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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Washington State and Tribes Share Data to Improve Transportation Safety

Publication Year:

Summary from: Roadway Safety Data Program | Washington State and Tribal Data Sharing Partnerships | FHWA-SA-16-111


In Washington State, the traffic fatality rate for Native Americans is 3.5 times higher than the rest of the population. Tribal and State agencies have recognized the need for improved data in order to accurately identify and address Tribal transportation safety challenges. In 2007, the Washington State developed the eTRIP/SECTOR software program to efficiently bring together data sources and share data. While some Tribes have begun using the software, other Tribes have expressed data security concerns. Washington Traffic Safety Commission has been working as liaison between Tribal agencies and the eTRIP/SECTOR team to address those concerns and facilitate Tribal transportation data sharing.

Read the Case Study Washington State and Tribal Data Sharing Partnerships for more detailed information.