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FHWA Highway Safety Programs


  2. Hunter, W.W, J.C. Stutts, W.E. Pein, and C.L. Cox, 1996. Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Types of the Early 1990's. Publication No. FHWA-RD-95-163. Federal Highway Administration, McLean, VA. Available:
  3. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatality Analysis Reporting System, 2009. Available:
  4. Amish Buggy Safety on Ohio's State Roadway System, Analysis and Action Plan, Ohio Department of Transportation, September 2000. Available:
  5. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes on Rural Highways – Final Report, UNC Highway Safety Research Center, 2006. Available:
  6. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes on Rural Highways – Final Report, UNC Highway Safety Research Center, 2006. Available:
  7. Killing Speed and Saving Lives, U.K. Department of Transportation, London, 1987.
  8. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes on Rural Highways – Final Report, UNC Highway Safety Research Center, 2006. Available:
  9. A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes in Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida, Tampa. Available:
  10. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes on Rural Highways – Final Report, UNC Highway Safety Research Center, 2006. Available:
  11. Stutts, J.C. and W.W. Hunter, 1997. Injuries to Pedestrians and Bicyclists: An Analysis Based on Hospital Emergency Department Data, Publication No. FHWA-RD-99-078. Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, Washington DC. Available:
  12. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatality Analysis Reporting System
  13. Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE). Iowa State University. Handbook of Simplified Practice for Traffic Studies. Iowa DOT project TR-455. CTRE project 01-08. November 2002. Available:
  14. Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE). Iowa State University. Handbook of Simplified Practice for Traffic Studies. Iowa DOT project TR-455. CTRE project 01-08. November 2002. Available:
  15. Florida Department of Transportation. Quality/Level of Service Handbook. Available:
  22. NCHRP Synthesis 321: Roadway Safety Tools for Local Agencies. Available:
  23. Zegeer, C. V., Stewart, R., Huang, H., and Lagerwey, P., "Safety Effects of Marked Versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations: Executive Summary and Recommended Guidelines." FHWA-RD-01-075, McLean, Va., Federal Highway
    Administration, (2002).
  24. McMahon, Transportation Research Record 1674. Analysis of Factors Contributing to "Walking Along Roadway" Crashes.
  27. Federal Highway Administration. Rumble Strips and Stripes. Available:
  28. NCHRP Synthesis 412: Speed Reduction Techniques for Rural High-to-Low Speed Transitions. Transportation Research Board. 2011.
  29. Traffic Calming Definition. Lockwood, I. ITE Journal, Washington, D.C., July 1997.
  30. Sullivan, J. and M. Flannagan. Implications of Fatal and Nonfatal Crashes for Adaptive Headlighting. The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Ann Arbor, Michigan, Report No. UMTRI-2006-1, April 2006.
  31. Klauer, (2006). The Impact of Driver Inattention on Near-Crash/Crash Risk: An Analysis Using the 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study Data. Washington, D.C. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  32. National Center for Safe Routes to School. Teaching Children to Walk Safely as they Grow and Develop. Available:
  33. NHTSA. English as a Second Language Teachers and Learners. Available:
  34. NHTSA. Stepping Out. Available:
  35. FHWA. Bicycle Safety Educational Resource Center. Available:
  36. University of New Mexico. Pedestrian Safety Enforcement: Public Awareness. Available:
  37. A Guide to Developing Quality Crash Modification Factors. Federal Highway Administration, December 2010. Available:
  38. Highway Safety Manual, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2010. Available: