Original publication: Every Day Counts Project Case Study: High Friction Surface Treatments – West Virginia Department of Transportation (PDF, 814kB)
Key Accomplishments
West Virginia has a high number of run-off-the-road crashes. Their goal of applying High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST) at these locations is to reduce the number of crashes. They intend to look at the total number of accidents 3 years after application.
WV DOT officials will look at the total number of accidents 3 years after the application of these HFST treatments.
WV 14 in Wirt County is a typical two-lane road in West Virginia with an ADT of 3400. The site is located at a six-degree horizontal curve. Prior to application, this site had four wet weather crashes in a span of 3 years. No skid testing reading was available prior to the project, but it had a reading higher than 69 after installation. The project was completed in October 2012. The total linear feet of installation is 420.
WV 20 in Mercer County is a two-lane road in southern West Virginia with an ADT of 7200 compromising mostly of commuters. The site is located at a series of horizontal curves. Prior to the application, this site had four run-off-the road crashes in a span of 3 years. No skid testing reading was available prior to the project, but it had a reading higher than 69 upon project completion. The project was completed in August 2011. The total linear feet of installation is 2,200.

Donna Hardy
P.E., Mobility and Safety Engineer
WV Division of Highways, Traffic Engineering Division WV DOT
Joseph Cheung
P.E., HFST Lead
FHWA Office of Safety