1. FHWA "Road Diet Informational Guide." November 2014.
2. FHWA "Evaluation of Lane Reduction 'Road Diet' Measures on Crashes." FHWA Report No. FHWA-HRT-10-053. (Washington, D.C: 2010)
3. Stout, Thomas B., Before and After Study of Some Impacts of 4-Lane to 3-Lane Roadway Conversions. March 2005.
4. Welch, T. The Conversion of Four Lane Undivided Urban Roadways to Three Lane Facilities. 1999.
5. FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty. "Livability Initiative" web page. Available at: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/livability/
6. Knapp, K., T. Welch, J. Witmer. Converting Four-Lane Undivided Roadways to a Three-Lane Cross Section: Factors to Consider.
7. Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. Regional Road Diet Analysis Feasibility Assessment. 2008.
Where to Learn More
Additional information on Road Diets is available on FHWA Office of Safety website: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/road_diets.