Bumper stickers and buttons are excellent handouts for these presentations, as the children will bring them home to their parents. Pencils are also good giveaways for children. Encourage the involvement of the teachers, who may be able to tie your visit into his/her lesson plans and activities.
Targeting the Media
Before contacting media or fielding media calls, be sure to establish a single spokesperson to handle most general media requests (law enforcement and medical personnel can handle specific questions in their respective areas). It is crucial that the campaign is presented in a consistent manner to the media, so it helps to limit the number of spokespeople who will assist you in this aim. Your spokesperson should have some media relations experience. This person also should review any and all materials before they are distributed to ensure that the campaign messages are clear and consistent. Confirm that the person you choose is willing to be easily accessible to the media. It could mean the difference between great coverage or none at all.
After you've decided which media outlets to target, you should develop a specific list consisting of contact names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all the publications, stations and other outlets you want to receive your media materials. Many media directories exist to provide you with such information. Within this list, you'll want to highlight anyone who recently has written an article, or produced a TV and/or radio spot on traffic safety, or requested information for a possible story. These are "hot" prospects and should be targeted first. Another way to determine the individuals with whom you should establish relationships is to monitor the media for a month or two. Read newspaper columns, watch the local talk show hosts and figure out which local station is apt to cover programs of this nature.
Your local library or state press association is the best place to find a local media directory. They can be purchased, but most cost several hundred dollars. Examples of media directories that can be purchased, include:
- American College Media Directory
- Bacon's Media Directory
- Burrelle's Media Directory
- Gebbie Press All-in-One Media Directory
It is always a good idea to double-check the names listed in any media directory, simply because editors and reporters frequently change jobs and addresses.
Contacting the Media
For this program, you may be contacting the media to:
- Invite them to a program kickoff press conference,
- Solicit general news stories about the program, and
- Request that they place the public service announcements (PSAs) provided.
There are certain courtesies, such as being conscious of deadlines and returning calls promptly, that will enhance your relationship with all media representatives. However, different journalists (even those within the same medium) may want to receive information in different ways. Some may want a fax, while others prefer an e-mail or phone call with information. It is important that you familiarize yourself with their basic preferences. It's as simple as asking.
Note: Many media prefer to receive information via e-mail, but do not like attachments which can take a long time to download. Whenever possible, cut and paste your press release into the body of the e-mail.
What to Expect
A major component of activism is media advocacy: using the media to frame issues about pedestrian safety. Here are the most basic tips about how to work with the media:
- Your first contact with a member of the media will usually be when sending a press release. Send press releases to big and small newspapers, cable and commercial television and radio stations. Either insert your local information into the press release template or write a cover letter explaining the involvement of you and/or other local people in the subject.
- Understand that reporters are usually working on a deadline. Call back right away. When a reporter calls you, always find out what kind of deadline he or she is facing.
- Decide in advance a few concise points you want to make if interviewed.
- Include a local contact name and number in your press release and/or letter.
- Respect the media's deadlines by responding promptly to all calls.
- Use personal experience to answer questions. Offer the reporter fact sheets and other supporting information.
- Remember that you are not required to be an expert about everything. Refer reporters to your state pedestrian coordinator or state DOT for more information.
Specific information related to the different types of media:
Radio and Television Stations
You should plan on pitching story ideas to local television stations (particularly newsworthy events such as the kickoff event and enforcement days). There are two different avenues you can pursue at radio and television stations-news departments and talk shows.
- News Departments
News departments are interested in timely stories, enforcement issues, statistics or a profile of the program. If inviting journalists to special events for coverage, contact or send a media advisory to the news assignment or planning editors at radio and TV news departments. A media advisory is a simple one-page news release in bullet-point format. Media advisories are generally faxed one day prior to the event so stations put the event on their scheduling books. Follow up with phone calls the morning of the event. - Talk Shows
Talk shows are put together by producers who are looking for interesting, credible guests to appear, live or taped, to discuss an event or issue. Send a one-page news release and/or letter to the producer of the show (see sample on pages 74-75), and follow up with a phone call. Offer the producer several guests who can speak authoritatively (police chief, program coordinator, medical community spokesperson) about the Pedestrian Safety Campaign. There is no need to wait until after your kickoff to begin media interviews - starting them a few days before kickoff will help you publicize the event.
In addition to generating story interest, you will want to provide stations with PSAs. A meeting with a station's public affairs or PSA director will be your best bet in obtaining placement of your PSAs. During this meeting, it is important to come prepared with facts, figures and dates regarding the program to establish your credibility early. Use your coalition to write letters encouraging the director to run your PSAs.
You will have three main objectives when communicating with a newspaper reporter or editor:
- 1) A reporter and camera at your kickoff press conference and other special events.
- 2) Articles written on the program and inclusion of special events in the newspaper's community calendar of events.
- 3) Placement of print PSAs.
Send media advisories, for events such as your program kickoff, to the City Editor one week prior to your event. You should plan to follow up with a phone call to determine interest. Call early in the week and early in the morning the day of the event as a general rule (obviously, some reporters will have other preferences - respect those). Check with the publication to determine its editorial deadlines. Morning newspapers generally have a 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. deadline.
Local Magazines
Your objectives when dealing with local magazines will be similar to those with newspapers, with the primary difference being deadlines. Editorial deadlines for many monthly magazines are usually two to three months in advance of the publication date. When creating your media target list and timeline, be sure you recognize the early deadlines of this medium. Most magazines are feature-oriented. Researching and writing these more in-depth stories requires a longer period of time than the stories written by daily newspaper reporters. Sending a letter to a magazine reporter, and following up with a brief phone call, may be the most effective way of reaching him or her. These stories will generally be less timely, but more detailed, than those done by daily newspapers. They are a big help when media attention starts to lag and help you keep the momentum going.
Cable Television
The best way to arrange for a spokesperson appearance on a local cable talk show is to send a letter describing the situation and program to the producer of the show. Follow up with a phone call to ascertain interest. Send your letter about one month in advance of your desired coverage date and be sure to include the visual or video possibilities in your concept (footage of local officers enforcing the law, etc.). In addition, cable programming may have the best PSA placement opportunities. Contact the individual stations as you would the network TV stations.
Electronic Media
The Internet is a great way to get your message to the general public. When forming your coalition, a website designer and online writer would be immensely helpful in this area. Your site could include statistics, affiliate organizations and efforts, contact names for presentations and links to other coalitions, as well as links to a downloadable version of the campaign's PSA materials. Be sure to print your website address on any marketing materials and provide it to reporters. Another option is to piggyback on an existing city, hospital or law enforcement website. Most sites have contact names and numbers for more information.
Preparing for an Interview
- Ask for the reporter's name and the media organization for which he or she is reporting. However, it's best not to play favorites when deciding whether or not to grant an interview to a specific reporter. It may seem like a good idea in the short run, but in the long run it will damage your relationship with reporters and may come back to haunt you.
- When a reporter calls requesting an interview, you have a right to ask the subject of the interview and some sample questions. If you need time to collect your thoughts and the reporter's deadline allows, offer to call back later at a specific time - and follow through.
- Don't let yourself be ambushed by the media. If a reporter shows up in your office or calls at a time when you are unprepared, reschedule the interview for a time when you feel comfortable.
- Think of two to three main points you would like to make about the campaign. Gather facts, figures and anecdotes to support your points. Anticipate questions the reporter might ask and have responses ready.
- Have printed materials to support your information whenever possible, in order to help the reporter minimize errors. If time allows, offer to fax or mail the reporter printed information in advance of the interview.
- Be aware that reporters' schedules are determined by the breaking news of the day. Do not be offended if an interview gets canceled or rescheduled because a more urgent story arises.
During the Interview
- If you are being interviewed by phone, the reporter may be required by law to tell you when you are being recorded. If you're not certain, you should ask.
- Begin at a basic level. Avoid academic or technical jargon; explain special terms if you must use them.
- Be brief! We live in the age of the sound bite. Television and radio stories may use only a 10-30 second cut. The shorter your comments, the less likely they are to be edited. Even print reporters are looking for short, snappy quotes.
- There are five C's to success: Speak with conviction in a conversational manner, while retaining your composure. Be confident. Remember that you are the expert. Be colorful - tell stories and anecdotes that illustrate your point. Give examples.
- Stick to your main points and do not allow yourself to get drawn too far off on tangents. Most people make the mistake of talking too much. Repeat your points if necessary to get back on track.
- Speak in complete thoughts. The reporter's question may be edited out and your response should stand on its own.
- Don't overestimate a reporter's knowledge of your subject. When a reporter bases a question on information you believe is incorrect, do not hesitate to set the record straight. Offer background information where necessary.
- If you do not understand a question, ask for clarification rather than talking around it. If you do not have an answer, say so. Tell the reporter where to find the information, if possible.
- Never say, "No comment." Instead, if you cannot or do not choose to answer, explain briefly. For example, "It is our policy not to discuss lawsuits currently in litigation" or "I can't answer that because I haven't seen the research paper you are referring to."
- Avoid saying things "off the record." Reporters may or may not honor this, and it annoys them. If you don't want to hear it repeated in the media, do not say it.
- Be honest. Don't try to conceal negative information; rather, let your interviewer know what you are doing to solve a problem.
Tips for Broadcast Media
- For television interviews, plan to wear solid-color clothing, but avoid solid white. Stripes, plaids and other designs can cause problems with color TV pictures. Avoid large, jangling or reflective jewelry.
- Look in a mirror, if possible, just before going on camera. The reporter may not tell you that your collar is folded over or your hair is out of place.
- Choose a location where your can screen out extraneous noises. Hold your calls and turn off your computer, if possible. Avoid rooms with loud background hums from air conditioning or heating units.
- Find out in advance whether the interview is edited or "live." If you agree to a live interview, be sure you are comfortable thinking on your feet and responding off the cuff.
- In edited interviews, do not answer questions too quickly; pause briefly before answering. This helps the reporter get a "clean" sound bite and also has the added benefit of allowing you time to think out your answer.
- In edited interviews, it's O.K. to stop and start over again if you don't like the way you worded your answer.
- In a TV interview, look at the reporter - not at the camera. The only exception is in a satellite interview, when the reporter or anchor may not be on location. If you're uncertain where to look, ask.
- Stay stationary in front of radio or TV microphones and avoid sitting in a chair that rocks or spins. Wandering around or rocking your chair can cause the recorded volume to rise and fall.
- Be aware of and avoid nervous habits, such as pen tapping, that can interfere with the interview.
After the Interview
- Ask the reporter to identify you with your organization and title.
- In most instances, you will not have the opportunity to check over the reporter's story before it appears. However, you can ask questions at the end of an interview to test for comprehension. For example, you might inquire, "What do you think is the main story angle here?"
- You may want to ask when a story will appear. The reporter may not have an answer, but may provide the date when it is available.
- After reflecting on an interview, if you feel that you misspoke or gave incorrect information, call the reporter as soon as possible and let him or her know.
- Similarly, you can call with additional information if you forgot to make an important point.
- Give positive feedback to reporters, if merited, after a story appears. Like the rest of us, they usually hear only complaints and rarely get a call or note to say they've done a good job.
- If you are unhappy with a story, share your concerns with the reporter first. Contacting his or her editor is a last resort.
- For radio and TV stories, obtain a tape of the final broadcast if possible and critique your own performance, looking for ways you might improve in the future.
- If you have a clipping or tape, please share a copy with the FHWA Safety Office and provide your contact information.
Crafting Your Pitch
In order to get media placement, most public relations people make "pitches." We throw the story to journalists. Journalists hate to be bombarded with pitches, especially those pitches that are not relevant to their beat or specialty.
It is difficult to know exactly what each reporter's interest areas are, even with the use of databases. When you do figure out an interest area, there's no guarantee that:
- a) the journalist will pick up on your story, or
- b) the journalist is still even on that beat, since reporters change jobs and switch beats a lot.
Given this predicament, there are three basic ways you can build a media list to pitch a particular story:
Direct, fast pitches: Can be made when you know exactly who to send your story to, and you know that the story clearly and directly relates to their beat.
Slow pitches: Are made by tailoring your pitches for journalists who may have the ability to cover your story from an unusual angle that relates to their beat.
Wild Pitches: Are pitching everyone in sight, from the managing editor down to the lowliest cub reporter. Journalists hate this, but there's a reason PR people do it: it sometimes works and it's not that much more expensive than the other two approaches. The reason it sometimes works is that by spreading the story to the widest audience, you may find a reporter willing to do the story who otherwise might have slipped through the cracks.
The most effective way to use these pitches is to combine these styles to address a range of media that fits your target audience.
Phone Call Follow-Up
Phone calls are a very effective way to boost your placement results. Journalists are inundated with information. By calling to explain your release and/or activities, you can make important connections with journalists that may result in coverage that you would not have earned by other means.
When you place a media phone call, you are offering an opportunity for information gathering. The journalist can immediately obtain information without the work of doing additional research. Most of us can identify with looking for the most efficient route to take when completing our work. By helping make the task easier for the journalist, you can raise the likelihood that your story will be placed.
There are many ways to measure the success of your campaign. You must plan for whatever method you choose as you initiate the campaign. Some measurements must be taken before your launch in order for you to make comparisons, such as public surveys of knowledge and feelings about:
- Pedestrian facilities (knowledge of signs, signals, etc.)
- The importance of pedestrian safety concerns
- Likelihood of being involved in a pedestrian crash
- Risk factors for being involved in a pedestrian crash
Examples of possible survey questions include:
- Do you know what it means when the "Don't Walk" (or "hand") sign flashes?
- What does a marked crosswalk mean?
- What can you do to make yourself visible to drivers in the dark?
- Do you know what factors make you more at-risk for being hit as a pedestrian?
- Do you normally cross at a designated crossing location? If not why?
Examples of possible post-campaign survey questions include:
- Do you remember any of the campaign messages?
- Did the campaign change/effect your behavior?
Other methods of evaluation are based on response to your outreach. These include:
- Number of media placements
- Number of "impressions" made
- Dollar value of "earned media"
- Number of hits to your website
- Number of calls received by your 800 or other phone number
- Number of requests for materials
Evaluation and Fax-Back Forms
There are a number of ways to evaluate this campaign. If you have funding or a willing sponsor, you could conduct surveys with the general public to test recognition and retention of the campaign themes and messages. However, if this is not an option, you can still evaluate your campaign's success by keeping track of the number of earned media placements and the dollar value associated with each (what it would have cost if the media placement had been purchased). If you can include a website or hotline number in your campaign, you can also quantify website hits and calls. One easy way to track placement of your materials and/or information that is distributed by the media is to supply each of your contacts with a fax-back form and ask that they return it to you completed via fax. This form quickly and easily informs you about how your efforts have resulted in placement. Please see the example form for TV PSAs on the next page. Feel free to use it as a template for your own fax-back forms.
Television Fax-back Form (This sample can be modified for print, radio, etc.)
Alternative Outreach/Materials Placement
Other Materials
There are many materials that could enhance your local campaign. Feel free to develop materials that relate to the tested messages provided. Such materials could include:
- Activities for school-age children, including puzzles and coloring pages
- Advertisements on taxi cabs in urban areas targeting pedestrians and drivers
- Bumper stickers with campaign safety messages
- Internet banner PSAs
- Promotional materials
- PSAs for mass transit, including bus and subway PSAs
- Reflective giveaways for community events, fairs, and malls - including arm bands, hats, Velcro/tape, gloves, shoe laces, etc.
- Reflective backpack/jacket zipper tags for children
- Reflective keychains
- Refrigerator magnets with pedestrian and driver safety messages
- T-shirts featuring a logo and/or messages
Images have been included on the Campaign Materials CDs that can be used to personalize promotional materials. See pages 71 and 72.