To keep the campaign focused, it is important to develop your own goals and strategies. This Step-by- Step Guide contains recommendations. You can find a list of concepts for conducting your campaign on page 17. However, you may want to develop goals and strategies specific to your community's needs and local media opportunities. It is hoped that you will consider using these materials in your community through all media available to you - television, cinema, radio, electronic and print.
Overall Goals
In developing the Pedestrian Safety Campaign Planner, two target groups of pedestrians and drivers were identified at highest risk for involvement in crashes: young drivers (ages 18-25) and working-age adult pedestrians (ages 25-65). An audience-focused public information and education campaign was developed that addresses improved user practice and compliance with traffic safety devices. This campaign is designed to not only promote awareness of pedestrian safety measures (pedestrian signals, crosswalks, etc.) and associated safe behaviors, but also stimulate knowledge utilized by the two target audiences, as well as all other public and private sector audiences. The primary goal is to reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities. This can be accomplished by focusing on raising awareness and changing behavior through education, enforcement and engineering. This campaign strives to:
- Motivate drivers to look for and stop for pedestrians.
- Motivate pedestrians to use crosswalks and designated crossing locations.
- Educate pedestrians about, and encourage the proper use of, pedestrian signals.
- Encourage pedestrians to make themselves more visible in the dark, by wearing reflective clothing or carrying a flashlight.
Campaign Goals for Your Community
Your campaign goals should be based on the individual concerns of your community. Are there particular issues that are outstanding? Examine your pedestrian crash data, hold focus groups or town hall meetings. What issues emerge? Have you had pedestrians injured as a result of:
- A lack of understanding about pedestrian crossing signals?
- A failure of pedestrians to obey pedestrian traffic signals?
- A failure of drivers to look for pedestrians in crosswalks and unmarked crossings?
- Pedestrians walking in dark conditions?
Based upon the concerns you identify, the goals for your community could include:
- Increasing awareness about pedestrian safety issues.
- Increasing awareness about pedestrian traffic control devices (signs, signals, etc.).
- Motivating pedestrians to obey pedestrian traffic signals.
- Encouraging drivers to pay attention and stop for pedestrians.
Campaign Strategies For Your Community
To achieve your community's campaign goals, develop creative strategies for successful media placement. If you are not familiar with developing media strategies, find out if your state Department of Transportation (DOT) has a communications office, or ask a local public relations firm if they would be willing to provide some free advice in exchange for recognition in your campaign materials. Also, if you or someone you know has a friend in the media, see if they'd be willing to provide you with some pointers.
Some basic strategies for your campaign:"
- Form a local coalition of pedestrian safety advocates who have the time and are willing to make a significant contribution to the campaign. Your coalition might include key persons from law enforcement, education, engineering, health, elected officials and members of the media.
- Identify a media "champion," who will provide significant coverage of the campaign, preferably a local outlet with the largest audience base. Include the media champion in your coalition.
- Assign specific tasks for each coalition member, such as:
- Fundraising/Sponsor Outreach.
- Product Development and Printing (tailor the materials in the kit by adding your state or local logo, and print enough copies to send to all local media).
- Media Outreach.
- Conduct an aggressive media outreach campaign, including following up with a personal phone call to secure:
- Placements of the enclosed PSA materials in TV, radio and print media.
- Articles in local newspapers.
- News stories on local TV stations and radio stations.
- TV and radio interviews with members of the coalition and/or high-ranking local officials.
- Consider using the 6-event campaign (6-day, 6-week or 6-month) format as outlined in this planner on pages 17-19.
To get the media interested in your campaign, you need to show them why this issue is so important. This information is often called a "hook" or "angle." There are some basic hooks on page 24 of this guide. Be sure to tailor the hooks to fit your community, using local information such as local pedestrian injury/fatality statistics, a list of dangerous intersections, or a list of intersections where new or additional pedestrian safety engineering countermeasures are planned or have recently been installed.
The materials included in this kit contain messages targeted to both drivers and pedestrians. You may use the materials as is, or develop messages specific for your community. The messages in this campaign targeted to drivers include:
- Stop and Look for Pedestrians. Think of the Impact You Could Make.
- Watch Out for Pedestrians.
- Yield to Pedestrians.
The messages in this campaign targeted to pedestrians include:
- Wear Reflective Materials. Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Seen.
- Don't Take Chances. Obey Pedestrian Traffic Signals.
- Take the Time to Cross Safely. It Could Save Your Life... or Change it Forever.
See page 100 for a list of materials that indicate pedestrian/driver focus, page references and language.
Campaign Materials
The elements of the Pedestrian Safety Campaign Planner include:
Medium & Content
- (1) Pedestrian Safety Campaign Step-by Step Guide [this document]
Approximately 100 pages, including images of the print PSAs, posters and cinema slides - (1) Beta video (broadcast quality - for TV stations)
(4) TV PSAs - (1) Pocket folder
(1) sample press release
(1) set of guidelines
(2) brochures - (5) Posters
Based upon print PSAs
(2) 24" x 36"
(3) 11" x 17" - (1) Audio CD
(6) 30-second radio PSAs - (2) Data CDs
Electronic files including:- Data CD1
- (15) print ads in a variety of sizes
- (5) posters
- (2) brochures
- (8) cinema slides
- Images/icons for promotional products/items
- FHWA logo (positive and reversed)
- Fonts
- Data CD2
- (4) TV PSAs as a QuickTime/RealPlayer file
- (6) Press releases
- (15) Newspaper articles with artwork
- Data CD1