FAQs: Public Comments on Roadside Hardware
FAQs on public comments, questions, and concerns about an existing Federal – Aid eligibility letter for a roadside hardware device
1. Question. How should comments or complaints regarding FHWA’s issuance of a Federal-Aid eligibility letter for a roadside hardware device be submitted to FHWA?
Answer: Written comments should be submitted to the following addresses:
If you send by mail delivery services such as USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex:
Office of Safety
Safety Design Team (HSST)
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590
Attention: Roadway Departure Safety Program
If you send electronically:
2. Question: Do comments or complaints about the issuance of a Federal-Aid eligibility letter for a roadside hardware device need to be in writing?
Answer: Yes, all comments to FHWA need to be in writing and be as detailed as possible.
3. Question: Will FHWA share any comments or complaints received with the manufacturer or testing facility?
Answer: FHWA may share these comments with the testing facility, manufacturer, or any other interested party.