Original publication: National Roadway Safety Awards: Noteworthy Practices Guide; 2011 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Description of Practice
With roughly 10 percent of all roadway fatalities in the United States, California has a well-established process for identifying and constructing safety improvements. However, these processes did not capture the over 600 individual local agencies eligible for Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding.
Key Accomplishments and Results:
- Tool to satisfy the long-term Caltrans objective of making data-driven safety decisions
- User-friendly tool that makes fair and reliable statewide project selections following Federal guidelines for proven safety countermeasures.
- Encourages local agencies to put a great emphasis on roadway safety through network analysis and low-cost safety projects.
- Data-driven HSIP project selections at the local level
Ted Davini
California Department of Transportation