Arkansas and Arizona
In many States, the district office maintenance divisions serve as the most visible part of the Department of Transportation (DOT). They live on the front line, responding to emergencies day and night, and keeping the traveling public safe in every kind of weather and calamity. They generally possess detailed knowledge of every section of the district's roads, including current problem areas and those likely to be problematic in the future.
Some State DOTs find innovative ways to tap into the extensive knowledge of their maintenance staff. In Arkansas, the DOT uses maintenance crews to analyze crash sites and recommend next steps for addressing related safety issues. These on-site reviews help confirm the previous analysis, identify any additional conditions that may have contributed to the crash, and start the process of identifying possible countermeasures.
Agencies typically conduct site assessments at the time of day when the safety issues were reported, and the around-the-clock availability of maintenance services lends itself to this kind of flexibility and responsiveness. Information collected during the assessment includes roadway geometry, lane/shoulder width, access, sight distance, operations, traffic, existing traffic control devices, etc. Involving additional safety partners during the on-site review when possible can also be beneficial and is encouraged.
Maintenance crews often act as the eyes and ears of the DOT, and may be the first to recognize areas where safety issues need to be addressed. In Arizona, safety offices leverage this knowledge by reviewing current maintenance records to identify potential problems before crash data triggers an action. Maintenance records have become a channel for quickly sharing safety related information.
Specifically, each Arizona DOT Engineering District monitors and records repeat maintenance issues, which can indicate the location of potential safety concerns. For example, records indicating that a specific light pole is continually in need of repair due to repeated vehicle impacts might point to a problem with the pole's location. In this way, maintenance data helps identify specific problem areas.
Key Accomplishments
- Arkansas DOT leverages the knowledge, experience, and availability of their maintenance crews to conduct crash analyses.
- Arizona DOT uses maintenance records to identify possible safety issues.
District maintenance crews often have a unique knowledge of and dedication to the safety of the system under their care. They also possess a proficiency in the identification of safety related issues, and maintain detailed records. By drawing on those assets, Departments of Transportation increase the readily available resources to identify and address safety issues.
Jesse Gutierrez
Arizona DOT State Engineers Office
1615 W. Jackson St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 712-8274