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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

SHSP Project Seed Money

Publication Year:

Original publication: SHSP Implementation Process Model, Supplement Number 1 – Case Studies; FHWA-SA-10-025; 2010 (PDF, 1MB)

Key Accomplishments

  • Dedicated significant funding to SHSP implementation.
  • Developed criteria for project identification and a prioritization process based on expected fatality reduction.
  • Reenergized emphasis area teams.

After Georgia’s initial development of the SHSP, stakeholder participation in the process slowed and dedication to the implementation process needed a boost. Stakeholders needed clear incentives to participate in the process and tangible implementation tools. Therefore, Georgia decided to allocate $10 million seed money from the §406 Safety Belt Performance Award to fund implementation of SHSP programs and projects.

The SHSP Leadership Team is responsible for deciding which projects are funded through the seed money. Project ideas first come from the emphasis area task teams, and the Leadership Team prioritizes projects based on benefit/cost, expected fatality reduction, and the extent to which projects address SHSP emphasis areas. A project prioritization matrix is used to rank proposed projects based on the extent to which each one will reduce fatalities. The matrix uses the estimated percent contribution of each emphasis area addressed by the project to the total number of fatalities Statewide to calculate a project score. The score is then used to rank proposed SHSP projects. The team intends to fund strategies and/or projects that address as many of the 4Es (e.g.; engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency response) as possible.

The implementation funds serve as an incentive for SHSP stakeholders to collaborate on multidisciplinary projects and work beyond agency boundaries. Because projects addressing the 4Es are difficult to implement within a single agency, the Leadership Team places an emphasis on providing resources for these projects.


The SHSP process has gained momentum and received renewed interest as a result of this new funding strategy. Dedicated funding provides an incentive for partners representing the 4Es to collaborate on projects and for the 4Es to be incorporated into overall strategies.

Randy Clayton
SHSP Operations Manager
Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety