Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons Make Roads Safer For All Users
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety | June 2021
Pedestrian hybrid beacons
Source: ADOT
In 2019, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) worked with the Texas A&M Transportation Institute to conduct a research study on pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHB). The study evaluated the effectiveness of PHB at assisting pedestrians crossing a street or highway at marked, un-signalized crosswalks. PHB use a system of indicator lights and signs to alert drivers and controls vehicle traffic.
The study evaluated a total of ten locations across the State. Important takeaways included improved safety for pedestrians on roadways with posted speed limits from 40 to 50 miles per hour. Overall, the study showed that 97 percent of drivers yielded to pedestrians at these locations resulting in a 25 percent decrease in total crashes, a 46 percent reduction in pedestrian-involved crashes and a 29 percent reduction in severe rear-end crashes.
In 2020, ADOT received a “Sweet 16” award from the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for the study. The “Sweet 16” recognizes the top 16 “High Value” research projects for 2020.
Evaluation of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons on Arizona Highways study
Evaluation of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons and Rapid Flashing Beacons (FHWA report, FHWA-HRT-16-040)