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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Missouri Department of Transportation Evaluation of Project Proves Systemic Planning Process is Beneficial

Publication Year:

Original publication: FHWA Safety Program | Missouri Case Study (PDF, 202kB)

Overview of Practice

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) used the concepts discussed in the Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool to evaluate a project that was developed using a systemic planning process. MoDOT evaluated the effects of adding edge line pavement markings to 570 miles of rural, two-lane State highways with average daily traffic volumes between 400 and 1000 vehicles.


Crash data collected after the project provided proof that implementing low-cost countermeasures on low-volume roads with low-crash frequency and density yields a reduction in crashes. While evidence was stronger for total crashes, there was still a net reduction in fatal and severe injury crashes on improved corridors. Evaluation results can be used by decision-makers to decide whether to continue or discontinue funding or to implement a particular countermeasure for a focus crash type on a focus facility. In this manner, limited safety funding can be appropriately directed to the projects and locations that will produce the most benefit in terms of reduced crashes for the least investment.


John P. Miller, P.E.
Traffic Safety Engineer
Missouri Department of Transportation