Despite a notable percentage of fatalities occurring on local roads, there is low county, city, and local agency participation in the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
Noteworthy Solution
In 2014, California formed a local HSIP Advisory Committee to increase local agency participation in California's HSIP and to support the states goal to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on California public roads. The Advisory Committee provides California's local HSIP and other safety programs with safety guidance on California's local roadways. Committee members include the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) - Division of Local Assistance, U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Local Technical Assistance Program, and local agencies throughout California.
This practice is from the FHWA publication "Noteworthy Practices Manual - For Local Agencies Implementing Federal-Aid Highway Safety Improvement Program Projects." Download a PDF of the entire manual or view the HTML version.