Reduced Left–Turn Conflict Intersections

Reduced left–turn conflict intersections are a Proven Safety Countermeasure that rely on U–turns to complete certain left–turn movements. The restricted crossing U–turn (RCUT) and the median U–turn (MUT) are featured designs under this category.
Outreach and Education Resources
- RCUT Guided Tour – Video
- RCUT Public Service Announcement – Audio Recording
Transcript - Proven Safety Countermeasure: Reduced Left–Turn
Conflict Intersections - Alternative Intersection Video Playlist – includes RCUT and
MUT intersections
Reduced Crossing U–Turn Intersections
- Restricted Crossing U–Turn Intersection Brochure
- Restricted Crossing U–Turn Case Studies
- Minnesota's First Restricted Crossing U–Turn Intersections (J–Turns)
- North Carolina's Experience with Restricted Crossing U–Turn Superstreets
Median U–Turn Intersections
- Median U–Turn Intersection Brochure
- Median U–Turn Case Studies
Technical Materials and Research
Reduced Crossing U–Turn Intersections
- Restricted Crossing U–Turn Intersection Informational Guide
- Safety Evaluation of Signalized Restricted Crossing U–Turn Intersections Tech Brief
- A Study of the Traffic Safety at Reduced Conflict Intersections in Minnesota
- Best Practices for the Design and Operation of Reduced Conflict Intersections
- Evaluation of Truck and Agricultural Vehicle Behavior at Reduced Conflict Intersections Final Report
- Evaluation of Truck and Agricultural Vehicle Behavior at Reduced Conflict Intersections Tech Summary
- NCDOT Traffic Safety Unit Programs Synchronized Streets Evaluation
Median U–Turn Intersections
Connections to Other Transportation Safety Topics
- The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) EDC–2 initiative for Intersection and Interchange Geometrics developed educational materials about RCUTs, MUTs, and other intersection designs
- RCUTs and MUTs are great options to consider in an agency's corridor access management plan
- Roundabouts are an intersection option that eliminates left–turn conflict points
- Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) policies and tools can help agencies choose an optimal intersection design
Last updated: Thursday, July 25, 2024