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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Electronic Communication System

Publication Year:

Original publication: SHSP Implementation Process Model, Supplement Number 1 – Case Studies; FHWA-SA-10-025; 2010 (PDF, 1MB)

Key Accomplishments

  • Utilized existing communication tool that was easily implemented at no cost.
  • Established single Web site location to post documents, disseminate information, and communicate updates.
  • Reduced need for travel and face-to-face meetings while increasing level of information sharing.

In developing the SHSP and following up on its implementation, New Jersey needed a means to efficiently communicate with the members of its Safety Management Task Force. NJDOT wanted to establish a system enabling safety partners to post documents and resources, communicate information, and distribute updates on SHSP progress. A similar system had already been established on the Rutgers University Web site to facilitate student-faculty communication utilizing a free, open-source collaboration and courseware management platform. In partnership with NJDOT, Rutgers developed and hosted a Web-based communication system specifically for SHSP participants, utilizing the capabilities of the preexisting Web-based system.

The NJDOT safety coordinator directed specifications and design of the system. Once the concept was established, the university developed and launched the system within a week. No formal agreement between the State and Rutgers was necessary and no funding was required other than staff time to set up the system. This system supports communication among safety partners outside NJDOT, which is fundamental to the success of SHSP implementation.

While the system was designed to be a tool useful for educators, it has a wide range of components enabling group interaction. Project sites can be made publicly available or limited only to users invited to join. Some of the tools made available for the SHSP group were announcements, chat room, e-mail, e-mail archive, schedule, and resources. Each site incorporates an e-mail listserv so the site owner can communicate with the group easily, without having to manage large groups from personal e-mail accounts. One of the best features is the resources page that allows users to post documents to share with the group, negating the need for a separate FTP site.


The electronic communication system provided an effective tool to keep SHSP partners informed and engaged, without being overbearing. The tool not only allows for the distribution of information but also for interaction and communication among partners, reducing the need to conduct time-consuming and expensive face-to-face meetings.

Sarah Weissman
Program Manager
Transportation Safety Resource Center
732-445-0579, Ext. 135