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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Illinois Implements Enterprise Data Governance Approach for Improved Road Safety

Publication Year:

Summary from: Roadway Safety Data Program | Roadway Safety Data Governance in Illinois | FHWA-SA-16-108


The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has implemented an enterprise data governance approach for managing the collection, storage, distribution, and usage of data across the organization. IDOT has also established a spatially-enabled data warehouse to integrate crash, roadway, and traffic data. The Illinois Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (ITRCC) serves as IDOT’s formal safety data governance group, which include the Engineering Subcommittee and the Data Quality Subcommittee. The Engineering Subcommittee is developing a comprehensive safety data system to enable safety analyses, which includes identifying severe crash locations and segments, prioritizing locations for treatment, and performing systemic safety analyses. The Data Quality Subcommittee ensures availability of complete, accurate, and timely motor vehicle crash data for transportation safety decision-making. IDOT also offers safety analysis tools, provides safety data training and technical assistance, and promotes local access to crash and roadway data. Through these various data governance and management activities, IDOT integrates a wide variety of safety-related data for decision making in comprehensive transportation program development.

Read the Case Study Roadway Safety Data Governance in Illinois for more detailed information.